The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 941: Because I like it

Chapter 941 Because I like it

He accepted the kowtow between mother and son because he knew that Yan Xiangluo's cultivation level was higher than him. Such a strong person did not need to salute his elders in front of his relatives, but she still knelt down and kowtowed. It shows that this girl is very affectionate and righteous.

She also expressed her meaning silently. Although she did not recognize her relatives, in their hearts, Wei Qing was still their elder.

 “Get up.” Wei Qing walked up to them and helped them up.

Yan Xiangluo, mother and son got up and sat down again.

Wei Qing added, "I have traveled around in my life, and I stopped to practice in seclusion wherever I had the opportunity. I have been stuck in the bottleneck for hundreds of years. Since I came to Jiuyuan College, I must be destined to be here. I heard Jiuyuan Academy does not look at status but only talent for admission, and you have to earn the tuition yourself. This reminds me of the helplessness I felt when I wanted to learn the power of soul control and had no way to turn to others. It gives hope to those who have the talent of a heavenly master who have no way to turn to me, so my decision will not change.”

Ji Jiuzhong spoke, "Jiuyuan College welcomes Master Wei Qingtian to stay and teach."

Wei Qing smiled, "This girl is related to me by blood and I can't see her luck. But I can't see your luck either. This means that you are a person with great luck. Only such a person can have good luck." Hidden by the way of heaven, no one with a higher level of cultivation can see through it. Although I can't see your destiny, I have a hunch that the Nine Yuan Continent will change because of your existence."

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at Wei Qing with his phoenix eyes, knowing that his ability to say these words proved that his Celestial Master cultivation was indeed very strong, and that they would take advantage of him by staying in Jiuyuan College to teach.

“If we really have the ability to change something, and the people on the entire continent benefit, there’s nothing wrong with it.”

Ji Jiuzhong’s words mean that no matter what we do, people across the continent will benefit from it. Our great luck is positive and we will never do anything that is detrimental to our morality.

How could Wei Qing not understand what Ji Jiuzhong meant? She nodded and changed the subject, "You will send me an invitation to your wedding, right?"

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at Yan Xiangluo. It was up to Luoluo to decide whether or not to send invitations to Wei Qing for their wedding.

Yan Xiangluo took out an invitation, wrote Wei Qing's name on the spot, and handed it to him with her hands on her hands, "It is our honor for Senior Wei Qing to attend our wedding."

Wei Qing received the invitation, saw the words on it and said approvingly, "The words are just like the person she is. She is indeed not a simple girl."

"Praise me if you can, Xiangluo is very happy." Yan Xiangluo said with a smile like a flower.

Although he did not recognize his ancestors openly, since he knew that Wei Qing was the ancestor of his mother's lineage, he naturally still had to respect him.

Wei Qing has an understanding of Yan Xiangluo's way of dealing with things. This girl has clear grudges and good intentions. She has a clear mind and is a rare pure person.

Yu Chengye stood up and said, "Now that we've said it, we won't disturb you and take our leave."

Wei Qing responded, "Okay." He stood up and sent them out.

As they walked out, Yan Xiangluo joked to Wei Lan, "I said before that we can still be friends even if we can't be relatives. Now it seems that we are really friends. It seems that I am taking advantage."

If we really talk about seniority, Yan Xiangluo is who knows how many generations younger than the demigod Wei Lan. Now when we get along as friends, we are the same generation.

Wei Lan sighed, "You girl."

Everything was said without saying anything. No matter how reluctant Demigod Wei Lan was to let go of such an outstanding girl, she knew that she could not interfere too much.

Yan Xiangluo smiled mischievously and said, "I haven't seen your uncle for a long time. Let's have a good chat. The courtyard of Yan's mansion has been sorted out for you. You can live in the college if you like."

Wei Lan nodded half-heartedly, "Okay, my friend, thank you for your trouble." One sentence from the friend showed that he had completely let go.

Yan Xiangluo waved to him, then took her brother's hand and walked side by side with Ji Jiuzhong outside. Looking at their parents walking in front, Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong smiled knowingly.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at her lovingly, and the family left Tianshi Pavilion easily.

Wei Lan, the demigod, looked at the family’s leaving figures and asked, “Uncle, you don’t like this girl at all?”

Wei Qing stood in front of the door with her hands clasped behind her hands and watched as the family disappeared from sight.

 “Just because I like it, I don’t want to drag her down.”

Wei Qing's voice was calm and calm, but Wei Lan half-consciously heard the strong emotion. This was also the first time he saw emotions belonging to a normal person in his uncle.

Only then did demigod Wei Lan understand the intention behind his brother-in-law's decision. My brother-in-law is afraid that those in the Wei family will become a drag on Yuan Xiangluo.

"Their family's ability to come from a low-level continent to a high-level continent has always relied on themselves. Now their cultivation and power do not need our protection. On the contrary, existences like the Wei family are likely to become a drag on them. "Wei Qing returned to Tianshi Pavilion and explained as he walked.

The Wei family has been passed down to this day. It is too large, and the moral character of the clan members is mixed. If they are really killed, I am afraid that someone in the Wei family will do something bad by taking advantage of the power of Jiuyuan City, which will backfire.

  It's better to just let them live the life they want as a family.

Wei Lan Demigod followed behind him, "I understand what my uncle meant, but what about the man named Long Mo Qing?"

Wei Qing paused and said, "Let them solve it themselves. That girl can't spare him."

Even if she can **** back her brother's destiny, her level of Heavenly Master is probably even stronger than hers. What's the point of keeping such a scum?

Demigod Wei Lan sighed, "I didn't expect that the strongest bloodline in our Wei family would be them."

Wei Qing looked back at him and said, "This matter is rotten in my heart. I can't tell anyone, not even your grandparents. Do you understand?"

Demigod Wei Lan nodded, raised his head and said, "Just because I don't say it doesn't mean that the Wei family will never know. My uncle and I can sense the blood aura on their bodies, and others can naturally sense it as well. As long as the cultivation level is above God-like."

Wei Tingtang is not worried about this matter, "Don't worry, we don't need to worry about this matter, they will solve it on their own."

Since that girl had already made plans not to recognize each other, she naturally knew how to avoid future troubles. If she couldn't do it, she should have spoken to her just now.

Wei Lan was stunned for a moment, then asked, "How to solve it?"

He has never heard of anyone who can change the blood and aura of his body.

Wei Qing raised her lips and smiled, "Don't believe it?"

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