The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 119 Great Emperor Thunder Tribulation


A streamer pierced the sky and appeared under the thundercloud.

Tang Hao looked at the very familiar figure, it was his father Tang Xiaotian!

"Dad has broken through!" Tang Hao thought to himself, Tang Xiaotian's whole body was spinning with aura, and an incomparably majestic coercion suddenly appeared, sweeping the entire Dongchen Realm!

In the Dongchen Realm, among the four realms, all the quasi-emperor powerhouses felt their hearts rise, and suddenly looked up in the direction of Donghuang.

"This fluctuation! After ten thousand years, another great emperor finally appeared in my Dongchen world! The road ahead is endless! The road ahead is endless!"

In the hidden place, there is a mad sound that resounds through the heaven and the earth. There are huge waves in the endless sea of ​​evil, which are constantly surging, and the endless sea of ​​evil beasts madly attack the Dragon Emperor Island.

The 12-week star formation, which was not presided over by the grandfather Taixu, exerted its might, and corpses were scattered all over the place for a while, and the corpses of countless giant beasts turned a large area of ​​the sea into a sea of ​​blood.

There was a crazy roar on the Undead Mountain that spread hundreds of millions of miles and shattered countless stars, and the broken stars cut through the sky and rained fire. The grass and trees around the Undead Mountain are all dead, leaving no human or animal!

In the ancient forbidden area, there are gods carrying ten thousand feet of divine light standing in the sky, illuminating a large area of ​​the forbidden area, but suddenly blood is poured, and the sky is smashed to death, spilling the god-blood all over the sky, crushing tens of thousands of living beings!

Above the western desert, a tornado rolled up to the sky, the yellow sand covered the city, countless desert oases disappeared, and hundreds of millions of sand and dust rolled toward the east.

The Great Emperor turned into the sky, and the entire Dongchen Realm was in turmoil. Countless hidden places and ancient forbidden areas gave birth to countless strange images, creating boundless killings.

Facing Tang Hao with a slight smile, Tang Xiaotian rushed straight out of the Daozong Mountain Gate, and in a short while, he came to a land of no one.

The thunderclouds rolled, and the endless murderous intent pointed directly at Tang Xiaotian who was standing in the sky. Some gods beat the drums, and the thunderous sound swept through the sky towards Tang Xiaotian. The thunder turned into a big bell and pressed across Tang Xiaotian!

"Good come!"

Tang Xiaotian looked up at the sky with a long smile, raised his hands, and endless spiritual light rushed to his hands.

A pair of huge spiritual hands appeared under the Thunder Bell, grabbed the bottom of the bell, and ripped it abruptly. The thunder bell turned into pieces of thunder and dissipated.

The gods were furious! They screamed in the sky! The thunder turned into water, mixed with the air of black and yellow, and carried the power of billions of billions of pounds, swept past Tang Xiaotian.

When the spiritual power was running, Tang Xiaotian's whole body glowed with light, and his body soared to display the magic of heaven and earth, facing the thunder and yellow aura. The water of thunder surged, the emperor was covered in blood, and the fighting spirit was high!

The god-man beat the drum again, and the sea of ​​thunder turned into an imperial soldier, and a large cauldron floated up and down in the sea of ​​thunder, wrapped in yin and yang.

The mouth of the cauldron surged, the two qi of yin and yang flowed down like a waterfall, Tang Xiaotian waved his fist straight up, dispelling the boundless qi of yin and yang, bleeding from his mouth, and a dark complexion on his face.

The gods beat drums three times, and more than a dozen pieces of imperial soldiers were flying in the sea of ​​thunder with various mysterious auras, and the murderous intention of opening up the world could lock Tang Xiaotian.

"Am I destined to die under this Great Emperor's Thunder Tribulation? I'm not reconciled! I'm not reconciled!"

Seeing the emperor soldiers flying recklessly above the sea of ​​thunder, Tang Xiaotian felt hopeless, the violent roaring sound of heaven and earth changed color, the mountains dissipated, and the millions of levels turned into flat ground.

A stream of light rushed straight into the sea of ​​thunder, and the thunder light surged, setting off a huge wave that slammed Tang Xiaotian down and smashed it to the ground.

Amidst the roar, an abyss appeared on the ground, and the imperial soldiers pointed straight into the abyss. Tang Xiaotian was covered in blood, and he looked up at the sky unwillingly.

The sea of ​​evil is settled, and the giant beast turns.

The desert is peaceful, and the dust is dead.

On the mountain of immortality, there is no sound.

Within the forbidden area, there is no turbulence.

In the Beimingxian Mountain, a sigh seemed to spread throughout the territory...

The entire Dongchen world became quiet for a moment before Tang Xiaotian's death. All the creatures who survived under the power of heaven and earth knelt in place, praying non-stop.

In the East Wasteland, the world is dark.

Emperor Soldier Lei Ying pointed directly under the abyss, Tang Xiaotian wanted to get up and fight again, but the tide of Lei Hai smashed his bones into pieces, and even standing was an illusion.

More than a dozen thunderbolts turned into emperor soldiers mixed with thunder that pierced the sky and the ground, or beat, slapped, or smashed, crushing Tang Xiaotian with infinite coercion.

Tang Xiaotian's eyes widened, looking straight at the rushing imperial soldiers, and muttered to himself:

"Wu Er, my father can no longer protect you..."

"Dad, don't give up treatment so early, I think you can still save it!"

In the dim sky, more than a dozen streamers suddenly appeared, smashing into the shadow of the imperial soldiers transformed by thunder with incomparable precision.

··0 Seeking flowers.....

After being hit by the streamer, the shadows of the emperors and soldiers instantly turned into a large piece of thunder and then dissipated between the heavens and the earth.

There are only a dozen imperial soldiers and Dao shadows, how can they compare to genuine imperial soldiers. Tang Hao turned into a white light, quickly plunged into the abyss, and rushed to Tang Xiaotian's side.

He took out a divine pill and let Tang Xiaotian take it, and the originally ferocious wound healed quickly under the effect of the divine pill. Tang Xiaotian's pale face gradually became rosy. The bones of the whole body are rapidly reorganized.

Facing Tang Xiaotian with a slight smile, Tang Hao said:

"Dad, you haven't asked me if you want to die, I don't agree! 99

Looking at the child he was extremely familiar with, Tang Xiaotian's eyes suddenly became wet, and he said three good words in a row.


Raising his hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of his father's eyes, Tang Hao lifted his father up and made him sit cross-legged, then pointed at the god who was beating drums again in the sky, and laughed out loud:

"It's that thing in the sky, hurt you like this, and watch the child go to help you get revenge!"

Before he could stop it, Tang Xiaotian could only watch Tang Hao turn into a white light and rise into the sky, sweating silently for Tang Hao in his heart.

After all, it was the Great Emperor Lei Jie, and even as the Great Emperor himself, he had never been able to compete with the three drums of the gods. And Tang Hao is just a local, how can he block.

Quan Emperor?

Only at this moment did Tang Xiaotian suddenly realize that Tang Hao's cultivation had reached the realm of quasi-emperor, and there was a look of surprise that could not be concealed on his face.

"Didn't I just close for a while? Why did Hao'er suddenly become Emperor Zhun again? Could it be that I have been in seclusion for too long? Impossible, I have only been in seclusion for less than ten days, how could Hao'er's realm rise? So fast!"

Tang Xiaotian was in shock at this moment, completely forgetting to worry about Tang Hao when he came back to his senses, Tang Hao had already penetrated into the sea of ​​​​thunder, causing a lot of waves.

The goddess beat the drum again, and the entire thunder sea raged and undulated, and there were a few figures faintly appearing in the thunder sea.

Tang Hao turned into a white light and rushed towards the sea of ​​​​thunder, surrounded by a dozen imperial soldiers, constantly blocking the falling thunder... BU,

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