The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 826: is the same

Although the yellow sand on the ground was very soft and wouldn't hurt if she fell, the power of the yellow sand hurricane was enough to bear on Yan Xiangluo. It shattered her internal organs and she groaned in pain.

She quickly took a healing elixir, climbed up awkwardly after a while, her almond-shaped eyes flashed with solemnity, what should she do?

 She seemed to have overestimated herself and estimated that she could still take the next two attacks, but now she was very sure that she would not be able to catch the next attack and it would kill her. Although in the training place, death only means that the training has failed and will not really die, it also means that the one-month training has ended early, and you can only wait here to be sent out when the time is up.

 The purpose of her coming in was not the end of it.

At this moment, Wushuang, the soft doughboy in the space, shouted, "Master, I will lend you my house."

Following Wushuang’s voice, the black turtle shell of its house appeared in front of Yan Xiangluo and became a little larger, just enough for Yan Xiangluo to escape inside.

Yan Xiangluo didn't have time to think too much and immediately got into the black turtle shell.

Then she focused her strongest spiritual attack on the opening in front of the black turtle shell. The black turtle shell helped her resist most of the force, and she barely withstood the fifth attack of the yellow sand hurricane.

Although the black turtle shell is indeed very hard and not damaged at all, it was severely knocked out by the power of the yellow sand hurricane. The black turtle shell rolled in the air, and the fragrance inside was trapped inside as the black turtle shell rolled. Bumping around, by the time the black turtle shell hit the ground, she was already dizzy and wanted to vomit.

Wushuang shouted, "Master, you can control the black turtle shell to fly to avoid attacks."

After Yan Xiangluo heard what Wushuang said, he did not override the black turtle shell himself, but directly called out the soft dumpling.

"You override me and I'll attack." Yan Xiangluo said to Ruantuanzi.

She can't just dodge. Otherwise, this place of experience will be impossible to pass, and she must fight.

Wu Shuang's soft body is attached to the black turtle shell, which does not affect Yan Xiangluo's movements and can control the black turtle shell.

So, in the wind and sand in the sky, a hurricane kept forming, chasing the black turtle shell and attacking. The black turtle shell was hit again and again, rolling in the air, then fell to the sand, flew up again, and continued Run, Hurricane continues to chase.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo already knew how to maintain balance in the black turtle shell. She asked Ruoduanzi to shrink the black turtle shell to the size of her stretched out limbs. In addition to the right hand used for fighting, her legs and left hand served as support. The inside of the black turtle shell is in a herringbone shape, so that no matter how the black turtle shell rolls, she will not be knocked around.

 But no way has been found to defeat the yellow sand hurricane.

 While fighting, he was thinking about how to pass this experience.

An hour passed, and her spiritual energy was consumed too quickly. Yan Xiangluo knew that if she continued to fight like this, she wouldn't be able to survive for a while.

Even inside the black turtle shell, Yan Xiangluo was in an extremely miserable state. Her red dress was no longer visible, her hair was messy, and her face was dirty from the yellow sand.

 Even the soft white dumplings have turned into gray dumplings.

Yan Xiangluo’s apricot eyes kept flickering, wondering where the weak spot of Huangsha Hurricane was?

Looking at the hurricane that was attacking again, her eyes suddenly lit up. Isn't this hurricane just like a tornado from another life, only more flexible and with strong attack power?

Wherever a tornado goes, nothing can be left intact. The hurricane's attack also has to be faced from the outside. What if you enter the hurricane?

Thinking of this, she immediately said to Ruantuanzi, "Wushuang, control the black turtle shell and enter the hurricane.

When Wushuang heard Yan Xiangluo's order, he didn't care how terrifying the hurricane was. He faced the hurricane. Yan Xiangluo stopped attacking the hurricane, because after the attack, the hurricane would disappear, form again, and attack again. She directed Wushuang how to avoid the strongest attack point of the hurricane, and then rushed into the hurricane against the strong pressure of the hurricane.

After the black turtle shell rushed in, the hurricane was unable to attack the target and kept turning in place.

With the black turtle shell in the hurricane, Yan Xiangluo commanded Wushuang to let it fly along the force and direction of the hurricane. In this way, there was no need to use force, and it only needed to follow the power of the hurricane.

The hurricane of yellow sand kept spinning in the desert. Yanxiang fell into the hurricane and used her spiritual power to block the opening of the black turtle shell in front of her to resist the flying yellow sand.

Although the yellow sand came in from the front and went out from the back, the rough gravel hit her face very painfully. If she hadn't used spiritual power to protect her skin, it would definitely not only be painful. I'm afraid she wouldn't have any good flesh on her body.

Yan Xiangluo didn't know if this would be successful, so she could only use it up and absorb the spiritual energy to restore the consumed spiritual power.

Just as her spiritual power was recovering little by little, the power of the yellow sand hurricane was weakening, and Ruantuanzi felt it most clearly.

 Time passed little by little, and after Yan Xiangluo completely recovered her spiritual power, the yellow sand hurricane completely disappeared.

The black turtle shell flew along with the power of the hurricane that finally disappeared.

Yan Xiangluo stood at the mouth of the black turtle shell and looked outside. At this time, the desert had disappeared, and there was an endless oasis below.

Yan Xiangluo knew that he had passed the desert, a place of training, but after passing the desert, a place of training, it seemed that he had directly entered the next place of training.

This oasis is the oasis they choose to enter, such as a desert or an oasis.

Yan Xiangluo asked Wushuang to stop. She jumped out of the black turtle shell and landed on the grass.

An oasis is actually a piece of fertile soil in the vast desert, with lush green vegetation, abundant water and grass, and a variety of drought-resistant, wind-resistant, and sun-loving plants growing there.

 It's just that the oasis here is more like being separated from the desert, but it has the characteristics of an oasis.

As far as the eye can see in front of her, there is a forest of Populus euphratica and Elaeagnus elegans. There are white willows and wolfberry trees beside her, and wild roses are blooming in the green grass.

 She could also smell the fragrance of peaches in the air, which showed that there were peach trees in front of her, with ripe peaches.

 This scene is in sharp contrast to the previous desert filled with yellow sand.

Yan Xiangluo did not take it lightly. She did not see Ji Jiuzhong, and she did not believe that Ji Jiuzhong would come out of the desert later than she did.

 That means that the desert and the oasis are actually the same training place. No matter which one they choose, they will enter the next one after successfully training from the other place.

Yan Xiangluo lowered her head and glanced at herself. She was covered in sand, her red dress was covered in dust, her hair was also covered in sand, and her face was covered with a layer of ash. Even her fair hands could not be seen at this time. Yes, it's really uncomfortable.

Wu Shuang on the side is also controlling the black turtle shell to pour sand out.

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