The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 938: how come

  Chapter 938 How did it come about?

 All the children in the family have been learning alchemy since they were young. Only my brother-in-law is different and has no interest in alchemy at all.

He started traveling when he was ten years old. However, his grandfather did not allow him to let him go, so he ran away from home for ten years. When he came back, he became a Celestial Master. However, the Celestial Master's cultivation level was not high at that time, but his talent was very high. high.

Since the family cultivates alchemy talents, my brother-in-law has to work **** his own if he wants to become a true heavenly master, so he is often away from home.

It is precisely because of his travels across the continent that he often encountered some dangers. Such a thing did not happen until 800 years ago.

 In fact, no one in the family knows how high his uncle's Celestial Master level is, just because he is not at home. Only the demigod Wei Lan knows that his uncle's Celestial Master level is very strong.

 Now that you are here, you must have sensed something.

Yu Xiangluo was also helpless. It was a coincidence.

Listening to the descriptions of her father and Jiuchong, Yan Xiangluo also had a general impression of Wei Qing. In one word, he was an out-of-this-world immortal who did not blend in with the world.

Being able to come to their Jiuyuan City must be due to the Heavenly Master's perception of himself and his perception that something related to him will happen here.

 After all, she is also a Celestial Master herself, and she is a Celestial Master who thinks she has no rival in the Nine Heavens.

Just tell me, why didn't she feel that anything bad had happened? It turns out that everything was settled.

 My heart is completely at peace.

 Because she knows very well that the way the Heavenly Master solves things is very rational. Especially the powerful Celestial Master.

Demigod Wei Lan looked at the people and said, "Do you think we should go over or invite him over?"

Yan Xiangluo looked at her parents, and Yan Chengye said, "Let's go there."

 It doesn’t matter whether the matter is discussed in the Concubine’s Mansion or Jiuyuan College, it is all the territory of the son-in-law.

 After all, Wei Qing is his wife’s ancestor, so they would be more respectful if they went there in person. No matter how things end up, they still have to follow the proper etiquette.

 Demigod Wei Lan is very satisfied with their decision. No matter what the outcome is, their family can get along with each other, at least their moral character is very upright.

Thinking of his brother-in-law, Demigod Wei Lan was really speechless. He didn't know what his uncle would do if he found out about this.

Wei Lan, the demigod, told Wei Qing, "Uncle, just wait for me at Jiuyuan College. I'll be there right away."

 “Okay.” Wei Qing agreed happily.

A few people got up and left the palace and walked towards Jiuyuan College.

Ji Jiuzhong had already told Mu Zixian that when they arrived at Jiuyuan College, they entered the gate and saw Mu Zixian waiting there.

“Master, Teacher Wei is in Tianshi Pavilion.” Mu Zixian came over and reported.

Jiuyuan College has not yet started recruiting students, there are only some recruited teachers, and Wei Qing is the only one in Tianshi Pavilion.

Ji Jiudian nodded, and the others walked towards Tianshi Pavilion under the leadership of Mu Zixian.

At the door of Tianshi Pavilion, a man wearing a light blue robe and a snow-white loose and flowing coat stood at the door. He saw a group of them approaching and his eyes fell on them.

 Finally, his eyes fell on the demigod Wei Lan and asked, "Lan'er, what happened?"

 Wei Lan glanced at his brother-in-law half-heartedly, "It's a big deal."

"Big deal? Why, someone in Yunshang Palace bullied you?" Wei Qing looked at Demigod Wei Lan up and down, and raised her eyebrows when she saw that he was fine. This is the bad thing about the Heavenly Master. He can see the destiny of anyone in the world, but he cannot see the destiny of his own bloodline relatives.

"It's not me, it's you." Demigod Wei Lan was helpless.

 My brother-in-law has always had his own way of doing things, and he doesn't care about any of his nephews, except for him. It was also because he was in poor health for several years when he was a child and could not practice cultivation. No one in his family was willing to take care of him. It was his brother-in-law who took him away and took care of him as his own son.

The two of them traveled around a lot in those years, and my uncle also found someone to heal his body. It was also those years that broadened his horizons, allowing him to succeed in alchemy and cultivation in the future.

 Although they are uncles and nephews, they get along more like father and son.

"Me?" Wei Qing was obviously a little surprised, but his cold and lonely life all year round made his expression not very obvious.

"What's the big deal if I'm fine?" Wei Qing asked with a frown.

Demigod Wei Lan pushed Yan Xiangluo forward, "Uncle, feel the blood aura on her body."

Wei listened to the words of the demigod Wei Lan and looked at Yan Xiangluo, "Are you a Heavenly Master?"

He sensed the powerful soul-controlling power in Yan Xiangluo's body, and then his eyes widened. How could it be possible? How could this girl have the same blood aura as his own? It's not just the blood aura of the same clan, but the continuation of his bloodline. Could she be his daughter? You don’t even have a daughter from a woman?

"She, she is, what's going on?" Wei Qing pointed at Yan Xiangluo in disbelief and asked Wei Lan, the demigod, who was speechless.

  The appearance of the immortal who had not cared about worldly affairs just now suddenly cracked.

The corners of Wei Lan's demigod's mouth twitched, "What's wrong with your bloodline?"

 “I don’t even have a woman, how did she get here?” Wei Qing was very confused.

Wei Lan sighed, "Go in and talk."

 This matter cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences, so let’s go in, sit down and talk slowly!

 But at this moment, Wei Qing discovered Long Moran, pointed at her in shock and said, "What's wrong with her?"

He was already shocked when a daughter appeared. Why did a bloodline who was older than his daughter appear now?

Yan Xiangluo was no longer nervous when she saw Wei Qing's reaction. Instead, she wanted to laugh. This person is also a lovely person, "She is my mother."

"Huh?" Wei Qing was a little confused. Could it be that this girl is not his daughter, but her mother?

Wei Lan knew from the looks of it that his uncle was confused. It was rare to see such an expression on the part of his uncle who had control over everything in the world.

However, he would not let his uncle lose his composure, so he quickly stepped forward and pulled him into the weapon refining hall, "Go in and talk, uncle, this matter is a bit complicated."

Wei Qing was pulled in by her nephew and sat down before she could wake up from the shock.

A few people also sat down and looked at him. After a while, Wei Qing regained his composure, looked at everyone and said, "Tell me, what is going on?"

No matter how ignorant Wei Qing was, he still knew the identities of Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo. After all, the two of them are now influential figures in the Nine Yuan Continent.

Although this is the first time I have seen them, their portraits exist throughout the Nine Yuan Continent.

At that time, he had also seen the fortunes of these two people, but unfortunately, he couldn't see anything, and he couldn't calculate anything. Moreover, he always felt that there was something involving him, asking him to come to Jiuyuan City, and it was related to these two people, so he I came here and wanted to meet the two of them and see what was going on.

 Therefore, he came.

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