The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 991: Kill with a borrowed knife

Chapter 991 Killing someone with a borrowed knife

As soon as Zhao Jingyu finished speaking, the head of the Zhao family also said viciously, "You two brothers now have very strong connections and strength. We must kill them before they grow up. This time we must make their souls fly away, otherwise we will never Have a peaceful day, can your master help me?"

After all, their masters are both people who are about to enter the realm of great saint cultivation. It is easy to deal with Ji Jiuzhong, a monk who has just been promoted from the mainland below.

The two brothers were a little confused. How much hatred had their parents had with Ji Jiuzhong's mother and son back then? How could they be reincarnated without letting them go?

The two brothers are twins. The elder brother is called Zhao Zhiyu and the younger brother is called Zhao Huiyu. I hope they will be wise and wise. The two have been connected since childhood, and they know each other's thoughts without having to say them out loud, just by looking at each other.

They also have the best relationship. They grew up together. Although they did not join the same sect, they are in constant contact with each other and are much closer than their parents and eldest brother.

Zhao Zhiyu said very directly, "The eldest brother's incident in the past few days has made the sect a little dissatisfied with me. This time the matter is not that simple, and I cannot rely on Master's help."

Zhao Jingyu frowned when he heard this, "Didn't you just ask your master to help me arrange a marriage in the mainland? I didn't use your sect's name to do anything, so why did your sect become dissatisfied?"

Zhao Zhiyu glanced at his eldest brother. This eldest brother was more than twenty years older than them, but they had never lent him any help since they were young. On the contrary, they often helped him after joining the sect.

 In the past, because of his luck, he needed to use luck to make up for it, otherwise he would have great bad luck.

 Therefore, he asked his master to help him find a woman to be his wife who would be able to avoid all disasters in the mainland.

After all, they are not on the same continent. The two of them are just a couple in name, but they can make up for the shortcomings in the elder brother's luck and help him avoid the bad luck in the past few years.

If the girl's family does not agree, we can extract a bit of good luck from everyone on that continent. This will not affect their own luck, but can make up for the eldest brother's luck at once.

 But to put it simply, such a thing is not an upright thing after all, and the heavenly master is willing to do it.

Therefore, he asked his master, because his master had a cousin who was a Celestial Master, and he was a Celestial Master who was willing to do anything for profit. To put it bluntly, he was what the mainlanders called the Black Celestial Master.

This matter originally had nothing to do with the sect, but I don’t know how the sect leader found out.

The sect leader called him to give him a lesson, which almost caused him to leave the sect. If it weren't for his master's high status in the sect, which is equivalent to being one of the sect's patron saints, he performed extremely well after joining the sect. He was the most talented among his fellow disciples at the same time, and he stayed in the sect for nine years. After more than a thousand years, there is a real possibility of being expelled from the sect.

But the sect master also said that it would not be the same next time. This was telling him and the master that they would only tolerate them this time, and if they make mistakes next time, they will not be merciful.

I have paid such a high price for my eldest brother, which has implicated my master, but my eldest brother actually doesn't take it seriously.

Zhao Zhiyu glanced at his elder brother and said, "Brother, don't you know the identity of the person who is helping you? Master would not have taken the risk if it were not for me. Master and I were almost expelled from the sect by the sect master. The sect master said only This time."

 The implication is that even if the master likes him no more, he will not take risks for him again.

Hearing this, the head of the Zhao family immediately said, "We cannot let Zhiyu's sect know about this, and we cannot let Zhiyu do anything."

It is not easy for the second son to achieve his current status in the sect. The family still relies on the status of the two sons to survive, and the son must not be expelled from the sect.

Zhao Jingyu's eyes were extremely gloomy, and he would not let his brother's master take action. I'm afraid they are no match for Ji Jiuzhong.

 So his eyes fell on the youngest brother Zhao Huiyu.

Zhao Huiyu, who had been silent until now, spoke up, "Father, mother, brother, Ji Jiuzhong must be eliminated?" The three of them said in unison, "Of course."

"Then there is only one way." Zhao Huiyu said, touching his chin.

 The second brother's master will not help, and he cannot let the second brother take risks. He will not let his master help. Reputation is not generally important to them.

 But things at home still have to be resolved.

 “What can we do?” The whole family looked at Zhao Huiyu. Although he was the youngest, he was the smartest among the three brothers.

 “Isn’t the eldest brother related to the Jade Lotus Saint?” Zhao Huiyu reminded.

Zhao Jingyu said in confusion, "It's not yet to the point where she can take action for me."

He himself knew very well that the relationship with the Yulian Saint was just a transaction and there was no friendship at all. If her interests are involved, she will take action and simply ask her to help her. She is not that shameless.

  But this cannot be said directly. He also wants to be ashamed in front of his two outstanding younger brothers.

Zhao Huiyu raised the corners of her lips, "Brother, what does the Jade Lotus Sage want most?"

Zhao Jingyu was stunned for a moment, then looked at Zhao Huiyu clearly, "Huiyu is indeed the smartest among our three brothers. This trick is very good for killing people with a borrowed knife."

Zhao Huiyu's eyes flashed, "When our own strength is not enough, naturally we can only borrow help. Even if I don't say it today, my eldest brother will think of it later."

He was being modest in what he said, and Zhao Jingyu also knew that his brother was trying to save face for him, so he smiled and said, "Although it can be done this way, it's better to make more plans. You two should also think of a way to be prepared for emergencies. "

 “Okay.” The two of them responded in unison.

The head of the Zhao family was very happy. Look, his three sons are so united. What does Ji Jiuzhong have to fear?

 Seeing that things were like this for the time being, the twin brothers left together.

 After leaving the Zhao family, Zhao Zhiyu said to Zhao Huiyu, "Brother, do you think Saint Jade Lotus will take action?"

Zhao Huiyu raised the corners of her lips mockingly, "Second brother, it doesn't matter whether you take action or not. I didn't expect the matter to be solved so easily."

“What are you doing?” Zhao Zhiyu frowned and asked in confusion.

"We're just dealing with my parents and eldest brother." Zhao Huiyu sighed and continued, "Second brother, haven't you noticed that my parents like my eldest brother more. Even if we are more talented and accomplished than our eldest brother, we still can't compare to the position that our eldest brother holds in our parents' hearts. "I don't want to compete with my eldest brother for favor, but I won't make fearless sacrifices for him," Zhao Huiyu said.

Zhao Zhiyu understood that their eldest brother was the child whose parents had the best relationship. They were not together at that time, so his feelings for the eldest brother were different. Although he and his younger brother were twins, their parents' hearts I still prefer the elder brother.

"But if the matter is not resolved, we will also be affected." Zhao Zhiyu said worriedly.

Zhao Huiyu narrowed her eyes and said, "A borrowed knife can't only be used on one person."

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