The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 167: Immortal Domain Vibration

Tang Hao's crazily suppressed aura burst out suddenly under Tang Xiaotian's sudden action!

Just like the spring that is compressed to the extreme, the more suppressed it is, the more amazing its momentum will be when it explodes!

As a result, Tianmen was summoned by Tang Hao's madly rising momentum in an instant!

Now, with the help of Tang Xiaotian, Tang Hao does not soar, but has to soar!

"Father, are you really not going back to the Immortal Realm?"

Since it was already in such a situation, Tang Hao had to accept it, and he decided to persuade his father again.

The scented tea in his hand rose up with smoke, and the fragrance of tea permeated the empty hall. Tang Xiaotian took a breath and said calmly:

"No, your father, I'm used to staying in Dongchen Realm. Besides, your father, I must not create an extremely safe rear area for you! In case you can't get along in Xianyu, you can come back just in time. What! At least there is your father here, and your father can still cover you!"5

The voice fell, the hall fell into silence, Tang Hao did not speak, and lowered his head, as if a splash of water fell on the ground.

After a long time, or just a moment, Tang Hao raised his head, his eyes flashed, and said with a smile:

"Dad, you have to spread the Dao Sect all over the entire Dongchen Realm, otherwise the foundation is not enough for your son and me to lose the family! But your son and I are so powerful, how could I escape from the fairyland in embarrassment! You Or wait for me to pick you up! Don't talk anymore, my son will take a step first and say goodbye to your daughter-in-law! Let's go, father!

After speaking, Tang Hao didn't turn his head, turned and left the hall step by step.

"Okay...waiting for you to pick me up for my father..." Tang Xiaotian said softly after Tang Hao turned around.

The voice spread throughout the hall, and then picked up the teacup and poured it in, with water stains left on the corners of the mouth, I don't know if it was tea or tears...

Outside the Taoist sect, countless monks stopped and looked up at the huge immortal gate that appeared in the sky, with a dull expression!

Obviously, none of the Dongchen cultivators present had ever seen such a mysterious sight!

"What is this? Why did this portal suddenly appear and hang above the sky? Could it be an invasion from another world?"

"Invade a ghost! I didn't see a goddess scattered flowers, did the divine light flow! Your home invasion is so magnificent! So immortal!"

"Fuck! It's really immortal! The old man is expected to become an emperor! Hahahaha..."

A quasi-emperor cultivator seems to have identified the immortal energy above Tianmen! With a long roar, he flew to the immortal door, but no matter how many pieces he flew, there was no way to get close to Tianmen!

In the eyes of other people, this quasi-emperor powerhouse seemed to have lost his mind and was crazy, running in place without moving, but his expression was extremely focused and unaware!

Seeing such bizarre scenes, the rest of the quasi-emperor powerhouses no longer dared to fight the idea of ​​immortal energy above the Heavenly Gate, and whispered about what the Immortal Gate was.


Tang Hao walked out of the hall, disappeared from Tang Xiaotian's sight, and took another step back to his room!

Ji Ruyu, Qin Yao, and Ye Lingxi all appeared in Tang Hao's room, as if they were waiting for Tang Hao.

Seeing this, Tang Hao was obviously stunned, only to see the three goddesses in a downturn. Ji Ruyu had tears in her eyes, and she was very pitiful. Although Ye Lingxi was not like a pear blossom with rain, her eyes were extremely red. Only Qin Yao's expression was low, but her eyes were firm.

Looking at the three girls with different expressions, but also very sad, Tang Hao said with difficulty:

"You all know...


The head of the three women, Ji Ruyu even rushed to Tang Hao's side and hugged Tang Hao, tears quickly wet Tang Hao's clothes.

"Brother Hao, are you leaving? Can you take Yu'er with you? Yu'er promises to listen to Brother Hao's words in the future!

Tang Hao lowered his eyes and didn't answer, the whole person froze in place.

Ye Lingxi gently pulled Ji Ruyu back from Tang Hao's arms, looked at Tang Hao with red eyes and said:

"Lingxi, I will be waiting for my husband to come back in Dongchen Realm, please don't read my husband!


Qin Yao, who seemed to be the calmest, walked up to Tang Hao, looked at Tang Hao's eyes and said seriously:

"Husband, you are waiting for us in Xianyu, we will practice hard, and soon we will go to Xianyu to find you, you must take care of yourself outside.

In this Dongchen world, Tang Hao was most worried about the three women in front of him. Looking at the three beautiful and sensible beautiful women around him, Tang Hao pulled the three women into his arms and said softly:

"It's my honor to meet you, wait for me, I'll be back to pick you up soon!"

The three women buried their heads in Tang Hao's chest, without words, cherishing this short time, and a large amount of tears completely soaked Tang Hao's whole chest...

Under the Heaven's Gate, a boy in white suddenly appeared above everyone's heads!

Personable and dashing!

"Isn't that person Haotian Emperor? Did he come here to deal with this strange thing? 35

"Maybe, but why do I feel that Emperor Haotian seems to be stronger, and now he is like a direct immortal, he is simply 803 detached from the world!

"Look! Emperor Haotian moved! Is it my illusion that I went? Why do I feel that Emperor Haotian is approaching that immortal gate! Didn't even the quasi-emperor powerhouse get close to it just now?"

"Nonsense! Is Emperor Haotian a mere quasi-emperor who can compete with him? I really don't know anything! That's the number one powerhouse in the Dongchen world! It's reasonable for any miracle to happen to him!""

With the crowd's discussion,

I saw Tang Hao striding in the sky, step by step toward the gate of heaven, like a fairy ladder, Tang Hao approached the gate of heaven above the sky step by step!

Finally at the foot of Tianmen!

Under the huge Tianmen, Tang Hao is like an ant, but no one can ignore the majestic aura that is as high as the sky!

Gently stretched out his hand and placed it on the Tianmen, the law rune emerged, and the Tianmen burst open in Tang Hao's hand!

Infinite fairy light pours out from the fairy gate!

Tang Hao's face was calm, and he walked in gently as usual!

The fairy light is bright, Tang Hao disappeared in the Dongchen world, leaving only endless legends!

At the same time, an amazing vision appeared in the Three Thousand Continents of the Immortal Realm! The earthly dragon raised its head! The fire and phoenix were rising to the sky! The unicorn went on a tour!

Immortal Realm shook up and down!

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