The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 964: Then try it

Chapter 964 Let’s try it

Although Qin Suyue's strength has greatly increased due to the blessing of the demon lord, her own body and soul strength are not strong enough.

  To put it bluntly, the body has not been truly tempered. It is like a balloon that has been blown up. If the body is not strong enough, there will naturally be hidden dangers that the strength is not commensurate with the physical strength.

Therefore, although her magic power is very strong now, in Yan Xiangluo's eyes, her soul body is like a transparent person. She can see clearly that Qin Suyue's soul body is wrapped in a mass of black air.

This mass of black energy suddenly rushed into Qin Suyue's body. After the black energy rushed in, Yan Xiangluo noticed that Qin Suyue's eyes were very different from before.

Previously, Qin Suyue's eyes expressed many emotions, such as jealousy, pride, unwillingness, anxiety, etc., but now the emotion in her eyes was only cold contempt.

It was the look of someone looking at ants from a high position all year round. It was impossible for Qin Suyue to have such a look. Even though Yuan Xiangluo used the power of the Heavenly Master, she could not see clearly what the black aura was, but she sensed that Qin Suyue The magic power on her body suddenly became stronger, and Yan Xiangluo had a guess.

It should be that the Demon Lord did something to Qin Suyue. It is very likely that the Demon Lord came out again and used Qin Suyue's body to kill him.

I have to say that Yan Xiangluo’s guess is very close to ten.

The Demon Lord knew very well that this was the best opportunity to get rid of Yuan Xiangluo, and after being sealed for thousands of years, the Demon Lord's desire to condense another clone would have a great impact on his own strength.

After all, condensing a clone is actually dividing the power from himself. It will take him at least several months of practice to recover the divided power.

Although he also felt sorry for his own power, there was no other way at this time. He could not miss this opportunity to kill Yan Xiangluo.

Being sealed, he cannot form a clone and leave the sealing place, but if he has the body of the clone demon as a carrier, he can, but it will consume more magic power.

“Ho ho.” The Demon Lord finally saw Yan Xiangluo with his own eyes and laughed a few times.

Yan Xiangluo was disgusted. The sound was too unpleasant. Qin Suyue's voice was already unpleasant enough before, but now this sound can scare a child to death.

Yu Xiangluo held the Junzi Sword in one hand and channeled his spiritual power in the other, getting ready for defense and attack.

"You are not Qin Suyue." Yan Xiangluo said with certainty.

The Demon Lord looked at her sinisterly, "How could this Demon Lord be that idiot like her?"

Yan Xiangluo's eyes narrowed, and it turned out to be the Demon Lord. Although she knew very well that the Demon Lord's body was sealed in the first training place, she was now responsible for suppressing him. She knew very well that the suppressed Demon Lord was still there, so Qin Suyue's body It should be the clone of the Demon Lord.

Today they just wanted to deal with Qin Suyue, but they didn't expect that they could actually lead to the real demon lord's clone.

Qin Suyue's magic power was given by the Demon Lord. It was already powerful enough. Now, the magic power of the clone condensed from the Demon Lord's body would be even stronger without even thinking about it.

Although Pangu Flower can help her defeat the magic power, this is also a critical moment. Yan Xiangluo has a hunch in her heart that she must not expose Pangu Flower in front of the Demon Lord, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

Yan Xiangluo’s mind was spinning rapidly, what should I do?

Their plan before was to trap Qin Suyue, but now that Qin Suyue's body is the demon lord's clone, it may not be possible to trap Qin Suyue.

They can't find a way to kill the demon now, unless she uses the Pangu Flower. The key is that this is too risky. If Qin Suyue's body cannot be killed with one blow, the Demon Lord will definitely try to destroy it when he discovers the Pangu Flower. , let alone myself, I am not sure whether I can save my own life by saving Panguhua.

Although the Demon Lord wants to kill himself, he will not pay a high price for it. If he knew that the Pangu Flower existed that could restrain his magic power, the Demon Lord would definitely kill her and destroy the Pangu Flower regardless of the cost.

Then things will be bad. The devil will just get a few more clones. Not to mention them, even the Nine Yuan City will no longer exist. She was sure of this. How powerful the Demon Lord was was proven once thousands of years ago.

Therefore, we must not offend the Demon Lord now, and we must find a way to destroy Qin Suyue's body, so that no matter how powerful the Demon Lord is, his true form cannot come out now.

 They still have time to become stronger.

"I didn't have the chance to participate in the battle to seal you ten thousand years ago. It would be good to meet you first if I have the chance today." Although Yan Xiangluo was unsure, she didn't show it on her face at all.

Ji Jiuzhong knew there was a change of plan when Qin Suyue changed. He ducked to Yan Xiangluo's side and asked via voice transmission, "What's going on?"

Yan Xiangluo said, "Qin Suyue's body is now the clone of the Demon Lord."

 One sentence made Ji Jiuchong understand that the person they were dealing with now was not Qin Suyue, but the Demon Lord.

 With a raised brow, the plan was disrupted.

"Luoluo, step back, I'll do it." Ji Jiuzhong said immediately. If he was facing Qin Suyue, he could rest assured and let Luoluo practice. But now he was facing the demon lord. He was not at ease. He knew very well that the demon lord wanted to kill him. Luoluo.

Yu Xiangluo said, "My gentleman's sword is not afraid of magic power."

At this time, it is impossible for her to let Ji Jiuzhong deal with the demon lord alone. It is more likely that they will win together.

The Demon Lord roared twice more, "No one of you two can run away today."

 Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo screamed in unison, even their expressions of disgust were exactly the same. As they have come so far, there are many people who have this idea, but none of them have succeeded.

The Demon Lord has never been so scorned by someone. He was so angry that he said, "A calf is not afraid of tigers. In the face of absolute strength, it is useless whether you are afraid or not. You should suffer death."

Ji Jiuzhong raised his hand, and his long weapon appeared in his hand, "We are confident."

The Demon Lord glanced at the crowd fighting not far away and said sarcastically, "You are not even a group of real demons. You have tried so hard and still haven't solved them. Where do you get the confidence to fight against this Demon Lord? "

Ji Jiuzhong sneered, "Those scum are here to train them. We must let them see what magic is like. As for where we got the confidence to try it, we will know."

Hearing this, the Demon Lord admired them a little. They were indeed very courageous.

"Then let's try it." The demon advocated and opened his hand, looking at Qin Suyue's hands as thin as chicken paws with disgust, but there was no way, he couldn't come out now, and he could come out with the body of the cloned demon. It came out for the first time in ten thousand years.

  Without the body of the clone demon that is sealed, the clone cannot be condensed and left.

 At this time, he felt a little regretful. He should have reincarnated all the clone demons into men.

Ji Jiuzhong's golden long stick in his hand was the first to attack, facing off against the demon lord.

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