The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 799: Some appearance

Ji Jiuyang nodded and said, "That's true. The reason why we are separated as soon as we come in is because the training place sends everyone to the appropriate training place according to the cultivation level and strength of the people who come in."

Yan Xiangluo continued to explore the training ground, "This is indeed more suitable. People with the same strength are in the same training ground. Even if they have to face each other, they will still be comparing each other's strength. After all, their cultivation and strength are about the same. It is dangerous. Are the same."

After finishing her words, she added, "Why does it feel like the place of experience is alive?"

Ji Jiuzhongfeng narrowed his eyes, "I'm also curious, is this place left over from ancient times, or was it created by some powerful person?"

Yan Xiangluo's consciousness sensed a place where the spiritual energy was particularly strong. She said excitedly, "I feel that the spiritual energy of a place is particularly strong. It's in the southeast corner of our direction, about three hundred miles away. A mountain like an awl.”

Ji Jiuzhong heard her description. It was the same mountain he could see when he came, and it was in the right direction, so he said, "Yes, that's the direction. Let's rush there as soon as possible!"

Yan Xiangluo also agreed. Walking too slowly was a waste of time. They didn't have time to waste on rushing. Since there was no training place suitable for them around, they might as well go directly to the place where Ji Jiuzhong said the spiritual energy was particularly strong. .

They held hands and flew towards their destination.

I don't feel that this is a waste of spiritual energy at all. People who practice here will not try to fly in the air easily, especially those whose cultivation is below the **** level. After all, it also consumes spiritual energy. Only by conserving strength can you practice better. You can also protect yourself when encountering danger.

 The two of them were extremely fast, and within a quarter of an hour, they reached a place with strong spiritual energy.

Yan Xiangluo has been controlling the direction with her spiritual consciousness. When she got to the place, she was somewhat familiar with the geographical environment.

In front of us stood a series of cone-like peaks that stretched far and wide. The mountain peaks towered into the clouds, but there was not a trace of green on the mountain peaks. At the foot of the mountain peaks, there were lush trees and green grass. As an alchemist, Xiangluo's instinct was to smell the scent of countless types of elixirs.

 Just by looking at this breath, she could tell that the elixir inside was over 10,000 years old. And they are all rare species, any one of which is difficult to obtain in the mainland outside.

This is too tempting for the alchemist, and Yan Xiangluo is no exception, she is extremely excited. It’s been a long time since the medicinal fields in Pangu space were enriched.

 The spiritual energy can be absorbed and used for cultivation, and the medicinal materials can be harvested and planted in the Pangu space for elixir refining.

This is simply her paradise.

"Yun Tuan, do you know where this is?" Although Yan Xiangluo was tempted by the scent of the elixir, her reason was still there.

Ji Jiuzhong narrowed his eyes. Although he noticed that the spiritual energy here was particularly strong on the way to Luoluo, he did not investigate carefully because he was worried about Luoluo. Now when he arrived, Ji Jiuzhong found that there was something familiar to him in the spiritual energy here. I can’t say exactly what it is, but there is a sense of familiarity.

Yun Tuan's dark eyes burst out with excitement. Although there are many spiritual energy treasures in the first training place, there are only a few spiritual energy treasures that the master can absorb freely. The master unexpectedly encountered one like this.

"Master, this is the Spiritual Medicine Valley, a place of experience. It is a real place, not a place of experience. As long as the first place of experience is there, it will not disappear. But this does not mean that there is no danger in it. After all, it is a place that has existed for a long time. , no matter what kind of spiritual creature it is, it should be very strong."

Yun Tuan has now regained the strength of the divine beast and can speak human words, so its words can be heard by Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong. Ji Jiuzhong glanced at the cloud and said, "I dare to feel that there is a familiar aura in it, but I don't know what it is specifically. Do you know why?"

Yun Tuan answered happily, "I know, but I can't tell you."

 Yun Tuan felt a little proud, and finally felt proud in front of him for once.

Ji Jiuzhong’s mouth twitched. Since the cloud regained the strength of the divine beast, it is not that afraid of him anymore.

Yan Xiangluo shook his hand, "Since you sense the familiar atmosphere, there must be an opportunity for you."

Ji Jiuzhong frowned, "I'm worried that we will be separated after we go in."

Yan Xiangluo had already figured out after improving her realm in the previous training place. This time she came in mainly to experience her own realm and completely eliminate the factors that would become her inner demons.

As long as the realm is raised to the requirements of the third life-and-death barrier of the Pangu Flower Blossom Technique, you can break through.

 Hence, she now knows exactly how she should practice.

She raised her head and looked at Ji Jiuzhong and said seriously, "Even outside, we will be separated when we encounter a place of experience. Don't have any obsession in your heart, we will just let nature take its course and look for our own opportunities. Don't Worry about me, since you have come in, practice hard and look for opportunities that belong to you. It is also a good thing to improve your strength here. I have already understood what I want to experience this time. Whether I can break through to the **** level depends on my realm. Whether or not I can reach that height is the opportunity for breakthrough. Now I mainly focus on improving my level and stabilizing it, and then completely eliminating the factors that may become my inner demons. This kind of experience is really good. It can only be done by myself."

Yan Xiangluo spoke very seriously, and Ji Jiuzhong listened very seriously. Hearing her say such words, Ji Jiuzhong would be lying if he said he was not shocked.

He was indeed a little obsessed before, and his original intention of coming in was indeed to help Luoluo improve his cultivation level and break through to the **** level as soon as possible to pass the third life and death hurdle of Pangu Huakai.

But he ignored the significance of setting up three levels in the Pangu Flower Blooming Technique itself. It also ignores the meaning of experience itself. Experience is not about who helps others, but belongs to oneself.

He, who has always been smart, actually got confused in this matter, just because he cared about Luo Luo, and it was true that he was confused when he cared about Luo Luo.

This also made him realize that the status in his heart was already higher than others, even higher than his own safety and future.

 After thinking about it, he smiled, "Luoluo is right, let's go in."

 In an instant, his mood seemed to change.

Yun Tuan’s dark eyes looked at his master and then at Ji Jiuzhong.

 Although it does not understand the complex emotions between humans, it also senses that the atmosphere between the two is different from the past. It seems that they are getting along more and more harmoniously and naturally, and sometimes it feels that the two of them are like the same person.

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