The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 878: past life power

The light in the cave came from the top of the head. Yan Xiangluo looked up and saw a beam of light shining down from the top of the head, just like the sun shining down from the clouds.

how did you do that?

Yan Xiangluo began to look around the cave, and there were only rocks. At this time, she was glad that the place where she fell just now was flat. If she had fallen on those rocks, she would have been seriously injured, and she might have died directly.

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. Fortunately, she was not killed by herself.

Since you have come in, it means that this is the place where you can retrieve your past life memories. So where are the memories stored?

There are only stones here. Yan Xiangluo looked at the surrounding stones. The height ranged from two meters to three or four meters, high and low, and scattered in an orderly manner. There were roads to the front, back, left and right of where she was, and she was standing in the middle of the intersection. However, each road is very narrow and can only accommodate one person.

Yan Xiangluo’s eyes lit up, this was a formation.

Although she couldn't pronounce the name of this formation, she felt inexplicably familiar and instinctively felt that this was a formation.

She didn’t study the formation or anything, and chose a path based on her own feelings. After walking for a while, she found that the formation was like a maze. But at every intersection she instinctively knew which direction to go.

About one stick of incense later, the vision suddenly opened up. A circular venue with a diameter of ten meters appeared in front of us. In the center of the venue was a white jade platform as tall as one person.

The white jade platform is also round, about two meters in diameter, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, like a tray, with exquisite patterns carved around it.

There is a white jade box on the white jade platform. The box is not big, but it is not square, but round. After the soul returned, Yan Xiangluo saw the round jade box for the first time.

 The white jade box exudes a warm light. It is not full, but it feels very holy.

Yu Xiangluo's heart beat violently when she saw the white jade box. She knew that she was not excited because she wanted to restore all the memories of her previous life, but the reaction between the soul and the white jade box.

Yan Xiangluo stretched out her hand and pressed her heart, slowly calming down her mood and allowing her heartbeat to return to normal. After her breathing stabilized, she walked around the White Jade Terrace.

  There was no mechanism or anything like that. The height of the white jade platform was about the same as her height. If the white jade platform was not two meters in diameter and the white jade box was placed in the middle, she could reach this height with her hand. There is no choice now but to go up and get the white jade box.

Yan Xiangluo jumped up lightly and jumped onto the white jade platform.

Just when she landed on the white jade platform, a ray of light surged around the white jade platform, which connected with the light falling from above, and instantly formed a whole pillar of light, covering Ruan Xiangluo and the white jade box.

 The entire cave was illuminated by light.

 The light was warm, making her instantly feel like she wanted to relax, lie down and take a nap.

At this moment, Yan Xiangluo sensed that there was strong spiritual power in the light. It was not spiritual energy, but the kind of spiritual energy that monks absorb and transform during cultivation. It was real power.

While Yan Xiangluo was still in shock, it penetrated directly into her body along her skin, and then rushed to the Dantian and directly entered the golden cocoon wrapping Yuanying.

 Her body does not reject these spiritual powers at all. Yan Xiangluo knows that these spiritual powers should be the power left over from her previous life.

These spiritual powers seemed to have been compressed, and the spiritual powers that entered the Dantian would double. However, the sleeping Nascent Soul actually sat up and began to absorb these spiritual powers.

Yan Xiangluo, who had been at the first level of Saint level, felt for the first time that spiritual power was stored in her Dantian. She no longer felt like a bottomless pit in her Dantian, and it became fuller.

 Could these powers from her previous life enable her to break through the third level of Pangu Flower Bloom?

Yan Xiangluo sensed that the white jade box contained memories of her previous life. Why was she so sure? Because she felt that the atmosphere inside was the same as the memory atmosphere in the boxes she absorbed in the Taoyuan world.

It would be a huge surprise if you could not only recover all the memories of your previous life here, but also break through the third level of Pangu Flower Blooming.

 There was no news that excited her more.

Now that she has found it, Yan Xiangluo is not in a hurry to open the white jade box to receive the memory. She simply closes her eyes and absorbs the power in the light.

She didn’t know whether these powers would dissipate, so it was prudent to absorb the powers from her previous life.

 At the moment, improving her cultivation is the most important thing. She has not forgotten the purpose of entering the first training ground this time.

Although Yan Xiangluo is still dressed as an ordinary teenager, her aura is different when she closes her eyes. If someone sees her now, they will never think that she is ordinary anymore.

Yan Xiangluo stood on the white jade platform like this. The power in the light pillar was much stronger. After Yan Xiangluo absorbed it for two full hours, the light pillar dimmed a little.

At this rate, Yan Xiangluo felt that it would take at least until tomorrow morning for her to absorb all the power in the light beam.

 If it comes tomorrow morning, she will only have two days to stay in the first training place.

 The most important thing is that she has not yet received the memory of her previous life. She cannot see the Master without recovering the memory of her previous life.

If she can't see the master this time, she will have to wait three years for another chance to come in.

 But she didn’t want to wait that long. The situation of the demons was unknown now. So many demons from all over the continent meant that the sealed demons were about to break through the seal.

Yan Xiangluo opened her eyes and looked at the white jade box. Although she was absorbing power and accepting memories, it would be difficult for her to take care of everything if an accident happened.

 But now she must take the risk so that she can have a chance to meet her master from her previous life during this experience.

Yan Xiangluo has never been a person who procrastinates in doing things. Now that she has made a decision, she will not get entangled. She raised her hand, and the white jade box at her feet was sucked up by her spiritual power.

 The soul power was input, and the white jade box opened with a snap.

There was a purple-gold light ball inside, and Yan Xiangluo was a little surprised/

 The memory and power here are exactly the opposite of the memory and power in Taoyuan World.

  The memory ball in Taoyuan World is white and the power ball is purple-gold. The memory ball here is purple-gold and the power is white. Since they are all your own power, how can it be different?

When Yan Xiangluo was confused, a purple-gold ball of light rushed out of the box and rushed into the center of her eyebrows at a very fast speed. Her consciousness was once again occupied by the memory of her previous life.

Yan Xiangluo finally knew why the color of memory and power were opposite this time.

 Purple-gold is not the color of her spiritual power, nor the color of her memory, but the color of her Celestial Master’s power. Purple-gold is to protect that power.

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