“The Spirit King wants to summon you!” Qilin Temple Tenshiro said solemnly.


Liuyun’s eyes widened and exclaimed, “The Spirit King wants to summon me?” How is this possible! ”

Liuyun looked confused and confused about the situation.

He vaguely remembered that the mysterious Spirit King seemed to have never seen him, right?

And he had never had contact with Team Zero, so why did the Spirit King summon him without reason or warning?

“You’ve got the wrong person, planehead.” Liuyun pondered for a moment and said seriously.

“Plane head? You even call this god the head of the plane?! ”

Qilin Temple Tenshiro said angrily: “I emphasize again, I am the first official of the Zero Team, Qilin Temple Tenshiro!” ”

“Okay, I see, plane head.” Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Liuyun.

Liuyun became more and more suspicious, is this man with a strange hairstyle and strange clothes in front of him really the legendary Zero Team?

In Liuyun’s opinion, Qilin Temple Tenshiro is even less reliable than Hirako Mako!

“You guy!” Qilin Temple Tianshiro snorted coldly while holding the straw pole, and his figure disappeared instantly. 20

In fact, in addition to being known as the “first official of the Zero Team”, Kirin Temple Tenshiro has another nickname.

That is “Thunder Tianshiro”

This represents… Kirin Temple Tenshiro has the pinnacle of attainment in instantaneousness!

His speed even surprised Liuyun.

“This level of instantaneous step is really worthy of the zero team.” Liuyun praised.

Liuyun clearly felt that the instantation of Qilin Temple Tenshiro was even faster than that of Captain Yamamoto!

However, even the pinnacle of instantaneous steps was still not enough to see in front of him.

Liuyun stood calmly in place, as if waiting for the attack of Qilin Temple Tenshiro.

“Boy, you are too arrogant, Lao Tzu is an oriental god general!” An arrogant and dissatisfied voice sounded in Liuyun’s ears, accompanied by a thunderous vibration.

In an instant, Qilin Temple Tianshiro appeared behind Liuyun and indifferently threw a heavy punch.

“God, your speed is a little slow.” Just as the fist was about to hit Liuyun’s body, Liuyun’s voice in turn sounded behind Qilin Temple Tenshiro.

This strange situation immediately made Qilin Temple Tianshiro stunned. When he reacted, he suddenly found that there was no one in front of him, but there was a coolness behind him.

Qilin Temple Tenshiro turned slightly sideways, but he was shocked to know when Liuyun’s fist had stopped behind his back. As long as the fist goes further, it can easily smash his spine.

“When?” Qilin asked in amazement with cold sweat on his forehead.

“From the moment you speak!” Liuyun responded indifferently.

“Sure enough, it is the person chosen by the Spirit King.” Tenshiro did not admit defeat, but the coolness from behind him made him regain his senses.

In the end, Kirin Temple Tenshiro was forced to back down and voluntarily lowered his arm.

As soon as they met, Liuyun had already given him a dismount!

“Well, that’s the end of the farce.”

Qilin Temple Tianshiro looked embarrassed, took the initiative to retreat, and said: “Since the order of the thirteenth team of the court protector is still in order, I will not stay here too much. Liuyun, come with me and ride the Heavenly Pillar to the Spirit King Palace together. ”

“So soon? However, I haven’t seen you for so long, do you need to catch up with Captain Yamamoto? Liuyun asked curiously.


Qilin Temple Tenshiro responded indifferently: “My identity is the exclusive agent of the royal family, and everything I do is only for the Spirit King. As for the affairs of the Corpse Soul Realm, it will be managed by the thirteenth team of the Guardian Court, and we have no right to interfere!” ”

When the words fell, Qilin Temple Tianshiro walked into Tianzhu Chen.

“What an indifferent fellow, is Team Zero all strange?” Liuyun said with a disgusted face, he looked at this plane head more and more unpleasantly!

At this time, Captain Yamamoto suddenly spoke: “Go to Liuyun, the Spirit King wants to summon you, this is a rare opportunity.” Maybe you’ll be promoted to Team Zero because of this. ”

“Promoted to Team Zero?” Liuyun’s expression was complicated, he hesitated for a moment, and finally followed the footsteps of Tianshiro of the Qilin Temple and walked into the Tianzhu Yuan.


On the other side, there is zero royal palace space.

This is a strange space, the density of spiritual pressure far exceeds the corpse soul realm and the void circle, and even the two worlds combined cannot be compared. More importantly, all the buildings float in the sky, which feels like fish immersed in a pool and swimming all the time.

The Spirit King Palace is roughly composed of the Spirit King Palace Block, the Spirit King Palace Omotesando, the Zero Fan Departure Hall, and the Spirit King Great Interior. And these buildings float in the air according to certain rules, guarding the most important Spirit King Great Inner Interior in the innermost.

At this time, in a certain corner of this space, the originally gentle space suddenly tore apart, and two figures suddenly stepped out from the spatial crack, it was Liuyun and Qilin Temple Tianshiro.


As soon as the two of them stepped on the long aisle of the Spirit King Palace block, 313 immediately caused a crisp sound in the quiet space.

“Hey, is this the Spirit King Palace? It doesn’t seem like what you expected. Liuyun looked around curiously, but could only see a few empty buildings floating in the vast sky, completely without the prosperity he imagined.

He closed his eyes and sensed it, but found that the concentration of spirit sons around him was several times richer than that of the corpse soul realm!

The concentration of spirit seeds here is really amazing, and it is completely an excellent cultivation environment. Liuyun sighed.

Qilin Temple Tianshiro explained proudly: “This is the space where the Spirit King lives, and it is also the hub for maintaining the three realms, and it is the origin of the world, which is naturally different. ”

Suddenly, he quickly came to Liuyun and blocked the latter’s way.

“Plane head, what do you mean?” Liuyun’s brows furrowed slightly.

A playful smile rose at the corner of Tianshiro’s mouth: “Liuyun, I said that the Spirit King would summon you, but it doesn’t mean that you will easily see the Spirit King.” ”

“Sure enough, I knew it was a trap!” Liuyun shrugged helplessly.

“Want to arrive at the Spirit King’s residence? Very simple! ”

Qilin Temple Tianshiro’s momentum skyrocketed, and Senran sneered: “The premise of seeing the Spirit King, that is, defeat us!” “_

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