The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 882: Meeting the Master (1)

 Now they have no time to say more about past lives.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the top of the mountain and said, "I'll go up there myself. You go quickly, there are only two days left."

Ji Jiudian nodded. Yan Xiangluo was going to see her master. He was not worried about her safety, but the place he was going to was very dangerous.

“When the meeting passes, put all your clothes back on,” Ji Jiuzhong reminded her.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Okay."

Ji Jiuzhong saw that she had agreed, so he no longer wasted time and went down the mountain as fast as possible and then went in the other direction.

Originally, he wanted to take Luoluo there to break through the third level of Panguhuakai. Now that Luoluo has broken through, he has no worries and can go there and fight on his own.

Yan Xiangluo watched Ji Jiuzhong leave. She continued to change her clothes and combed her hair again, and then continued walking up the mountain.

The closer to the top of the mountain, the more nervous Yan Xiangluo became. This was the first time she saw her master after ten thousand years, and it was also the last time she saw her master. Because she knew very well that the master existed in the form of spiritual consciousness. After ten thousand years, the master could not survive for much longer.

 It can be said that her mood was nervous, exciting and complicated.

 She didn't know whether the choice made by her master and the others was right, but one thing she was sure of was that none of them regretted it.

 Because the few senior brothers she had met and the two powerful men whose divine consciousness bodies were left on the storage rings, none of them had any regrets.

 Soon we reached the top of the mountain. There was a huge white jade lotus on the top of the mountain.

Yan Xiangluo is very familiar with this white jade lotus flower, because it is a magic weapon that her master refined himself and was prepared to seal the demon.

Yan Xiangluo walked to the white jade lotus and looked up. The white jade lotus was five meters high and five meters in diameter. Although it had been suppressed here for thousands of years, it was still spotless, as clean as if it had just been washed with water.

Each petal is very full, as if it contains endless vitality.

 “Xiao Qi, you’re here.” A familiar and experienced voice sounded.

Yan Xiangluo's tears instantly fell down. She immediately knelt on the ground, kowtowed respectfully and said, "Xiao Qi kowtows to Master."

“I didn’t expect that Xiao Qi, who used to care the least about rules, actually followed the rules. Get up.” Following the old voice, an old man wearing a snow-white brocade robe and a white beard appeared on the white jade lotus.

Looking at Yan Xiangluo who was kneeling on the ground with kind eyes.

Hearing Master's voice again after thousands of years, Yan Xiangluo felt extremely sad. Thinking of seeing each other again meant farewell forever, she felt very heavy.

Yan Xiangluo slowly stood up and looked up at her master.

As soon as the old man on the white jade lotus raised his hand, Yan Xiangluo's body levitated and landed on the white jade lotus.

Standing opposite the master and clearly seeing the familiar face of the master, Yan Xiangluo couldn't control her tears even more. She couldn't suppress the emotions in her heart and cried out.

The old man was speechless and allowed her to vent her suppressed emotions.

After a while, Yan Xiangluo finally controlled her emotions, stopped crying, raised her hand to wipe the tears from her face and said to her master, "Master, has Xiaoqi embarrassed Master?"

The old man smiled kindly, "Xiao Qi has gained face for Master, how can he be embarrassed? How could he have sealed the demon without the sacred object that Xiao Qi brought back."

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "That was the result of Master and all the powerful men sacrificing themselves." She did not dare to take credit. Although it was indeed her who got the holy object back, those who made the biggest sacrifice were those who used their own possessions to The powerful men who came to seal the demon.

The old man also shook his head, "No, if there is no holy object, we can't do it even if we sacrifice ourselves. Xiao Qi doesn't need to belittle himself."

“Master, what else can Xiaoqi do?”

Yan Xiangluo knew that Master did not have much time, so she could not waste Master's time because of her own emotions.

The old man said happily, "Xiao Qi, although the master is not willing to let you get involved in this matter after rebirth, even if you are not involved, once the seal is broken, your life will still be affected. , and will be the first to be affected.”

Yan Xiangluo knew what her master meant. It was she who had found the holy object in the first place, and the demon knew this very well. Otherwise, he would not have wanted to kill her when he was discovered by the demon as soon as she entered the first place of training. .

If the devil breaks through the seal, the powerful people who sealed him will no longer be there. If he wants revenge, the first one he wants to take revenge on is himself after reincarnation.

 She really couldn't escape.

Since we can’t avoid it, it’s better to face it directly. At least we still have a chance.

“Master, I understand that Master, senior brothers and so many powerful people have paid such a heavy price for this, I will do the rest.” Yu Xiangluo said firmly.

If the memory of her past life had not been restored, Yan Xiangluo might still hesitate to escape. After recovering her memory, she had no such thoughts at all.

 She hated the devil, which destroyed their original peaceful cultivation life, destroyed the master and senior brothers she trusted and relied on, and destroyed her love.

 In this life, she wants to avenge her master and the others, and also protect her love.

 Let people from all continents in the future be able to practice and live in a peaceful atmosphere, and no longer have to worry about the continent being destroyed at any time, or becoming slaves of demons.

 The old man sighed heavily, pointed to a place and said, "Xiaoqi, come here."

Yan Xiangluo walked a few steps forward and stood at the place designated by her master.

"Xiao Qi, this lotus will be yours from now on. You can contract it, but you can't take it away. The sacred object is under the lotus. If you take it away, the sacred object will not be able to maintain it, and the demon will break through the seal immediately."

The old man pointed his finger at the position where Yan Xiangluo was standing, and a red light of contract rose. This was the contract that the previous owner allowed his magical weapon to recognize another owner. Only magical weapons with soul contracts need to make such a contract.

 That is, the consent of the previous owner is required.

Yan Xiangluo immediately input her soul power into it. It must be a soul contract, otherwise such a powerful magic weapon would be uncontrollable.

 One of the two masters canceled the soul contract, and the other used the soul contract. After the red light disappeared, the contract was established.

Yan Xiangluo immediately connected with the lotus. She clearly sensed the suppressive power of the lotus, and also sensed the power of the sacred object under the lotus to seal the demon.

Such a strong sealing power can't seal away demons for how long?

Only then did Yan Xiangluo understand why so many powerful men sacrificed themselves to seal the demon. The power of the sealed demon in the holy object is the power of all the great powers from the beginning.

The pressure was so great in an instant that Yan Xiangluo doubted whether she could do it?

“Xiao Qi, take this.” The old man spread his palms.

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