Above the desert sand, Tang Hao came to an unremarkable dune.

The eyes are full of golden yellow, even under the cover of the Great Emperor Lei Ze, there is a slight ray of light, which is quite extraordinary.

"Looks like I've found the right place." Tang Hao thought to himself, as he was about to enter the yellow sand.

But I saw the boundless yellow sand surging and the dunes rolling!


A dune giant as high as the sky stood upright amid the roar of the sky.

Seeing this abnormality, Tang Hao stopped and looked calmly at the giant dune in front of him.

The dune giant opened his mouth, and a huge humming sound resounded through the sky.

"Go back! I can pretend nothing happened! Or you'll regret it!"

"Scare me?" Tang Hao sneered, his spiritual power revolved, and strands of pure fairy spirit gushed out from the embryo.

Although Tang Hao's figure is like an ant in front of the giant dune giant, the power caused by Tang Hao is not weaker than that of the dune giant.

"This young master, I was frightened!

An extremely contemptuous tone came out of Tang Hao's mouth at this time.


Then the dune giant roared, and the yellow sand in the sky rose 20. It raised that huge arm, brought the violent sandstorm, and slammed down directly at Tang Hao.

A dazzling golden light emerged from Tang Hao's body, and a three-foot long sword appeared on Tang Hao's right hand!

The sharp breath on it can easily split the terrifying storm!

Ignoring the fist swung by the dune giant, Tang Hao's long sword moved, and the majestic sword intent was earth-shattering!

The flickering golden light of terrifying advice easily crossed the dune giant's chest.

It shattered countless storms, and the world changed color!

In an instant, the wind stopped and the incomparably huge sand dune giant in front of Tang Hao flashed a dazzling golden light in his chest.

The terrifying sword qi pervades it!


The giant dune dune, which could be called a behemoth, was annihilated by Tang Hao's sword.

During the roar, the sand and dust fell from the sky, and the astonishing dune giant was no longer seen.

In the yellow sand in the sky, Tang Hao carried his sword and walked under the yellow sand of the earth step by step.

The endless yellow sand was continuously lined up to both sides in front of him.

A scream of horror like a monster's roar gradually entered Tang Hao's ears.

As Tang Hao continued to go deeper, the yellow sand in front of him suddenly emptied, and a huge underground cave appeared in front of Tang Hao.

Inside the cave, the underground river flows, making a rushing sound.

In different colors, beautiful stalactites hang overhead.

And in the depths of the cave, a huge altar made of white bones is entrenched in it!

Above the altar, an old man like a skeleton was bound in the middle of the altar by thick chains.

The old man stared at Tang Hao who appeared in the cave with those inhuman eyes!

The furious spirit slammed into Tang Hao from the altar!

This old man is the nameless Immortal Venerable that the yellow sand transformed into!

A layer of transparent mask stood in front of Tang Hao, and Tang Hao's face was expressionless like a spring breeze!

The impact of such a weak spiritual sense naturally cannot hurt Tang Hao, whose spiritual sense has soared.

With Tang Hao's continuous progress, the altar of bones thousands of meters high is also clearly presented in front of Tang Hao.

Infinite white bones build a huge altar, and most of them are all kinds of strange animal bones.

The scattered human skeletons were covered in blood, and they seemed to have appeared on the altar only recently.

When Tang Hao stepped on the altar, a huge suction surged up from the altar.

It is to suck up all the spiritual energy and blood energy in Tang Hao's body.

And the source of that suction is naturally the Wuming Immortal Venerable who was bound in the middle of the altar.

Tang Hao suddenly felt in his heart, no wonder that when he probed his spiritual sense, he found that the entire western desert was covered with a layer of dead energy.

But it was the nameless Immortal Venerable who continuously absorbed the vitality and spiritual power of the entire Western Region through the altar under his feet to feed himself back!

Over the years, the spiritual energy of the Western Realm has gradually become weak in the entire Dongchen Realm!

The cultivation environment in the entire Western Desert has become extremely bad!

Countless monks who grew up in the desert had to leave their homeland and go to the other three realms to continue their cultivation!

But it was only caused by this nameless Immortal Venerable.

This is because Wuming Xianzun himself was sealed by an unknown mysterious powerhouse.

If he is let out of trouble, I am afraid that hundreds of millions of creatures in the entire Dongchen Realm will usher in a catastrophe.

Tang Hao gently stepped on the altar, and a terrifying spirit formation rune appeared beside Tang Hao, but there was no killing intent!

It seems that the entire altar is only aimed at Wuming Xianzun.

Even observing the spirit formation with Tang Hao's identity as a god-level spirit formation engraving master, it is said to be ingenious!

The level of this formation is second only to Tang Hao!

Powerful spiritual thoughts emanate from Tang Hao!

In front of Tang Hao, Wuming Xianzun's violent spiritual thoughts dissipated like a porcelain doll that shattered when touched.

In Tang Hao's spiritual sense investigation, the strength of the nameless immortal lord compared to the previous Cangshan immortal venerable can be said to be weak and pitiful.

Not even a normal emperor!

No wonder he just drew a yellow sand clone to talk to himself.

If you don't have the strength, you still pretend to be forceful, and you are courting death!

Tang Hao carefully probed the entire array!

I saw that the chains bound to Wuming Xianzun kept absorbing the energy in Wuming Xianzun's body, making him always weak!

However, the entire altar formation has been penetrated by Wuming Immortal Venerable within this ten thousand years.

He reversed its effect and used it to absorb external energy to maintain his life and survive!

"You really live like a dog-803."

He walked to Wuming Xianzun without any resistance, and Tang Hao looked down at the old man who looked like a terrifying skeleton.

"Only by living can there be hope! Only by living can you take revenge! Only by living can you do your best for Da Zi Zai Tian!

It was as if the voice from hell came from the mouth of Wuming Xianzun.


Hearing this unfamiliar word, Tang Hao was puzzled.

But Wuming Xianzun let out an extremely hoarse terrifying laughter and said to Tang Hao:

"Hahahaha! It's useless! You can't possibly know anything about Da Zizitian from my mouth! Because...you will die!

"Hahaha... Die! Die, return to the embrace of Da Zi Zai Tian!"

The hideous laughter spread throughout the underground cave!

In an instant, the mountains shook!

Countless stalactites fell to the ground and shattered!

Wuming Xianzun looked like a madman, staring at Tang Hao with red eyes, as if he was going to take him to hell.

Tang Hao's face was calm and his eyes were deep, like a deep pool.

The thick chains were rattled by the nameless Immortal Venerable!

Gently placed his white fingers on the dry head of Immortal Wuming, a mysterious light flashed in Tang Hao's eyes.

The majestic spiritual sense easily broke through the sea of ​​consciousness of the nameless immortal.

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