The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 945: look down on her

Chapter 945 Look down on her

  But no matter how unwilling he is, he also knows that he will not be able to win the fate of Juan Anluo. What he is more worried about now is that if he fails this time, he will be completely defeated.

Long Moqing was not willing to fail like this, and suddenly opened his eyes. Let's take a gamble. Anyway, the result will not be worse.

If he loses this ability that he is proud of, Long Moqing would rather die.

 If a person is not even afraid of death, what should he be afraid of?

Yan Xiangluo pulled out all the good luck paths from Long Moqing's consciousness, kneaded them together with the power of soul control, and threw them into the Pangu space, "Shiwo, refined these luck paths."

For Long Moqing, problems that couldn't be solved with all his efforts were nothing to her. There was nothing in the world that Shiwo couldn't refine.

Shiwo was extremely excited. It had refined a lot of things with its master in its past life. It had refined all kinds of weird things, but it had never refined people's luck.

Stone Nest immediately opened the lid to catch the large ball of luck thrown in by the owner, and quickly closed the lid. It did not have the power of the owner to control the soul. If the lid was not closed in time, part of the luck inside would be lost.

Shiwo shouted to Yan Xiangluo, "Master, please lend me the fire beads."

Although Shiwo can refine everything in the world, it needs the help of flames. Yan Xiangluo doesn't have time to release flames for it to refine now, so it can only let the fire beads help it.

With a thought, Yan Xiangluo detached the fire beads from the Pangu flower and threw them into the Pangu space.

Shiwo said to Huozhu, "Hurry, listen to my command and control the fire. Let's quickly refine these fortune paths and feed them back to the master. It will be of great help to the master."

The fire beads floated obediently under the stone nest, burning a flame. This flame is burned directly on Huozhu, which means that Huozhu is now controlling the fire himself and cooperates very well with Shiwo.

It only took a moment for Yan Xiangluo to hand over these fortune paths to Shiwo, but she immediately felt the fluctuations in Long Moqing's sea of ​​consciousness, and immediately knew what he wanted to do.

 He actually wanted to devour her luck directly.

Yan Xiangluo laughed angrily at Long Moqing's actions, showing how much he looked down on her strength.

She is a Celestial Master, and the most powerful Celestial Master in the Nine Heavens. One day someone will want to take away her destiny.

Then how strong the opponent's luck is to achieve his goal.

If people from Jiuchongtian knew about this, they would definitely laugh out loud. Of course, the target of ridicule would definitely not be her, but the person who wanted to seize her destiny.

Yan Xiangluo directly cut off his brother's luck that was stolen by Long Moqing. Yan Anluo suddenly felt light all over, and the uncomfortable feeling of having his luck stolen disappeared.

He knew that it was his sister who did it, and only her sister had this strength, but she had said before that she would not let him move. Even though he was very comfortable now, he was still obedient and sat cross-legged on the nine-story lotus platform without any thought, without moving at all.

After Yan Xiangluo cut off her brother's destiny, she once again rushed into Long Moqing's consciousness with her soul-controlling power.

 Since Long Moqing wants to seize her destiny, it is not her style to not fight back.

 The most important thing is that after she extracted all the good luck, the black energy around Long Moqing's body actually returned to Long Moqing's body. She wanted to know where all the black gas went?

She had an instinctive hunch that all the black energy had entered Long Moqing's consciousness.

This is the power of the devil. It is a delicacy that Black Danzi likes to eat. You must not miss it.

Yan Xiangluo released the power of soul control and once again rushed into Long Mo Qing's consciousness. Long Moqing was so excited that he wanted to laugh.

Yan Xiangluo was indeed fooled. How could he be so stupid? If he was not sure, he would not do it at all.

After coming to Jiuyuan City, he was prepared for the worst. It can also be said that he was prepared for the worst from the beginning.

Successfully seizing Yuan Luo's destiny, he can not only heal his own injuries, but also double the strength of the Celestial Master.

If it fails, it must be Yan Xiangluo who takes action, so just seize Yan Xiangluo's luck directly. The luck of the two of them is rare in the world, and it can be anyone's.

It is a good thing that Yan Xiangluo has removed all the good luck paths from his consciousness, so that there will be room to store Yan Xiangluo's luck paths, and he will not have to deal with the messy luck paths.

 With Yu Xiangluo's luck, those good fortunes are not worth mentioning.

 But Long Moqing forgot that without the blessing of these good luck paths, his success rate in doing things was almost zero.

As soon as Yan Xiangluo's soul-controlling power rushed in, she realized Long Moqing's true purpose. If he had plotted against someone else, he might have succeeded, but she is Yan Xiangluo, the black dumpling who eats the devil's power as a delicacy.

I can only say it's a pity to Long Moqing. You really are not liked by Heaven, so you are not very lucky.

 Same, the good luck has been taken away by her, so how can there be any good luck?

Yan Xiangluo was not affected by Long Moqing's movements at all, but rushed straight towards the black aura.

Long Moqing was dumbfounded. He just wanted to use the demonic power to deal with Yan Xiangluo. Why did Yan Xiangluo rush forward in excitement before he mobilized the demonic power?

 He didn’t think that the devil was so attractive that Yuan Xiangluo would die on his own without him taking action.

But Yan Xiangluo's movements were so fast that he didn't even have time to think about it. Yan Xiangluo's soul-controlling power rushed towards the demonic power in his consciousness.

Then the demon's power disappeared. Long Moqing looked at his consciousness in disbelief. The demon's power that the woman gave him was indeed gone at all.

At this time, Long Moqing was doubting whether the woman gave him real demonic power?

That woman was the one he met the night after he came to Jiuyuan City. After talking with her, he found out that she was also from Tianqian Continent and was a member of the Qin family among the nine major families. She was also forced to this point.

Long Moqing came to Jiuyuan Continent relatively early. At that time, Qin Suyue was only two or three years old. He had no idea that there was such a girl in the Qin family, let alone what Qin Suyue did when she grew up.

  Instead, there is a feeling of sympathy for each other. The most important thing is that the two of them are of the same mind, both ruthless and unscrupulous in order to achieve their goals.

There is no distinction between good and evil in Long Moqing's heart. As long as he can make himself stronger, it doesn't matter which path he takes. Therefore, when Qin Suyue gave him a ray of demonic power, he did not refuse. On the contrary, he felt that it was to save his own life. s method.

But now Yan Xiangluo didn't show up and only relied on the power of soul control to actually take away the demon's power.

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