The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 947: It's a way

Chapter 947 is a way

Ji Jiuzhong felt very happy just by imagining that scene.

Juan Anluo looked at her happy brother, this is the childhood and happiness that a six-year-old child should have.

Although her younger brother didn't have much happiness before because of his parents and their status, she still won't be stingy when she can give it now.

I don’t want my younger brother to live like a noob, but I also don’t want to deprive him of the joy of childhood.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the Pangu space. Heituanzi was digesting the magic power he had just sent to it. Shiwo and Fire Bead were refining the path of luck. They were both very busy.

She turned to look at her parents, Ji Jiuzhong, and ancestor Zi Mo. She saw her parents looking at her with relief. She understood what her parents meant, but what did Ji Jiuzhong mean when he looked at her with the same expression?

Yan Xiangluo raised her eyebrows speechlessly and shouted to her younger brother, "An'an, aren't you going to take your sister to see flowers?"

Juan Anluo jumped down from the nine-story lotus platform excitedly, "I'm so excited, let's go, sister, let's go see the flowers now."

Yan Xiangluo pulled him and said, "Put away the nine-story lotus platform first."

Juan Anluo glanced at the nine-story lotus platform that was almost as high as the house they lived in, and said a little worriedly, "It takes up too much space. It looks like I have to ask dad to refine another space ring for me."

Yan Xiangluo smiled and rubbed his head, "Just shed blood to identify the master. The nine-story lotus platform is not an ordinary object."

Juan Anluo's eyes suddenly lit up, "Sister, is the Nine-Cheng Lotus Platform a spiritual object or a spiritual weapon?"

 Only spiritual objects, divine objects, spiritual weapons, and artifacts can be contracted.

Yan Xiangluo smiled and said, "You will know after you sign the contract."

Juan Anluo immediately condensed a drop of blood and threw it on the nine-story lotus platform. After a red light of contract flashed, the nine-story lotus platform disappeared in front of several people.

Juan Anluo looked at the nine-layer lotus platform in her consciousness and opened her mouth in shock.

Then he looked up at his sister. As expected, his sister loved him the most and was very good to him. This was a sacred item. He gave it to him just because he liked his sister.

 He must treat his sister better, better, and better in the future.

"Sister, I'm so happy." Juan Anluo threw herself into her sister's arms and hugged her waist, saying with a choked voice.

Yan Xiangluo didn't expect her brother's reaction to be so big. She put her arms around him, patted his back with one hand and rubbed his head with the other, "You are my brother, so naturally you want to grow up happily."

Although Ji Jiuchong felt that his brother-in-law's hand around his wife's waist was an eyesore, he did not dare to object. A look of helplessness flashed through his eyes. Why did he feel that Luoluo raised her brother as his son.

What my brother-in-law said was correct. Compared to the two of them, he was indeed too happy.

Yu Chengye and his wife were very pleased. They had been worried that their daughter would not be able to accept the sudden appearance of her younger brother. When they first met, they could see that although their daughter tried her best to accept his younger brother's existence, there was still some estrangement in her heart. Now the two siblings Getting along with each other is the real blood relative.

 This is what they want to see most.

Yu Chengye asked Ji Jiuchong, "Who is the inner ghost?"

The person who can deceive his son must be someone who has access to the son. Only the people around him can know that the son wants to get some flowers for his sister, so they can deceive the son out.

 But they thought about everyone around them, especially the people who had interacted with An An in the past few days, and they couldn't find any suspects. Ji Jiuzhong said, "After checking, it's not a human being. It should be Long Moqing's contracted spiritual pet, the Phantom Spirit Bird."

Mu Zixian’s ability. If someone really deceived An An, they would definitely be able to find out, but Mu Zixian didn’t find the person.

After Ji Jiuzhong killed Long Moqing, his contracted spiritual pet appeared. The owner was dead and the contracted spiritual pet could not survive. Therefore, Ji Jiuzhong saw Long Moqing's contracted spiritual pet, which was a phantom bird.

The phantom bird does not have much combat power, but it has the ability to cause hallucinations, detect information, and confuse people's hearts. The cultivation level of Long Moqing's phantom bird is not low, and it is enough to deal with An An.

None of the people present expected such a result, but thinking that the people in the inner city of Jiuyuan City were all people who had sworn the oath, whether it was the Black Feather Guards or their own people, as well as the teachers recruited by Jiuyuan Academy, Coupled with the profound pattern formation carved by Ji Jiuzhong, indeed no one can leak information about the inner city.

And there are too few people who can come into contact with him, and they are all his own people.

Yu Chengye frowned, "It seems that we need to add another layer of protection to our protection. When students from Jiuyuan College come, we have to separate the residential area."

Ji Jiudian nodded, "I will arrange for Zi Xian to do this. However, it is really difficult to guard against some spiritual beasts with special abilities. I will think of a way."

As everyone knows, people can guard against them, but spiritual beasts have all kinds of abilities, making them really difficult to guard against and difficult to come up with a solution to.

Yan Xiangluo thought of the spirit beast and was worried that Qin Suyue would also do something about it, "Qin Suyue should have bribed a lot of people. Long Moqing's consciousness has the power of demons, and people can bribe it. Spirit beasts are easier to control, and Maybe some of the people being bribed have some kind of spiritual beast with weird auras, so we have to be more careful.”

Yu Chengye sighed, "People with unstable minds and no moral bottom line will still do evil regardless of Qin Suyue's appearance. It's okay. We can take this opportunity to eradicate some of them first, and treat them as doing justice for heaven. These are the spirits. It’s really hard to deal with beasts.”

Ji Jiuzhong said, "We have the divine beast here, so we don't have to worry about dealing with Qin Suyue. The main thing is to defend ourselves after we leave."

Yan Xiangluo blinked her eyes, "It would be great if we could find a spiritual beast with special abilities to be the guardian beast of Jiuyuan City."

Yan Xiangluo’s words made several people’s eyes light up at the same time.

 Then they all said in unison, "This is a way."

Yan Xiangluo suddenly smiled when he saw it, "Let me test it later. Where is the guardian beast of Jiuyuan City?"

How could she forget her own abilities? The Heavenly Master's abilities are just for display, why can't she remember to use them?

A few people laughed, and Long Moran also said, "I'll test it too. Then we, mother and daughter, can see if our directions are the same."

“Let’s go and see the flowers first.” Yan Xiangluo looked at her brother who looked expectantly and said.

Hearing this, Yan Anluo quickly took Yan Xiangluo to the front yard to see the flowers he bought for his sister.

Looking at the two siblings leaving happily, the couple, Juan Chengye and his wife, Ji Zimo and Ji Jiuzhong also followed them with smiles.

Yan Anluo put all the flowers she bought in a room in the front yard. When she opened the door, Yan Xiangluo saw a room full of flowers.

 Although they are all planted in flower pots, each pot blooms vigorously, and the mixed flowers are particularly fragrant.

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