The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 962: How powerful

Chapter 962 How powerful is it?

 Did they already know that they were going to take action on their wedding day?

is it possible?

No matter how evil Ji Jiuzhong's mind is, can he still guess the time when he will take action?

However, there is no turning back when the bow is fired. This is the task assigned to her by the demon lord. If she cannot complete it, she will not be able to survive.

Qin Suyue raised her feet and walked out of the black air. Her slim figure was covered in a wide black robe. Her black-skinned hands were spread out, and her long nails exuded a dark and vicious aura.

"It doesn't matter whether you are stupid or not, as long as I kill you, it will be a new beginning in my life."

Yan Xiangluo's clear laughter spread, "How can a clone demon talk about a new start in life? After all, it is just a reincarnation of the demon master's clone. The demon master has been sealed. Do you think you have a clone demon?" How awesome is that?”

Qin Suyue's eyes changed. She knew very well that Yan Xiangluo's calmness was not just a show of calmness, but the determination to really have everything under control.

Qin Suyue knew that she couldn't delay, Ji Jiuzhong would arrive soon, and she had to kill Yan Xiangluo before Ji Jiuzhong arrived, otherwise today's operation might fail.

Qin Suyue has never doubted Ji Jiuzhong's strength and wisdom, but she is also confident that she is a demon clone and no one can kill her except the demon lord.

And the Demon Lord is now sealed. He, who is running errands and running errands, will not give up easily. This is her confidence.

Qin Suyue laughed a few times, which was extremely unpleasant, "Stop talking nonsense and risk your life."

A huge black sphere appeared in Qin Suyue's open hands. This was the strongest magic power she could brew.

The Demon Lord said that this blow was too much for the Mahayana cultivation of the Nine Heavens to withstand. The Jiuyuan Continent was just a lower continent under the Nine Heavens, and even the highest cultivation people could not withstand her attack.

 Hence, Qin Suyue was very confident in her attack.

Seeing the demonic power brewed by Qin Suyue, Yan Xiangluo flew up and suspended in mid-air to avoid destroying their palace during the battle.

 Immediately, Hei Tuanzi was released and he used his spiritual consciousness to communicate with Hei Tuanzi, "Hei Tuanzi, dinner is ready."

As soon as Hei Tuanzi heard that there was food to be eaten, he immediately circled around Yan Xiangluo in excitement.

Qin Suyue also flew up when Yan Xiangluo rose into the air. The small black dumpling did not attract Qin Suyue's attention. She just glanced at it and then launched her attack neatly.

Obviously the demonic energy burst out from her hands, but the powerful demonic energy made Yan Xiangluo feel that it was surrounded from all directions.

 This is the first time she has faced the power of the devil directly.

 She also saw the power of the clone demons in the first place of training, so she knew very well that Qin Suyue's magic power was much stronger than those of the clone demons.

Yan Xiangluo couldn't help but lament Qin Suyue's luck. It was obvious that she had received help from the Demon Lord.

However, she also understood that the reason why Qin Suyue was able to get the help of the Demon Lord to keep her and not devour her power must be because of herself.

The Demon Lord wants to kill him before he breaks through the seal, and the only demon clone in Jiuyuan Continent is Qin Suyue. No matter how strong the Demon Lord is, he cannot clone himself to kill him under the seal. Therefore, he can only rely on the reincarnation of his previous clones. .

  Qin Suyue should have grasped this, so she got stronger with the help of the Demon Lord.

Yan Xiangluo looked at Qin Suyue excitedly. This was a good opportunity to understand the power of magic.

Since the Demon Lord wants to kill him, he must not be stingy with Qin Suyue. The power Qin Suyue possesses now must be the strongest power the Demon Lord can give.

Just when Qin Suyue's attack came over, the wedding dress on Yan Xiangluo's body quickly changed and turned into a battle dress. It fit her body and was very convenient for fighting, but it was still as elegant as gauze. Even the phoenix crown on her head was It turned into a battle helmet, and the delicate and perfect face of Yan Xiangluo was more resolute. At the same time, the long caltrop gun appeared in her hand, and the spiritual energy was injected into it. The long caltrop gun danced in a circle in front of her, just in time to collide with Qin Suyue's demonic energy.

To Qin Suyue's expectation, Yan Xiangluo was thrown backward by her magic attack. She happily chased after her, and at the same time she struck out with another blow.

Even if the first blow could not kill Yan Xiangluo, she could not catch the second blow.

Although Yan Xiangluo was well prepared and knew that she might not be able to block Qin Suyue's attack, she was still shocked by the intensity of the attack.

The Demon Lord's power was indeed strong enough. She was already prepared to be hit out, and she flew out in cooperation, taking away part of the Demon's attack power, but her internal organs were still surging.

Had Heituanzi not blocked her in front, she might have been seriously injured.

 Seeing Heituanzi standing in front of him and starting to eat, he also saw Qin Suyue chasing after him and launching a second attack.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the opportunity and let go of the Changling Spear at the same time as Qin Suyue's second attack. The Changling Spear was still spinning in place, and Yan Xiangluo's figure flashed, teleported away, and appeared behind Qin Suyue. , dodged Qin Suyue's second attack.

 A long sword appeared in her hand, it was the Gentleman's Sword that she had not used for a long time.

The Junzi Sword can only kill evil people. There are so many absolutely evil people in the world, so she usually uses a long rhombus spear in battle.

But today she was fighting a demon, and she didn't have to worry about accidentally injuring a good person when using the Gentleman's Sword.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo felt that the Junzi Sword was a natural weapon for dealing with demons.

 Perhaps I was destined to encounter the Junzi Sword and be recognized by the master who refined them. It was this fate.

 Everything in the world has a cause and a result.

All thoughts were in one thought, and the Junzi Sword in Yu Xiangluo's hand was already heading towards Qin Suyue's back.

Just when Ruan Xiangluo fell behind Qin Suyue, Qin Suyue sensed the crisis behind her, but she never thought it was Ruan Xiangluo. After all, although she could not see Ruan Xiangluo's figure, her weapon Changling Spear was still there, so She thought it was Ji Jiuzhong who saw them fighting and came over.

She thought to herself that Yan Xiangluo would definitely not be able to dodge her two attacks and would definitely die. As long as she took the blow from Ji Jiuzhong and confirmed that Yan Xiangluo was dead, her mission would be completed and she could concentrate on summoning her. The summoned demon slaves concentrated on dealing with Ji Jiuzhong.

 She must make Ji Jiuzhong her slave.

Hence, she turned around and at the same time concentrated her magic power to attack.

 But when she saw that the person who attacked her was not Ji Jiuzhong as she thought, but Yu Xiangluo, she suddenly looked shocked.

How can it be?

Didn’t the Demon Lord say that even the powerful Mahayana warriors in the Nine Heavens could not withstand her attack? Although Ruan Xiangluo was already the strongest in the Nine Yuan Continent, she was only at the ninth level of transcending tribulations. How could she attack her twice? Undamaged under attack?

Yan Xiangluo looked at the oncoming demonic energy. Hei Tuanzi was eating over there. She could only rely on herself for this attack.

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