The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 776: Place of experience (2)

"Master, don't be fooled by the name. Although it is called Peace Valley, it is not peaceful. Master will know later." Yun Tuan quickly reminded Xiang Luo, but he could not say more.

Since it is here for training, it has said everything, what training role does it have for the owner?

The fragrance fell clearly, and the consciousness became more vigilant, paying careful attention to the front, back, left and right.

But after walking for a while, Peace Valley has not yet appeared. Yan Xiangluo knew in her heart that the more this happened, the more she could not relax, otherwise it would be impossible to guard against danger if it suddenly appeared.

Her current cultivation level is the Saint level, which is the bottom line for entry. She doesn't dare to rely on it. She can protect her life here.

After walking for a while, it was half an hour since she entered the place of training. Heping Valley still didn't appear, but she did see people.

 A woman in green clothes saw her and said in surprise, "Oh my God, I finally saw someone. Otherwise, I would have suspected that I was the only one here."

Yan Xiangluo did not let down her guard, because this person was not the one they brought in. Although they brought in many people, her photographic memory was not a show-off. Known.

So who is this woman?

It is people from other higher continents, people from the Nine Heavens, or it is a test in the Valley of Peace.

Her Celestial Master is very powerful. If it is an illusion, she should be able to sense it immediately. This person is indeed a real person.

Thought she had seen her luck. A woman's luck is good, at least good luck. If there is no danger in this experience, she will go through it safely and the harvest will be good.

Even so, Yan Xiangluo did not relax her vigilance.

“Girl, are you alone?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

"I came in with my brother and friends. They were separated as soon as we came in. I've been walking alone for three days and haven't encountered anything. I doubt this place is for training. Why is there no danger at all, let alone What an opportunity, am I not very lucky?" the woman complained.

Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes flashed, she had been here for three days, and she was really not from their Jiuyuan Continent.

 Now it turns out that people from other higher continents can indeed come in here.

Yan Xiangluo no longer needs to use her mind-reading skills specifically. She can hear the other person's voice whenever she wants to, and there is no restriction on people with lower cultivation levels than her.

 So she heard the woman's voice, "Oh my god, I finally saw someone. I've been scared to death for the past three days. I feel like I'm the only one left in the world."

Yu Xiangluo was speechless, this person is still a strong person but a strong person.

“Girl, you haven’t encountered anything in the three days since you came here. You are so lucky.” Yan Xiangluo said with a smile.

The woman looked at Yan Xiangluo and said, "Are you in danger?"

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "Not yet."

The woman breathed a sigh of relief and thought to herself: Fortunately, she is just like me, otherwise I would have suspected that I was out of luck.

"My name is He Siyun, what's your name?" the woman said in a familiar voice.

 “嘘香鲁.” Yanxiangluo didn’t hide her name either.

"Wow, your surname is actually "妘". Is that "妘" the same as "妘" next to the girl?" He Siyun exclaimed after hearing her name, and looked her up and down several times.

"Yes." This was the first time someone asked her after hearing her name if she had the character "妘" next to the female character in her surname.

 “Are you from the Yu family, the largest family in mainland China?” He Siyun said in disbelief.

"No." Yan Xiangluo didn't know which continent she was talking about, the Yu family, the first family in the mainland, but she was definitely not from that family. "How is it possible? There are only first-class families in mainland China with the surname Pangju." He Siyun said in disbelief.

"Girl, is it possible that we are not from the same continent?" Yan Xiangluo reminded helplessly.

He Siyun was stunned for a moment and asked, "I am from Shihai Continent, which continent are you from?"

 “I’m from Jiuyuan Continent.” Yan Xiangluo said matter-of-factly.

He Siyun looked at her curiously, "Oh my God, I actually met people from other continents."

Yan Xiangluo shrugged, "It's an honor. I didn't expect to meet people from other continents."

He Siyun quickly accepted the fact that Yan Xiangluo and she were not from the same mainland, and his mind was full of thoughts.

“I’m so lucky to have met someone from another continent, and she’s such a pretty girl.”

 “Oh my God, I’m so excited.”

“No, I am relying on her and must practice with her. Just looking at her every day makes me feel very good.”

“Seeing as her cultivation level is at the Saint level, it is much lower than mine. I can still protect her when in danger.”

“Her skin is so good. I really want to pinch her face. Is it soft and smooth?”


Yan Xiangluo felt like there were a hundred birds chirping in her ears. She didn't expect that He Siyun, who looked very calm, could be such a nonsensical person inside.

"Miss He, is this your first time coming here to practice?" Yan Xiangluo quickly interrupted her reverie.

As expected, He Siyun's train of thought was led away by Yan Xiangluo, "No, I came in for the second time."

Yan Xiangluo's eyes lit up and she immediately asked, "Then you should be familiar with this place, right?"

He Siyun suddenly withered, "I'm not very lucky. The first time I came in, that's it. I was alone all the time. I walked and walked for a month. I didn't encounter any dangers, let alone opportunities. After a month of going out, the same thing will happen when you go out. If the people who came in together had not improved their cultivation and had adventures, I would have suspected that I had entered a fake place of training. "

Yu Xiangluo is speechless, can this still be the case?

The land of experience will let a person get nothing after entering, and even prevent the other person from encountering danger?

Yan Xiangluo just casually showed He Siyun's luck path. This time she was curious and used the power of soul control to look at He Siyun's luck path.

After seeing her luck, Yan Xiangluo was speechless. She wanted to ask He Siyun as soon as possible. This person's luck was so special. He could avoid danger perfectly. This also allowed her to grow up without hardship. But similarly, she would also Many opportunities are missed.

 Would he be affected by her luck if he stayed with her?

The purpose of her coming in was to speed up her slowed down cultivation, and then break through the last hurdle of the Pangu Flower Blooming Technique and successfully break through to the **** level.

If you go with He Siyun, you won't encounter nothing, right?

"Yun Tuan, can you lure He Siyun away?" Yan Xiangluo used her spiritual consciousness to communicate with Yun Tuan.

Yun Tuan said doubtfully, "Why, wouldn't it be nice to have a companion?"

Yan Xiangluo told Yun Tuan about He Siyun's luck. After hearing this, Yun Tuan said indifferently, "Master, don't worry, no one can affect the master's luck. It was her fate that He Siyun met the master, otherwise she would come in this time." Still found nothing.”

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