The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 928: It's really her

To be honest, Yan Xiangluo really didn’t want the saint Ziyun who was loyal to love in her previous life to be such a despicable, dirty and cruel person.

At this moment, one of the busy people in the palace said, "Hurry up, Saint Ziyun will be back soon. There can be no mistakes, otherwise you will know the consequences."

This sentence made everyone working faster and more careful. At the same time, it also broke the last expectation in Yan Xiangluo's heart. Sage Ziyun did still live here.

Yan Xiangluo did not wait for Saint Ziyun to come back. She still had things to do, and now she had no time to worry about why Saint Ziyun took action against Ji Jiuzhong.

 She floated out of the palace and came to the side of the six people. She looked at the speed of their formation and saw that half of it was already completed.

Because it is very difficult to set up formations across two time and space, and the requirements for strength are also very high. Although there are people below to listen to their orders, it is not easy to set up a fortune formation.

 The six of them include the Formation Master, the Xuan Wen Master, the Heavenly Master, and the other three are responsible for inputting spiritual energy.

 In this way, a great luck formation can be completed.

The front half of the formation is easier to set up. The most important thing is the second half. That is the most critical part of the luck formation. The effect depends on the strength of the final formation.

None of the six people looked very relaxed. Yan Xiangluo floated to them and took a closer look at their cultivation levels. They all had the cultivation level of the Great Sage, but they had just broken through to the level of the Great Sage.

She glanced at the Celestial Master. His strength was incomparable to hers, but his Celestial Master level was also ranked among the best in the Nine Heavens. It seemed that Saint Ziyun had put a lot of thought into inviting such a Celestial Master. The reward is quite a lot.

Looking at the two people she knew, Yan Xiangluo curled her lips. Tens of thousands of years had passed, and they had just broken through to the cultivation level of the Great Sage. Their talents were really extraordinary.

Of course, the difference she is talking about refers to the comparison of talent between people who have reached the level of a great sage. She only reached the level of a great sage at this age and when she was a teenager.

Yan Xiangluo mobilized her soul-controlling power and added her soul-controlling power to the power input by each of them.

There are many ways to use the power of soul control. The method that Yan Xiangluo used this time was also the first time. She was not targeting the formation below, but the six people setting up the formation.

As soon as the formation is activated, the soul-controlling power she inputs will counterattack and directly enter their consciousness. However, they will not notice it. By doing this, Yan Xiangluo is just leaving an opportunity to deal with them in the future. .

 Another point is that these soul-controlling powers will scatter their luck little by little.

This does not violate the rules of conduct of the Celestial Master, and she did not directly send the power of soul control into their bodies. This was a counterattack, and they absorbed the power of soul control themselves.

Originally, the fortunes of these six people were pretty good. Although there were disasters and disasters, they could be resolved. I don't know for sure what they will do in the future.

There is no way. Now she is in the state of soul body, and her cultivation level is not as high as that of the six people. Unlike before, when she used a huge white crystal ball to attack that person, she was competing for the power of controlling the soul.

 Therefore, we can only take some small actions first to prepare for the future. When they return to the Nine Heavens, it will be time to really deal with them.

Yan Xiangluo controlled the power of soul control and input it for about a quarter of an hour. She stopped when she felt it was enough. She was too vigilant because she was a great sage.

At this time, the sound of everyone paying homage came from the palace behind him, "Greetings to Saint Ziyun."

 Sage Ziyun is back?

Although Yan Xiangluo had heard of Saint Ziyun in her previous life, she had never seen her. Now that she knew that she was one of the people behind the plot against Ji Jiuzhong, she still had some time, so she would not miss the opportunity to meet her. The fragrance immediately drifted back to the entrance of the palace, just in time to see Saint Ziyun walking to the seat above.

 As expected, I really like purple. Both the jewelry and the clothes on my body are purple, and the combination of dark and light colors is perfect.

Especially, there is a lavender bracelet on her hand. From a distance, it is difficult to tell what material it is made of, but she can feel the strong spiritual energy coming from it. It can be seen that this lavender bracelet must be a spiritual object.

Sage Ziyun sat down on the seat above, glanced at the people below and asked, "Are they not done yet?"

"It should be finished soon. Disciple, let's go over and take a look." The person who replied was a man. After saying this, he immediately went out to see how long it would take for the six people to finish.

Yan Xiangluo turned sideways and the man walked past her. She saw the reluctant expression on the man's face.

 It seems that Sage Ziyun is not so respected in the minds of his disciples.

Yan Xiangluo turned her head and looked at the saint Ziyun who was sitting there. He had an extremely beautiful appearance. Although he was over ten thousand years old, he only looked like he was in his twenties.

The age of a monk is fixed when he breaks through to the divine level. In both previous and present lives, Yan Xiangluo broke through to the divine level in her teens. If she had not encountered any accidents in her previous life, she would be over 10,000 years old now, but her appearance Will still look like a teenager.

Sage Ziyun looks like she is in her twenties, which means that she broke through to the divine level in her twenties.

  It can be considered a very talented person.

 “Are you ready below?” Saint Ziyun asked again.

Yan Xiangluo was puzzled as to where Saint Ziyun was referring to. Does Ziyun Palace also have an underground palace? Or does it refer to the place below where ordinary people live?

"Reply to the saint, everything is ready. As long as the formation is activated, we can start." A disciple stood up and saluted first before replying.

Yan Xiangluo's eyes changed. The person behind Ji Jiuzhong's scheme turned out to be Saint Ziyun. What was she going to do? In other words, who needs Ji Jiuzhong’s destiny?

At this moment, the person who went out to check came back and said, "Sage, the formation is nearing completion and will be completed soon."

After hearing this, Yan Xiangluo knew that she could no longer stay here. She had to return below before the formation was completed.

Although I really want to know what Saint Ziyun is going to spend so much effort to seize Ji Jiuzhong's destiny, he can't risk his life.

 At least now we know that Saint Ziyun is the person behind it. Apart from the six people outside and Saint Ziyun, if anyone else is involved, Yan Xiangluo cannot continue to investigate now.

Yan Xiangluo immediately returned to the six people, turned to look at Ziyun Palace, jumped into the well, followed the connection with Yun Shangtian, and quickly returned to her body.

Ji Jiuzhong knew she was back as soon as her body moved.

“Luoluo, the formation will be completed soon, we must leave Yunshangtian immediately.” Ji Jiuzhong said quickly.

“What should I do with the formation eye?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

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