The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 822: Ginseng seeds


Since the demonic energy is thinner and easier to absorb, Yan Xiangluo can also worry about Ji Jiuzhong. Judging from his condition, he knows that his spiritual power is almost exhausted.

“Set up a formation to restore your spiritual power, and leave the rest to me.” Yan Xiangluo said to Ji Jiuzhong.

Ji Jiudian nodded, set up a protective array on the spot, and then began to restore his spiritual power.

However, he also knew that it was impossible for him to recover all his spiritual power here. After Luoluo absorbed the demonic energy, those who were watching would immediately come to investigate the situation, and they had to leave the Spiritual Medicine Valley before those people came.

Yan Xiangluo absorbed the demonic energy, Ji Jiuzhong recovered his spiritual power, and the red snake rushed in the direction of them as fast as possible. People around him also sensed that the sudden appearance of the demonic energy in the Elixir Valley was much reduced, but because of the demonic energy No one dares to go there until it disappears completely.

Those who come here to practice are all spiritual practitioners, and they are all afraid of being invaded by evil spirits and destroying their cultivation and themselves.

After she relaxed, Yan Xiangluo's consciousness immediately spread out and wanted to check the situation in the Spiritual Medicine Valley. During this check, she not only saw the red snake rushing towards her, but also saw all the trees, flowers and plants in the Spiritual Medicine Valley. Withered.

The land that was once a lush and spiritual place for cultivation has now turned into a barren land. Especially when viewed from the air, it feels like a place of death.

Yan Xiangluo had an indescribable feeling in her heart, as if she had experienced this feeling before.

However, she also knows that it is normal for the elixir valley that has been eroded by the demonic energy to become what it is now. She wonders if the place can be restored after the demonic energy is absorbed by herself.

She didn’t think too much, suppressed the inexplicable emotions in her heart, and continued to spread her consciousness.

As she crossed the Spiritual Medicine Valley and continued to spread outwards, she must know the extent of her spiritual consciousness this time to determine how strong her spiritual consciousness was.

 After leaving the Spiritual Medicine Valley, the spiritual consciousness spread out faster. This should be the reason why there is demonic energy here.

Soon, Yan Xiangluo saw many of the monks surrounding the Spiritual Medicine Valley. She also saw the monks from Jiuyuan Continent, but not all of them.

Yan Xiangluo's consciousness continued to expand outwards, and some low-level training areas were clearly visible to her. She could also clearly perceive the status and cultivation of the people who were undergoing training there.

Those empty places are higher-level training places. Because her cultivation level is not high enough, she cannot see them even if her spiritual power is strong.

Yan Xiangluo's consciousness was like playing, spreading without restriction and purpose, until all the demonic energy in the elixir valley was absorbed, and the power of the consciousness had not yet been reached.

 But she couldn't go on any longer, and she and Ji Jiu were about to leave.

His consciousness quickly retracted, and he saw that the monks surrounding the Spiritual Medicine Valley were already eager to come in.

While Yan Xiangluo regained his consciousness, he carefully checked all places in the Spiritual Medicine Valley to ensure that no demonic energy was left, lest the monks who would come in later would be corroded by the demonic energy.

 After making sure that no trace of demonic energy was left, she put away the magic beads and stopped absorbing them.

She glanced at the red snake who was waiting aside and did not dare to approach her. She waved to the red snake. She understood what the red snake meant to find her. It seemed that it was because he failed to leave the elixir valley in time after breaking through to the Dragon Transformation Realm and was eroded by the devilish energy. .

When the red snake saw her waving, she immediately came over, still in its smallest form, coiled together and suspended in front of Yan Xiangluo.

It glanced at Yan Xiangluo's shoulder. Hey, her spirit beast was not there. How could it communicate with Yan Xiangluo and ask her to help it remove the evil spirit from her body?

Yan Xiangluo saw the red snake looking at her shoulder and knew that it was looking for Yun Tuan. However, she knew what the red snake was looking for without Yu Tuan, so she said directly, "You want me to help you remove the evil energy from your body." Clean it up?" The red snake's eyes lit up and he nodded immediately.

Yan Xiangluo said, "This requires your great trust."

The red snake nodded again. It really believed in Yan Xiangluo. There were spiritual beasts more powerful than it, so it probably wouldn't look down on it and wouldn't make a contract with it.

Yan Xiangluo didn't expect that the red snake would trust her so much. She raised her hand and said, "Relax and don't resist, so that I can **** out the demonic energy from your body."

The red snake immediately lowered its raised head and curled up into a ball, which was also its most relaxed look.

Yan Xiangluo turned the magic bead and put her hand on the red snake's head. The red snake did not move.

Red Snake is ice-cold, while Yan Xiangluo's hand is warm. The contrast between the two temperatures makes Red Snake not disgusted at all.

Just when Yan Xiangluo placed it on the red head, the red snake suddenly felt that the demonic energy in its body was rushing towards its head, and then transferred from the head to Yan Xiangluo's hand. In just a moment, it All the demonic energy in the body was cleared away by Yan Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo didn't stay long. Now that the evil spirit had been cleared away, she had to leave with Ji Jiuzhong, and she didn't want to have any more interactions with the red snake.

“Jiu Zhong, let’s leave first.” Yan Xiangluo said to Ji Jiu Zhong.

Ji Jiuzhong has recovered one-third of his spiritual power, quit practicing, and removed the protective formation. He glanced at the red snake and didn't care.

After the red snake saw that Yan Xiangluo had helped it, it didn't want any benefits. It immediately stopped Yan Xiangluo, and then a large push of red fruits appeared in front of her.

It turns out to be the fruit of Lingshen, which is already ripe. It seems that the red snake only ate the red ginseng and left the fruit.

“You want to give me these ginseng fruits to thank me for helping you?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

The red snake immediately nodded. Yan Xiangluo was not polite when he heard the words. He raised his hand and collected all the ginseng fruits, and threw them directly into the elixir field with his mind to plant them.

There are a lot of these spiritual ginseng seeds, and they can grow a lot of spiritual ginseng. You may not be able to find it even if you try to find it. Now that the red snake has given it to her, she will not be polite.

 Leave it to the red snake to be eaten, but you can still grow spiritual ginseng again here.

"I accepted your thank you gift, and we are settled." As soon as Yan Xiang finished speaking, she pulled Ji Jiuzhong, took out a teleportation pattern, and teleported away from the Spiritual Medicine Valley.

Ji Jiuzhong has now recovered one-third of his spiritual power. Yan Xiangluo doesn't want him to use his spiritual power anymore, so she uses the teleportation pattern to leave.

 Otherwise, Ji Jiuzhong could teleport away.

Seeing that the two people disappeared, the red snake quickly found a direction and left. The Spiritual Medicine Valley had become a wasteland. It didn't want to meet other monks anymore, but not all human monks were not interested in it. of.

Yan Xiangluo did not choose a place to teleport, she just chose a direction, and the two of them appeared in another place with a flash of white light.

There is actually a barren desert in front of us.

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