The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 898: Married years ago

Master and Master have a burden that he cannot imagine. As Master's disciple, he cannot be embarrassed and must practice more diligently. At least three years later, when Master comes back, he cannot let him down.

“Master, don’t worry about me, I’ll go to Master.” Qi Hao thought for a while and said.

After saying this, he was worried that Chengye and the others might misunderstand, and explained, "It's not that I don't want to stay in Jiuyuan City. Jiuyuan City also has An An, my first good friend, and Grandpa and Grandma. They are all my relatives." It’s just that I think it’s more appropriate to learn and practice with Master. If Jiuyuan Academy starts classes and Master becomes the teacher, I will come back with Master.”

Yan Xiangluo understood what Qi Hao meant and said with a smile, "That's good. I was taught by your master."

Qi Hao immediately smiled when he saw that Master did not misunderstand his meaning. "Master, don't worry, I will come to see Grandpa and Grandma from time to time. When Master is not at home, I will fulfill my filial piety for Master."

Because of the seniority here, although Qi Hao and An An get along as friends, it is true that he is a generation shorter than An An.

He and An An can get along with each other as peers, but Yan Xiangluo's parents, Qi Hao, are still very disciplined and always call her grandpa and grandma.

Yu Chengye also likes Qi Hao very much. This child has gone through a lot of ups and downs, but he still sticks to his heart, otherwise his daughter would not be able to accept him as her disciple.

“Don’t worry Luoluo, we will take care of Xiaohao.” Long Moran said with a smile.

"Xiao Hao, Master is not involved in the matter of revenge. You can go as long as you feel you are strong enough. But remember, hatred is not everything in your life. Your parents definitely want you to live happily and healthily." Yu Xiang This is what Luo is most worried about.

Qi Hao has a deep blood feud for genocide, and it is impossible not to avenge it, but she does not want Qi Hao to be blinded by hatred and sacrifice his life to pay for it. "

Although Qi Hao still can't understand such a profound truth, he knows that the master is worried that he will fight for his life, and he is not that stupid.

Showing a row of neat teeth, he said, "Master, there are some disciples out there who are so stupid that they won't risk their lives."

  He had little knowledge before, but since he followed his master, his knowledge has broadened and his life has become richer. The purpose of living is not just to avenge his tribe.

 Besides, he didn’t think he would have the strength to take revenge within three years.

 The main reason is that Qi Hao does not have a correct understanding of his own talent. With such a monster talent as his master and master, Qi Hao has never felt that his talent is good.

Yu Xiangluo nodded, Qi Hao just knows how to proceed.

 And one thing about this child is very good, that is, she will definitely do what she says. Since she promised not to be reckless, she will definitely do it.

Moreover, his grandfather is watching over him. No one cares about Qi Hao's life and death more than Qi Hao's grandfather, Qi Changhe.

She also discovered that the change in Qi Hao's state of mind was like a person from two different worlds compared to when she met him before.

 Different realms naturally lead to different thoughts and different ways of doing things.

After finishing the matter, Ji Jiuzhong said again, "There is still something I need to discuss with my parents."

Ji Jiuzhong has been calling them this since they came to Jiuyuan City to meet Yan Chengye and Long Moran.

Now that he has the memories of his previous life, he cherishes having such a pair of parents even more. It is a love that neither he nor Luo Luo had in his previous life.

Juan Chengye and Long Moran looked at him and said that he had not been so solemn about leaving for three years. What else could he discuss with them so solemnly?

"What's the matter?" Yan Chengye and his wife looked at each other and asked.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at Yan Xiangluo and said, "I want to get married to Luoluo before I leave." The room suddenly became quiet. Yan Chengye and Long Moran were also stunned. They didn't expect that Ji Jiuzhong would do such a serious thing. Marrying my daughter.

Yu Chengye understood that after they left, they would not come back for three years. This was the time they said. As for whether they could come back in three years, he knew very well that this was not certain.

It is indeed more convenient for the two children to leave after they get married, and they are no different from getting married now. Apart from the fact that there is no reality of husband and wife, Ji Jiuzhong is willing to do this, which shows that he cares about his daughter.

Juan Chengye and Long Moran looked at each other, and Long Moran nodded.

Yu Chengye then said, "We have no objection, as long as Luoluo agrees."

 Her daughter's husband was chosen by her, and she had to make her own decision as to when to get married. Although they were parents, they never thought of making the decision for her.

 She must be happy about the major events of her life.

Juan Anluo pouted, doesn't his opinion matter? If his sister gets married, he doesn't need his younger brother's consent?

Qi Hao didn't feel any curiosity or surprise at all. In his heart, Ji Jiuchong was already his master, and it was normal to hold a wedding.

Yan Xiangluo didn't expect Ji Jiuzhong to bring up this matter at this time, but when she thought about her promise to him to get married after breaking through the third level of Pangu Flower Blooming, she naturally wouldn't break her promise.

 Marrying her and marrying him were their unfulfilled wishes in their previous lives. Since they had the opportunity in this life, they naturally did not want to miss it again.

However, seeing her brother's wilting look, Yan Xiangluo smiled and asked, "What's An An's opinion?"

Juan Anluo's eyes suddenly lit up. My sister asked him for his opinion. You see, he has a very high status in her heart. He glanced at Ji Jiuchong provocatively. The meaning was very obvious. I still want to see if you can marry my sister. I agree to disagree.

Ji Jiuzhong naturally knew what his brother-in-law was thinking and was willing to coax him. After all, he was Luoluo's only blood-related brother. He smiled and said to An An, "An An's opinion is very important to us."

Juan Chengye and his wife were extremely happy to see their two children doting on their son so much.

As parents, they naturally hope that their daughters and sons will love each other and have flesh on their palms and backs. Although they dote on their daughters more, their sons are also their biological children.

Juan Anluo thought about it seriously. If her sister is so good, her brother-in-law must be like her. There is no one in the entire Jiuyuan Continent who is better than Ji Jiuzhong. It seems that she really has no other choice.

 It seems that I can only agree.

"I agree as long as my sister agrees." Juan Anluo looked at her sister and said.

Yan Xiangluo rubbed her brother's head and said, "Well, An An really feels sorry for her sister the most."

"That's natural. I will be my sister's backer in the future." Juan Anluo said, patting her heart.

This sentence was meant for Ji Jiuzhong. The implication is that I will grow up and be very powerful. Don't even think about bullying my sister.

Ji Jiuzhong nodded solemnly and said, "I will protect your sister now. When An An grows up, we will protect your sister together."

Juan Anluo nodded with satisfaction.

Qi Hao said silently in his heart: When I grow up, I will also protect Master.

Yu Chengye and his wife asked Ji Jiuchong and Yan Xiangluo some ideas about the wedding, and then went to prepare.

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