The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 910: what happened

The whole family is very busy, but within the time specified by Yan Xiangluo for Ji Jiuzhong, he came back on time.

As soon as he came back, the three people discussing various wedding matters in the house also stopped, and dinner was served in the flower hall of the palace.

Yan Xiangluo cooks herself, and Feng Jiayan helps her from the side. Watching her cook, she can also learn cooking skills from her. The little girl Chen Jinwen was also very discerning and went to the flower hall to tidy up, arrange the dishes and bowls, and wipe the tables and chairs very clean. Then he came to the kitchen and waited to help serve the dishes.

Chen Jinwen's mother, Du Danyu, was also busy. The three of them walked into the flower hall carrying two food boxes each. When Yuan Xiangluo went to change clothes and came back, the three of them opened the food boxes neatly, took out the food and laid it out.

As soon as the six food boxes were opened, the aroma of the food filled the air. It was okay for the others. After all, they had all eaten the food cooked by Yan Xiangluo and were used to it.

Even Qi Hao is used to it. Now every time he eats the food cooked by his master, he will taste it carefully to see what the gap is between him and his master. Although Qi Hao is still young, his cooking skills have improved very quickly.

Had I not been focusing on practicing recently to improve my cultivation, my cooking skills might have been even better.

But this is Ji Zimo’s first time.

He exclaimed, "Luo Yatou's cooking skills are much higher than those of the royal chefs in the palace. The taste alone is much better than theirs."

 The richness of the spiritual energy is the basis for judging the level of the spiritual chef, and then there is the taste, both of which are accounted for by Xiangluo.

 No wonder everyone looks forward to it every time this girl cooks.

Yan Xiangluo was still very confident in her cooking skills and said with a smile, "Please, ancestor Zimo."

This is something she didn't have in her previous life. In her previous life, she had no time to study cooking skills, and she didn't care about eating. She didn't eat all year round and only ate some spiritual fruits.

At this table, although Ji Zimo looks younger than her parents, she is older, so she lets Ji Zimo move first so they can eat.

Ji Zimo was not polite. He picked up his chopsticks and took a bite first, and then everyone followed suit. Suddenly, no one could care about talking and they all kept eating.

It's so delicious. It looks very plain, even the meat and vegetables are not very greasy, but it is surprisingly delicious.

 “How did Luo Yatou cook the food so delicious?” Ji Zimo ate the first meal after merging with her body.

 It was only after eating that I had time to talk.

Ji Zimo finally understood why no one talked when this girl was cooking. She was not following the rules, but had no time to speak.

Yan Xiangluo explained, “Perhaps because I am an alchemist, I have a very sensitive understanding of plants and can sense their limits, so I can bring out the flavor of the food when cooking. "

She has also thought about why her cooking skills are so good. The root cause is that she is an alchemist.

Ji Zimo said, "There are many alchemists, but you are the only one who is good at cooking."

Yan Xiangluo shrugged, "That's because I am the only one among the alchemists who is greedy!"

Ji Zimo laughed heartily after hearing her words, "Luo Yatou is indeed a treasure."

 This girl is so interesting.

After dinner, the two of them did not go back to the palace to stay, but stayed in the palace. Yu Chengye and Long Moran prepared courtyards for them both.

Yan Xiangluo returned to the courtyard that her parents had carefully arranged for her. She sat on the swing in the courtyard, swaying gently and looking up at the night sky. The stars are extremely bright, and the crescent moon hangs in the night sky, which is particularly prominent. She is alone and surrounded by silence. It is rare to have such a quiet time, and Yu Xiangluo's heart temporarily relaxes.

 Go through the past life experiences in your mind, not missing any details. Since you are going to the Nine Heavens, you must be prepared.

Even though Ji Jiuzhong is a super think tank, she is not an idiot.

Although she only stayed with her master for three years in her previous life, her experience was comparable to what others would not have been able to achieve in three hundred or even three thousand years.

 From people and things until death.

Although he looks calm on the outside, he is still very turbulent in his heart. He was young and inexperienced at the time. Looking at it now, it seems that the people around him have actually shown signs of betrayal for a long time, but he did not notice it.

 After calming down, Yan Xiangluo's consciousness sank into the Pangu space, checking the things that her senior brothers had left for her.

The palace space magic weapon left to her by her senior brother has now been placed by her in the Nine Yuan City as a treasure for experience.

 The second senior brother left her a magic-absorbing bead, which she would use soon.

What the fifth senior brother left to her was the glazed lamp from her previous life. She didn’t know how to use the glazed lamp before. Now that she has recovered the memory of her previous life, she naturally knows the origin and usage of her glazed lamp. In the previous life, she was sealed by her master and senior brothers. Mo Shi gave the glazed lamp to the fifth senior brother, and the fifth senior brother left the glazed lamp to her before disappearing into nothingness.

 What the fourth and fifth senior brothers left to her was the portable space from her previous life. She has yet to open only the box left by her third senior brother, which also contains treasures from her previous life.

  She had no memory of her past life before, so she didn’t know what was in the box. Now that she has recovered her past life memory, she can already guess what’s inside.

With a thought, the box left to her by the third senior brother appeared in her hand, still glowing with yellow light.

Yan Xiangluo opened the box gently, and the yellow light became brighter. It was indeed this treasure.

When the master and the senior brothers went to seal the demon lord, she gave the treasure to the third senior brother. Why was the third senior brother useless?

 If it is used, it can at least save the soul of the third senior brother.

Yan Xiangluo slowly closed the lid of the box, still doubting about the matter of sealing the demon lord at that time.

 When she met Master Fengyuan Saint in the first place of training, Master did not tell her in detail about sealing the demon lord.

But she clearly remembered that when she went to seal the Demon Lord, her master said that if the plan was completed perfectly, the Demon Lord could be sealed forever. Unless someone could help the Demon Lord open the seal, why could the Demon Lord be sealed for only ten thousand years?

What must have happened when the demon lord was sealed.

 Therefore, the third senior brother did not use this treasure and kept it for himself. It must be that even if he used it at that time, it would have no effect.

Yan Xiangluo knew her master and senior brothers very well. Since they decided to seal the demon lord, they must have been fully prepared. This accident definitely did not happen to the master and senior brothers, but to other people who participated in the sealing.

A dark light flashed through Yan Xiang's apricot eyes, which fell like a deep pool, and she entered the Pangu space with the box.

 She appeared directly in front of the huge white crystal ball that her soul had been taken to the Nine Heavens and brought back.

 Looking up at the white crystal ball, she wanted to test how far her Celestial Master power could reach now.

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