The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 824: Weapon bucket of gold

When Shiwo chokes, the master is still the same master, and a question can calm it down.

"It depends on how the master wants to refine it? If I were asked to refine a living person out of thin air, I can't do it. If you want to refine a person into anything, I can still do it."

Yan Xiangluo just asked casually to find out the bottom of the stone nest, but she didn't expect to get such an answer.

 Can people really refine it? If people with poor talents can be refined in a stone nest, can they still get good talents?

Yan Xiangluo thought so and asked the same question, but to her surprise, Shi Wo actually nodded.

"Yes, but the master must reach that level. The reason why a monk's talent is different is determined by the purity of the spiritual root he cultivates. If the master reaches that level, he can use the monk's spiritual root to The impurities are extracted, so that the spiritual root will be improved without impurities," Shi Wo said matter-of-factly.

Yan Xiangluo's heart was severely shaken. At this moment, she finally understood why she had sealed the power of Shiwo in her previous life.

If he hadn't been sealed, Shiwo didn't know what disaster he would have caused during his reincarnation.

And such stone nests will be fought over by monks in low-level continents, high-level continents and even the ninth heaven. She can imagine what those strong people will do in order to fight for such an artifact that can refine all things in the world. What will happen to the mainland?

“Can I do it in my previous life?” Yan Xiangluo suddenly asked.

Shiwo was speechless. This was not something he could talk about now.

Even if she didn't say it, Yan Xiangluo could guess it. She glanced at Shiwo and said, "After all, I don't need to be strong."

Shiwo choked, although this is the case, but it does have this strength after all, otherwise even if the owner reaches such a high level, he would not be able to do it without it, an artifact that can refine everything in the world.

But now it doesn't dare to talk, not to mention what the previous owner's temperament was like, but it has been with the owner for more than three years in this life. Although the owner has not recovered the memory of the previous life, he is not a person to be fooled, so it still continues to behave. Come on.

 It is better than having to settle accounts with oneself after the master recovers his memory.

 It’s so sad that such an ancient artifact is treated like a treasure in the hands of anyone. It is even offered up, but the owner doesn’t take it seriously.

But I still like her, otherwise I would not have signed a soul contract with the master in the first place, so that the master can find me even if he is reincarnated.

Seeing that Shiwo was being honest, Yan Xiangluo said nothing more and said to Shiwo, "It's useless to say anything now. Your master and I are still too weak. You should just be an alchemy furnace honestly."

Shiwo knew that what Yan Xiangluo said was true, but he was still very happy that the seal could be lifted. He returned to Yan Xiangluo and continued to cooperate with her in making alchemy.

Pot after pot of god-level elixirs of perfect quality were released. The rich aroma of the elixirs allowed Ji Jiuzhong, a practitioner, to absorb a lot. It made him feel a lot more physically comfortable, and it actually accelerated the speed at which he could recover his spiritual power.

By the time Ji Jiuzhong had recovered all her spiritual power, Yan Xiangluo had already refined a lot of god-level elixirs of perfect quality. They were piled on the floor of her room in Pangu Space, with a lot of medicine bottles.

Seeing that Ji Jiuchong quit practicing, Yuan Xiangluo stopped making elixirs.

 “All recovered?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Ji Jiuzhong stood up and said, "Well, everything has recovered."

He glanced at Shiwo and said, "Why does Shiwo seem to be a little different?"

Yan Xiangluo was astonished at Ji Jiuzhong's perception, "Shiwo was my alchemy furnace in my previous life. After I had just refined the god-level elixir of perfect quality, I released the seal. The seal was sealed by me in my previous life. It is actually It is an ancient artifact that can refine everything in the world."

Ji Jiuzhong has recovered part of his memory, but there is nothing about Shiwo in his memory. It seems that Shiwo has not yet appeared in that part of his memory.

“Refining all things in the world?” Ji Jiuzhong looked at the stone nest. “Yes, that’s what Shiwo said.” Yan Xiangluo nodded.

"Is it also possible to refine weapons?" Ji Jiuzhong's phoenix eyes flashed with a dark light. If so, he could use the stone nest.

Yan Xiangluo had never thought about whether Shiwo could be used to refine weapons. After all, in her eyes, Shiwo had always been an alchemy furnace.

However, since Shiwo can even make it for people, refining weapons should not be a problem, but she still asked Shiwo first.

“Shiwo, can you refine weapons?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Shiwo said arrogantly, "Master, there is nothing in this world that I cannot refine."

Yu Xiangluo was speechless, and now Kung Fu became arrogant again.

"Shiwo said yes." She would not stupidly tell Ji Jiuzhong Shiwo's original words. Those who didn't know would think she was arrogant.

Ji Jiuchong’s eyes lit up, “Luoluo, please lend me the stone nest for a while.”

Yan Xiangluo blinked, "You want to use a stone nest to refine weapons?"

Ji Jiuzhong explained, "Yes, it's not about refining new weapons, but about refining my weapons."

 “Your weapon?”

Ruan Xiangluo was a little confused, and then thought that although Ji Jiuzhong usually used a long sword in battle, the weapon he contracted seemed to be a golden cylindrical tripod, called a golden bucket, which was also his furnace for refining weapons. During battle, it could become A long stick is used as a cauldron when refining weapons.

"What happened to your weapon?" Yan Xiangluo asked as he handed Shiwo to him, and used his spiritual consciousness to tell Shiwo to cooperate with Ji Jiuzhong in refining the weapon.

Shiwo didn't object, after all, it was very aware of the relationship between its master and Ji Jiuzhong, and it had been refining elixirs. Changing the weapon refining today was equivalent to a change of mood, so it cooperated very well.

Ji Jiuzhong took the stone nest and said, "Didn't I get rid of all the evil spirits in the Spiritual Medicine Valley before?"

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "I'm still wondering how you got rid of the evil spirit."

With a thought, Ji Jiuzhong took out his weapon, the golden bucket. At this time, the golden bucket was at its smallest size, but Yan Xiangluo sensed a lot of evil in the golden bucket.

"All the evil spirits are actually absorbed by the golden bucket, but it can only absorb it, not eliminate it. I can only use my time to refine and eliminate all the evil spirits bit by bit with flames, but it is a waste of time." Ji Jiuzhong explained.

Yan Xiang understood. "The reason why you haven't used the golden bucket is because the evil energy it absorbed has not been completely refined?"

“Yes, the golden bucket cannot be used when it has evil energy. The evil energy will be released when I input spiritual power, which is unfriendly to both the enemy and us.” Ji Jiuzhong explained.

 He had not yet finished refining the evil energy in the golden bucket, so even when it was so dangerous before, he did not take out the golden bucket to fight.

 Because it will hurt him and Luoluo.

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