The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 950: As a gift from my brother

Chapter 950 As a gift from my brother

Changfeng and Jin Yutang are both cold-faced. In this situation, it depends on Mu Zixian, who is familiar with the situation. With him here, the atmosphere will not be cold, and the conversation with Fu Qingfeng will be very lively.

Hearing Fu Qingfeng praise the cook for his good cooking skills, he pointed to the table where Yan Xiangluo and theirs were sitting, "Our mistress is the best at cooking."

Fu Qingfeng was stunned. He knew that Yan Xiangluo cooked the food for the king himself, but he didn't know that her cooking skills were even better than the cook who was eating the table from him.

At this time, a gust of wind blew over, blowing the aroma of the food on the table to Yan Xiangluo. Only then did he realize that Mu Zixian was not exaggerating at all.

“Your mistress is indeed a genius.” Fu Qingfeng’s words came from the bottom of his heart.

The better he got to know Yan Xiangluo now, the more he realized how narrow-minded he once was. When he saw Ji Jiuzhong again, he felt very ashamed that he had thought that Yan Xiangluo's contact with the king was because he had thoughts about the king. She already has a fiancé, and he is a good one among men. Even a man like the king cannot fall in her eyes.

He could clearly sense the tacit understanding between Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong, and the deep affection that naturally emerged.

 The relationship between them is not ordinary deep.

Ge Tianjun formally toasted to Yu Chengye and his wife and recognized his adoptive parents.

Juan Chengye and Long Moran also prepared a meeting gift. Although they knew that Ge Tianjun lacked nothing, they still had to give a meeting gift.

When Ge Tianjun received the greeting gift, he felt like he was dreaming. He couldn't even remember how old he was when he last received a gift from his elders.

Actually, he is a few years younger than Sun Chengye and his wife, but he consciously regards them according to their seniority.

Moreover, this gift is a gift ring, which makes Ge Tianjun feel very wealthy.

 When he saw what was inside, he immediately felt that he had taken advantage. The adoptive parents were so generous. Fortunately, the gift I prepared for my adopted sister was thoughtful, otherwise it would have been embarrassing.

Most of the holding rings are weapons refined by Juan Chengye himself, and the last ones are spiritual weapons. There are also some treasures that the couple got in the first training place. They were lucky and filled several gift rings.

Hence, there is nothing ambiguous about giving a greeting gift to your godson.

The meeting gift given by Chengye and his wife was prepared before the meal. Since he is his daughter's adopted brother and their adopted son, he cannot embarrass his daughter.

Fu Qingfeng felt like he was dreaming. He never expected that the king would have such an unexpected surprise when he came to Jiuyuan City to attend the wedding.

  He even felt that he had been too petty before and looked down on Ruan Xiangluo.

The whole family was so open-minded that he felt a little embarrassed.

Yan Xiangluo saw that Ge Tianjun was emotionally moved by his parents, and immediately smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, you are my only brother. On the wedding day, you have to trouble my brother to send me out."

Ge Tianjun was stunned. He knew very well the significance of sending a bride out. It was a privilege only a close brother could have, but his adopted sister actually asked him to send her out.

Ge Tianjun smiled in relief. Isn't this the family love that he always wanted but couldn't get? What else is he struggling with?

“Of course, my sister naturally wants me, the elder brother, to send her out.”

 The lunch was lively and atmospheric.

 After lunch, Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo accompanied Ge Tianjun to visit Jiuyuan Academy and the Training Tower. Finally, they walked around the palace and then returned to Yan's Mansion. When only the three of them were left, Ge Tianjun said, "Qin Suyue hasn't done anything. She probably wants to do it on your wedding day."

Ji Jiudian nodded, "That day is the most likely."

 The three of them discussed the arrangements for that day and tried to be as thoughtful as possible.

At this time, Qin Suyue was in a house in the outer city and was in an extremely bad mood.

 When Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo went to pick up the Demon King, she hid in the dark and watched. Seeing Ji Jiuzhong again, she still couldn't control her heart. The man she loved so much was going to get married the day after tomorrow, and the bride was not her.

At the beginning, she firmly believed that she was Ji Jiuzhong's future wife. She never thought that she had never entered his heart, nor did she think that they would be the result of such unrelenting hostility.

 I saw that Ji Jiuzhong, who had no other expression except indifference since childhood, actually showed such a gentle expression towards Yan Xiangluo.

Qin Suyue wanted to tear Yu Xiang into pieces. She forced herself to suppress the unwillingness and hatred in her heart. If she waited, they would not get married under her nose.

It’s also good to get Ji Jiuzhong’s heart. She wants him to see her kill the woman he loves most and then be ravaged by her, just to make his life worse than death.

At this time, there were more people inside and outside Jiuyuan City. People from various forces from all over the mainland rushed to Jiuyuan City.

Although he did not receive an invitation, this is the only opportunity to enter the inner city of Jiuyuan City, and it is very likely that he can also enter the Jiuyuan Palace.

 Besides, even the current cultivation levels of Ji Jiuchong and Yan Xiangluo are worthy of congratulations on their wedding.

They are the youngest powerful men in the history of Jiuyuan Continent who have reached the ninth level of peak strength in overcoming the tribulation. They are beyond their reach.

Even now, storytellers have compiled their experiences into books and told them in various teahouses, and people who don’t know their life experiences have listened.

 Hence, the outside of Jiuyuan City can be described as overcrowded in the past few days as the wedding day approaches.

 Why is it said that there are overcrowding outside the city?

 Because, not everyone who comes to congratulate you can enter Jiuyuan City. It is difficult to enter the outer city, let alone the inner city.

Jiuyuan City has not relaxed any rules because of the city lord's wedding. People who enter the city, except those who have received invitations, and those who come to attend the wedding without invitations from various powerful families and sects, must obtain Ji Jiuzhong's permission before they can enter.

 At this time, the forces, sects and families with businesses and residences in Jiuyuan City became proud. They can bring people from their clansmen and their own powerful sects in, and during this process they have to accept the envious looks of countless people, who all feel that they are superior to others.

Yan Xiangluo only sent an invitation to Fang Xi'er, and Fang Xi'er's eldest brother and father borrowed her light to enter Jiuyuan City, only because they came to Jiuyuan City at Fang Xi'er's request. I bought a yard and a shop, otherwise I really wouldn’t be able to get in.

Not only that, he also borrowed Fang Xi'er's light to enter the inner city and lived in a residence specially designed to receive people who accepted invitations to attend the wedding. People living here can directly observe the ceremony.

However, only Fang Xi'er entered the palace.

As soon as Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong left Ge Tianjun's yard, Yan Xiangluo received the news that Fang Xi'er had arrived.

Fang Xi'er was her only friend in Jiuyuan Continent. She was very happy to be able to attend her wedding and immediately asked someone to invite Fang Xi'er in.

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