The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 880: Lost and found

However, now is not the time to be happy. There are only two days left. There is no time to think about anything else. She has to see the master immediately.

With the memory of her previous life, the current first training place has no secrets for her. Even the central place is well known to her.

 She knew where to go to see the Master.

Jumped down from the white jade platform, raised her hand and took the white jade platform into the small world of her previous life.

 In fact, even if she didn’t have the portable space in her previous life, she was still used to putting her things in the storage ring. It seemed like an instinct to not rely too much on Pangu Space.

Now that she has her own small portable space world in her previous life, she is very relieved and puts her things in it.

This white jade platform is from her previous life. Although she does not use it often, this white jade platform is not white jade. Even in Jiuzhongtian, there are not many people who want to own such a white jade platform, only a handful.

 You can get twice the result with half the effort by practicing on it.

After putting away the white jade platform, Yan Xiangluo went back the way he came. Before, he just came here based on his feeling. Now he has recovered the memory of his previous life and knows what the formation is.

 This is the formation she created herself in her previous life, simply to protect her own strength and memory.

No one can break it except her, because this formation is not offensive, it is just a protective formation. The protection method is very special, that is, it only recognizes her own soul aura. In other words, even if anyone else comes in accidentally, they cannot enter this formation and cannot even see it, so it is out of the question. What breaks the formation but does not break the formation?

Finding the intersection where she came in, she stood on the intersection and lightly stamped her feet three times. The entire formation space shook, and all the stones that had been laid out collapsed. In just the blink of an eye, it became a ruin. The formation here had already Broken.

At the same time, a light on the ground enveloped Yan Xiangluo. After the light disappeared, Yan Xiangluo appeared by the lake.

That ray of light was the teleportation array she set up at the same time. It could only teleport her, in order to allow her to leave smoothly.

There was no one by the lake at this time. She didn’t know that those spiritual cultivators and demonic cultivators were scared away by demons before, and the demons were frightened away by the huge whirlpool of the lake.

At that time, a huge whirlpool appeared in the center of the lake, and the entire lake leaked downwards. Those people who were thrown in by the demon were instantly swallowed up by the whirlpool.

Those demons did not leave immediately, but when they saw that the entire lake flowed away along the whirlpool, the originally large lake became a huge pit, and the whirlpool finally disappeared, as if there had never been a lake here, and there was no What a vortex.

The demons were frightened and worried that there was something deadly and weird here, so they left quickly.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo was also shocked. Where is the lake?

 Why is it gone?

She understood in an instant. Could it be that after she opened the door, the whirlpool swirled away the entire lake's water?

 Where has the lake water been moved by the whirlpool?

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the huge pit, called out Zhe Tian, ​​and continued on her way to where her master was.

Zhetian was sent into Pangu space by her when she opened the door at the bottom of the lake and was dragged down by the whirlpool.

Now when I came out, I was surprised to see that the previous big lake had turned into a big pit.

 But seeing that its owner was leaving in a hurry, it didn’t ask any questions and hurriedly flashed two leaves to follow.

 Eh, that’s not right, why is the owner’s speed so much faster? It was walking with the owner at this speed before, so how come it fell so far behind in the blink of an eye?

“Zhe Tian, ​​hurry up.” Yan Xiangluo shouted.

Zhetian quickly accelerated, the two leaves flickering so fast that he couldn't even see the frequency, and then he caught up with his master.

Zhe Tian took a closer look. If it had a face, his jaw would have dropped to the ground in shock.

Doesn’t the master want to break through to the **** level? Why is he now at the fifth level of **** level cultivation? It can’t sense it wrong.

Zhe Tian immediately asked, "Master, are you the fifth level of God?" Yan Xiang nodded, "After retrieving all the memories of my previous life, I also obtained the power left by my previous life. Not only did I achieve a breakthrough God level, and even broke through to the fifth level of God."

Zhetian said excitedly, "Master is so awesome."

It was only then that it understood why its elder brother Yun Tuan had signed a soul contract with its master. It wanted to follow such a powerful master for the rest of its life.

Yan Xiangluo smiled, feeling very good after being praised by her spiritual pet.

 “Let’s go, I’ll take you to see my master from the previous life.” Yan Xiangluo was also in a very good mood.

Although there are only two days left, it only takes two hours to get from here to Master's location, so as long as there are no accidents, there is still enough time.

 Zhe Tian was also in a good mood and flew ahead happily.

 However, because they were too fast, no one they encountered could see clearly what Zhetian was, and they disappeared.

An hour later, Yan Xiangluo pointed to the gray mountain road ahead, "My master in the previous life was at the foot of that mountain."

Zhe Tian glanced at the mountain and said to Yan Xiangluo, "Master, do you want to change back to your original appearance?"

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "I'll change it when I see the master."

 There was not much time and she did not allow any accidents to happen.

“Luoluo.” Just as Yan Xiangluo was about to go up the mountain, she heard Ji Jiuzhong calling her.

She turned around in surprise and saw Ji Jiuzhong coming from a distance, and her eyes were full of joy when she saw him.

Yan Xiangluo went up to meet him. After the two met, they just stared at each other without making any movement or speaking.

Zhetian didn't know why. He felt that the atmosphere between the master and the male master was different from before, but he couldn't tell what was different.

 Only Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong knew that they were staring at each other from a lifetime apart.

 Only they understand each other's mood.

Zhe Tian is very curious. His master is now dressed as a man, and his appearance is not his original one. How did he recognize his master?

The two of them stared at each other for a long time. Ji Jiuzhong raised his hand to untie the face-changing pattern carved on her body, revealing her true appearance. Then he spread his arms, and Yu Xiangluo threw herself into his arms.

 “Nine levels.” Yan Xiangluo shouted with a choked voice.

 “Luoluo.” Ji Jiuzhong was feeling lucky to have recovered, and he hugged the person in his arms tightly.

 He lost Luoluo in his previous life, but fortunately he got it back.

At this time, he felt even more regretful. It was clear that he had known Luoluo for a long time in this life, but he was indifferent and let her suffer alone for three years. He even broke off the engagement as soon as they met.

Now that he thought about how embarrassed she was when he first saw Luo Luo, with blood all over her face, that was his Luo Luo, how could he remain indifferent.

"I'm sorry." Ji Jiuzhong's voice was choked with sobs. This apology represented his guilt for Luoluo in his past and present lives.

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