The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 905: Kill two birds with one stone

Yan Xiangluo said, "I haven't gone in yet. It looks just like when I left it in the last life. I don't know if there are any subtle changes."

As she was talking, Yan Xiangluo took Ji Jiuzhong into her space.

The two of them appeared in her portable space. Ji Jiuzhong looked at the familiar space and narrowed his eyes.

“Luo Luojue, don’t you think it’s a little strange? Since you have a portable space, why did Pangu Space choose you?”

How can a treasure like a portable space coexist peacefully with other portable spaces and choose the same owner?

Yan Xiangluo told him her feelings truthfully, "Actually, I have a feeling since I awakened from Pangu Space. Pangu Space will not always belong to me. You haven't noticed that even if Pangu Space is here, I am used to putting myself in it." Put your belongings in the storage ring, unless it is something that cannot fit in the storage ring.”

For example, the kitchen and practice room given to her by Deng Changze, the space stone milk, etc. These things cannot be placed in the storage ring.

Ji Jiuzhong's eyes paused when he heard this, "Could it be that Heaven did this on purpose to help us complete the task of eliminating demons?"

Yan Xiangluo shrugged and said, "I've thought about it too, but no matter how powerful a space is, it can't eliminate demons? Could it be that we can't hide in when fighting demons? Then what's the point?"

Ji Jiuzhong shook his head and said, "Don't think about it so much now. We should know when the time comes."

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "I think so too, I just feel like the time hasn't come yet."

Yan Xiangluo looked at the familiar space and felt the freedom she once had here. She stretched her arms and shouted loudly, "I'm back!"

Ji Jiuzhong sensed the excitement and joy in her tone, imitated her and made the same move, and shouted, "I'm back too!"

Yan Xiangluo turned to look at him with a bright smile, and shouted loudly, "Yes, we are all back."

Ji Jiuchong held her hand in a great mood, "Let's go and see if there are any changes in Luoluo's space?"

 After a month of training in the first training place, they have been under great pressure, both physically and mentally, and now they can finally relax for a short time.

This is their own place, a place where they can do whatever they want, and a place where they can try their best to show their true nature.

Although the road ahead is difficult and dangerous, they are not the ones who have wronged themselves. They should enjoy the happiness and happiness they deserve in time.

The two of them stayed in Yan Xiangluo's portable space for a full hour before reluctantly coming out of it.

There is actually no change in the space, but staying in the space makes them feel like they have returned to the ninth heaven.

Back to Jiuyuan City again, the whole city now knew that they were going to get married a year ago, especially Mu Zixian and others, who were already busy with their people.

The master and the mistress are finally getting married. Just setting up the Nine Yuan City will take some time, so there is no need to delay.

Yu Chengye, his wife and Ji Zimo were discussing their wedding in Yu's house.

Seeing that they were back, Long Moran placed the three good days she predicted in front of them, "Jiuchong, Luoluo, these are the only three days that match your horoscopes before the year. Which one do you choose?"

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong looked at the three days. Although it was three days, it was more than ten days from now. In fact, it didn't matter which day it was. After all, her mother was also a heavenly master, so setting a date to get married was not a problem. But when Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong saw the three dates, their eyes fell on one of them. This was the day when they confirmed their hearts in the previous life. They looked up at each other and said in unison, "That's it."

Long Moran looked at his daughter and son-in-law and knew that this day should have special meaning to them.

She didn’t ask much. The couple didn’t have any secrets of their own, and they wouldn’t be unreasonable parents.

Long Moran responded with a smile, "Then let's set this date."

Seeing that the wedding date had been set, Yan Chengye asked Ji Jiuchong and Yan Xiangluo, "Do you want to invite anyone to the ceremony?"

Yan Xiangluo said, "I will personally write the invitation letter for the people I need to invite."

The main reason is that she still needs to discuss it with Ji Jiuzhong. Their sworn brother Ge Tianjun must come to witness their wedding, but Ge Tianjun's identity is too sensitive. What should they do if they discuss it?

Ji Jiuzhong said, "I don't need to invite anyone specifically. Jiuyuan City will announce our wedding, and anyone who is willing to come to watch the ceremony can come."

Yu Chengye was stunned for a moment, then hesitated and said, "If this is the case, safety will not be guaranteed."

Ji Jiuchong raised the corners of his lips and said confidently, "No one can make waves in Jiuyuan City of my Ji family."

Ji Zimo also said at the right time, "The mysterious patterns of the Ji family are not blown out."

Yu Chengye nodded and said, "Then we should also take good protection."

Although he also knew that the Ji family's mysterious patterns were indeed very mysterious and powerful, after all, there were only two people left, Ji Zimo and Ji Jiuchong, and it was difficult for two fists to defeat four hands, so he still couldn't be careless.

Ji Jiuzhong understood what his father-in-law meant and added, "We don't have much time to waste. We can't find where the clone is hidden now, and we don't want to waste this time looking for her. This will kill two birds with one stone."

Yan Xiangluo also said, "If we deal with her early, we can still have a peaceful New Year. The next time our family will reunite will be three years later, and we don't want irrelevant people and things to disturb our New Year."

Juan Chengye and Long Moran looked at each other and said, "It is indeed a good time, but they ruined a big event like your wedding, and I always feel uncomfortable."

Ji Jiuzhong said, "She won't ruin our wedding. She doesn't have the strength to dare to do it in the daytime. Parents, don't worry, I have made all the arrangements."

Jue Chengye knew that Ji Jiuchong's brain was easy to use, so he didn't say anything more, "Okay, look, this is your wedding announcement that Jiuyuan City is going to release. Just write the date and post it. You can See if there is anything that needs to be changed?”

Ji Jiuzhong read it again and said, "It's good, let's post it!"

After hearing this, Yu Chengye took up a pen and wrote the date on it, and then asked someone to give it to Mu Zixian, asking him to post notices. There are two copies, one posted outside the gates of the outer city and the inner city, and one posted outside the gates of the outer city and the inner city. Outside the gate of Jiuyuan City.

“Do you have any requirements for your wedding dress?” Long Moran asked.

 The time was so short that she didn't even have time to prepare wedding dresses for her two children.

Ji Jiuzhong's phoenix eyes looked at Yan Xiangluo tenderly, and then said to Long Moran, "Mom, Luo Luo and I's wedding attire has been prepared a long time ago."

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