The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 797: Disgusted so much

How could such a powerful person enter the first training ground?

  The minimum cultivation level for the first Geography experience is the Holy level, and the highest level cannot exceed the God level. In other words, people with cultivation levels above Wendu cannot enter the first training place.

But there are also people among them who have the cultivation of gods and understand formations. Who can make the spiritual energy form such a powerful vortex?

If there really is such a person, how incredible is her talent?

The little girl in the fiery red dress in front of them has good talents, but they still don't believe that she has such incredible strength.

In the end, those few people uprooted the entire tree and checked every leaf on the ground and underground to make sure there was nothing.

 Everyone was disappointed.

Although they want to find out what is going on, if the treasure is not born here, but is deliberately done by people, who would dare to provoke someone with such strength.

 What is the most important purpose of the other party, just to trap the little girl in the tree?

 Could it be that he covets the beauty of the little girl?

It doesn't seem to make sense. He is so strong. If he really covets the beauty of the little girl, he can just abduct her. How can it be so troublesome?

Yan Xiangluo didn't seem to notice how ugly their expressions were at all. She thanked everyone with a bright smile, "Thank you for saving me. You are such good people."

  Hearing her thanks, the person who was given the good guy card to help break the formation and rescue her was not happy at all.

  Why do you feel that so many of them, so many god-level experts, came all the way as fast as they could, just to save a little girl with a talent level of cultivation?

If this word gets out, they will all feel embarrassed.

 Therefore, no one responded to Yan Xiangluo’s thanks, but left Yukong expressionlessly one by one.

Yan Xiangluo waved goodbye to them nonchalantly and muttered, "What a group of good people."

Everyone was speechless, and the corners of their mouths and eyes twitched together. This girl was so beautiful, but she felt a little silly.

 Then everyone shook their heads and left.

When everyone was almost gone, Yan Xiangluo happily ran towards Ji Jiuchong and threw herself into his arms.

"Jiuzhong, I'm scared to death. I just sat on it to recover my cultivation, but why am I trapped on it? If it weren't for that group of good people, you wouldn't even be able to see me."

Ji Jiuzhong reached out to catch the person who was running towards her, held her in his arms and watched her playing tricks lovingly. Although he knew she was pretending, Ji Jiuzhong found that he liked her very much.

So he cooperated and coaxed her, "Don't be afraid, even if they can't break the formation, I can break it."

Yan Xiangluo lay in his arms and nodded, "None of them are as powerful as you."

 Those who had not yet had time to leave heard their conversation and looked at each other. Then they looked up at those who had left. Why did they feel that so many strong men were despised? And people don’t necessarily need their rescue, no, they have a lot of them themselves.

They all felt that something was wrong, but they couldn't figure it out. They all shook their heads and left.

 Actually, the real meaning of Yan Xiangluo's words was not revealed, but Ji Jiuzhong knew it.

No one else noticed that the formation had been slightly changed, but Ji Jiuzhong, whose consciousness had been on the tree, could sense it very clearly. This girl disliked those people who had low formation attainments and were too slow to break the formation, so she lowered the difficulty of the formation. The main meaning of this sentence is not to praise herself, but that she dislikes those who break the formation.

The people of Jiuyuan City were speechless and looked to the sky. It turned out that this was how the two of them got along in private. They look no different from men and women falling in love. It's just that Ji Jiuzhong was so patient with his beloved woman, which surprised them.

 After all, in their eyes, Ji Jiuzhong was a man with a serious expression and a cold expression.

At this time, Ji Jiuchong was freezing somewhere, and her cold phoenix eyes were filled with tenderness.

Ji Jiuchong like this made them feel more trustworthy.

“They were trying to find a way to save you before, but I stopped them.” The two of them stood side by side for a while, and Ji Jiuzhong held Yuan Xiangluo’s hand and said.

Although these people did not help Luoluo, they still want to let Luoluo know their intentions. There are not many trustworthy people in the world.

Yan Xiangluo was also surprised. They actually wanted to save themselves in front of so many powerful people. At least they were not ungrateful people.

 She smiled and saluted them, "Thank you very much."

Everyone waved their hands sheepishly, "It's the people of Jiuyuan Continent who should help each other. Besides, we didn't help with anything."

Yu Xiangluo said, "You deserve my thanks for having such a heart."

She is a person who repays kindness with kindness and revenge with hatred. If you treat me well, I will repay you ten points, and vice versa.

After exchanging pleasantries, the people from Jiuyuan Continent asked them where they were going next.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "Originally, there was no specific goal. I heard that there is a central training place in the training place. It is also the center of the entire first training place. Not only does it have the highest training, but also the treasures left behind. The most important thing is As long as you can reach it, there will be unimaginable opportunities. I just don’t know the specific direction. Although I want to go, I don’t know where to go, so let’s walk and see!”

 The place he was talking about was exactly the place Ji Zimo told them that they must go, otherwise the opportunity to enter the first training place would be wasted.

That place is the essence of the entire first training place. Anyone who has been there will improve a lot in their cultivation. The most important thing is that there are opportunities beyond their imagination.

Since these people had the idea of ​​helping Luoluo before, he didn't mind reminding them. As for whether they can go to the central place, it also depends on their respective opportunities.

Sure enough, people in Jiuyuan Continent all thanked Ji Jiuzhong after hearing what he said. Although Ji Jiuzhong did not tell them the specific place, none of them suspected that Ji Jiuzhong was hiding selfish motives. After all, if he really had selfish motives, he would not bring him They come in, let alone tell them.

They did not stay any longer, nor did they ask to go with Ji Jiuzhong and the others. They said goodbye to the two of them and left one after another.

It was only then that Yan Xiangluo realized belatedly that the place where she had been training had disappeared. How could it have disappeared?

 Before the people from the Nine Yuan Continent left, the people from other continents had already left. After all, there was nothing left but a waste of time.

 Therefore, now only she and Ji Jiuchong are left.

Yan Xiangluo called Yun Tuan out again and continued to put it on her shoulders. Yun Tuan was indispensable in the first place of experience.

 Among them, only Yun Tuan knew about the first training place.

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