The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 867: Which mythical beast

It's not that he sensed her presence, it was just that he couldn't find the target and was wandering around, and the demon coming in his direction was just lucky.

One of these lucky demons was Qin Suyue, but she walked very carefully, just to avoid other demons.

After it became completely dark, Yan Xiangluo stopped walking.

She couldn't enter the space here. She knew very well how dangerous the night in the first place of experience was. It was even more dangerous here than outside. She had to find a way to spend the night safely.

 Should we use formations or mysterious patterns?

Can you stop those demons?

Zhe Tian said to Ruan Xiangluo, "Master, I'm here to protect you."

As soon as she finished speaking, Zhe Tian released her true body. The roots penetrated tens of meters deep into the ground, and the vines grew wildly upward and around. Soon, a huge vine appeared in front of her.

Only then did Yan Xiangluo know how big the sky-covering vine was. The vines covering the sky were fifty or sixty meters high and covered an area of ​​fifty meters in diameter. This was not a vine, it was simply a vine forest.

 In this barren land, the vine forest covering the sky is very eye-catching.

This is the effect of covering the sky and turning your leaves into dark green. If they are light green, they will definitely be more eye-catching.

“Master, go and rest up there, you don’t have to worry even if the devil comes.” Zhe Tian rolled up Yan Xiang Luo with a vine and carried her to his vine.

The demons mentioned in Zhetian refer to the demons mentioned in the soul body, not the ones sealed underground.

There is a hut made of vines and leaves that covers the sky. There is a bed in the house, which is covered with thick leaves. It is very comfortable to sleep and rest.

  And the situation above the vines cannot be seen from below.

 While Yanxiang breathed a sigh of relief, she also knew that she would not have a chance to rest.

Not to mention that there are souls constantly coming to give her rings to keep things, and it is impossible for her to not meet other people, demon cultivators and demons all the time.

Moreover, the spirit body that came to give her the gift ring in the evening told her that the demons who came in no longer rushed to the place where the sealed demons were, but scattered around as if they were looking for something.

 The soul body and the others don’t know what those demons are looking for. Yan Xiangluo knows.

Thinking about how the demon wanted to kill me when I first came in. These demons who came in later should have received orders from the sealed demon and were looking for me. Their goal should be to kill me.

 The following days are destined to be uneventful.

She didn’t know if Ji Jiuzhong had come here, or if he had some special experiences. She found some memories of her previous life here, or if Ji Jiuzhong had other adventures.

Ji Jiuzhong’s past life memories will all be restored after the four sacred beasts are found, but there may be other opportunities.

Although it is already night, spiritual and demonic cultivators continue to enter the center of the center.

 All the clone demons have already entered the central place. They spread out in the central place, looking for Yan Xiangluo's figure.

Yan Xiangluo didn't pay attention to those soul bodies saying that the central place was very big before, but she didn't meet anyone for half a day, and she already knew that the central place was not that big.

She has never been arrogant enough to think that she is the only one qualified to enter the central place. The main reason why she did not meet her is that it is too big. Ji Jiuzhong actually came in when Yan Xiangluo came in, and the two of them were in front and behind.

But he was not attacked by the devil. On the contrary, he encountered a desolate mountain in the central place shortly after entering. There was obviously no spiritual energy in the central place, but he sensed a strong spiritual energy in this desolate mountain. The familiar aura of Bai Hu and Xuanwu came again.

Ji Jiuzhong frowned. It seemed that one of the four divine beasts was about to be found again, but he didn't know whether it was Qinglong or Suzaku?

 Why did you choose such a deserted place?

If he hadn't participated in the Continental Competition and won first place, had the opportunity to enter, and had the opportunity to come to the center, when would he be able to find all the four sacred beasts?

Since he sensed the auras of the four great beasts, Ji Jiuzhong walked into the barren mountains without hesitation.

 There were petrified and withered trees everywhere along the way. After walking for about half an hour, Ji Jiuzhong stopped in front of a cave.

This is where the auras of the four great beasts come from, but the auras this time are different from when they met White Tiger and Xuanwu.

Ji Jiuzhong couldn't tell exactly why it was different. He stretched out his slender hand, and a long golden stick appeared in his hand.

 This is the first time that he can take out his contracted weapon before fighting.

 But he sensed a powerful danger inexplicably. The long sword was not enough, and it had to be his contracted natal weapon that could grow.

Ji Jiuzhong poured spiritual energy into the long golden stick and walked into the cave.

Not far after walking in, a cold and powerful attack came towards him. The long golden stick in Ji Jiuzhong's hand danced in front of him, and he counterattacked with powerful spiritual power.

 The attack force from the opposite side was blocked by him, and the sound of the attack force colliding with his weapon and hitting the cave wall was deafening. The cave was shaken by the force and broken stones kept falling down.

After the attack power dissipated, Ji Jiuzhong saw that there was a thick layer of bat corpses on the ground in front of him, and the stone walls on both sides and above were also uneven.

It turns out that the attack power just now was these monster bats. The thick bat corpses and the disgusting **** smell did not stop Ji Jiuzhong.

Of the four great beasts, he has already found Xuanwu and White Tiger. Since there is Qinglong or Suzaku inside, he will go for it no matter how dangerous it is.

 Only when the four great beasts are gathered together, can all the memories of his past life be restored.

He jumped up and stepped lightly, stepping on the corpses of the bats and jumping over. He thought in his heart that if there was danger, he really couldn't fight like this without caring about anything. He was too strong. If he was buried by rubble, the gain would outweigh the loss. .

The reason why he dared to fight like this just now was because he was very close to the entrance of the cave. If there was danger, he could go out in time to avoid it, but there was no such opportunity inside.

There was still a long corridor behind him. Ji Jiuzhong held the weapon in his hand in front of him and continued to walk forward.

A moment later, a stronger aura of monsters came from the front, and this time he saw clearly what was attacking him, a huge pangolin.

The width of the huge body is almost the same as that of the cave, and the height occupies two-thirds of the cave. Every time the pangolin moves, a lot of the stone walls on both sides will be rubbed away by it.

Ji Jiuzhong's phoenix eyes flashed with a cold light. Before, he found that although Baihu and Xuanwu also had various dangers, they were all formations and mechanisms. This was the first time that there were so many monsters.

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