The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 174 Changhe the Great, die!

Chang's friendly face was deformed, but he was helpless in the face of Tang Hao's questioning.

"Don't be arrogant, don't think that if you win me, you will be able to gain a foothold in the Eastern Immortal Realm."

In just a few short breaths, Tang Hao has returned to normal. He stepped on Chang He's shoulder and put him on the ground. He raised his head and stared at the four emperors in the air: "Who else is not afraid of death, come up and try!"

The faces of the few people in the air froze. Changhe Great Emperor's combat power was already considered to be the top in the entire Eastern Immortal Realm, but now it has ended up like this. Although they each have their own killers, it is really not worth it for a small Great Wilderness Secret Realm.

Seeing several people calculating each other, Tang Hao spread his hands: "It's really boring, there is no one who can fight.""

While speaking, he kicked Chang He heavily, causing him to face several people on his back.

Jiu Tian's face was dignified, his combat power was almost the same as Chang He's, and it wasn't because he didn't show his loyalty that he didn't make a move right now. In the face of Tang Hao, a person who was both a magician and a great emperor, even if a few people around him made a move together, No good fruit to eat.

"I read that right, Tangtang Chang and the Great Emperor were trampled like dogs.

"What is the origin of this Tang Hao in 820? Could it be someone from the other three realms?"

"I see that this Great Wilderness Secret Realm is really going to change hands. Even the Great Emperor is not his opponent. Could it be that this requires Xianjun to come here? 35'

The monks watching from a distance almost stared out of their eyes when they saw this scene. Who is Changhe? The dignified emperor of the Great Eastern Immortal Realm is a ruthless horn who is more than ten thousand people under one person, but in Tang Hao, he can't even lift his head. stand up.

Crouching down, Tang Hao grabbed Chang He's hair: "How much are you willing to pay to survive?

Chang He looked at Tang Hao viciously: "I don't believe that you dare to kill me, Xianjun will not let you go!

Right eyebrow raised: "Xianjun?"

"This is the Great Desolate Realm of the East Immortal Realm, and the Immortal Monarch is the realm above the Great Emperor, and he is also the ruler of the Great Desolation Realm." Jiu Tian slowly fell from the sky, but his eyes were always fixed on Chang He.

Tang Hao stood up and looked at Jiutian with interest: "Go on."

I just arrived here, I am not familiar with the place of life, I just took this opportunity to learn more about the situation in the fairy world, in case of emergency.

Seeing that there might be room for easing things, Jiu Tian took a step forward and then said: "The entire immortal world is incomparably vast, divided into nine seas, each sea is divided into four worlds, south, east, northwest, only the first sea has an extra middle boundary. 35

Tang Hao's eyes showed a hint of curiosity. He didn't expect this immortal world to be so big, but it was a good thing. After all, his road to longevity (pretending to be forced) was still long. If it ended early, wouldn't it be too boring.

"What sea is this East Immortal Realm?"

Jiu Tian pouted and shook his head: "I don't know, with the cultivation of the Great Emperor, it would take hundreds of years to cross the Eastern Immortal Realm, not to mention the desperate crossing of the Jie Hai to the next sea.

Tang Hao rolled his eyes, because he was still the emperor, and he didn't even know where he was.

Seeing that Tang Hao didn't answer himself, Jiu Tian was a little embarrassed: "This fellow Daoist, do you want to let Chang He first..."

"What!? This guy fights hard when he sees me, and even plans to take my mountain gate. I can say in advance that anyone who covers him is my Tang Hao's enemy!" Knowing Jiutian's implication, Tang Hao directly PASS his idea.

Half a sentence was choked in his throat, and Jiu Tian's face was as if he had eaten shit: "What you said is true, but he is also a dignified emperor. Your Excellency is new here, so it's better to stay a line when you do things."

Looking down at Chang He Tang Hao, who had not spoken for a long time, scolded: "Are you dead?"

Being trampled on by Tang Hao for so long, Chang He has some doubts about life. This guy looks like an ordinary person, but the actual weight is terrifying. With his emperor's physique, he can't move a bit, as if he was imprisoned.

"You little boy, kill me if you have the guts!" Following the principle of not losing, Chang He stared at Tang Hao with the only eyes that could move.

Jiutian also secretly had a headache, and Changhe was still stubborn in the field where he was trampled under his feet, and he couldn't even open his mouth to plead for him.

Tang Hao shrugged and looked at Jiutian innocently: "You all saw it, he asked for it himself.

As Tang Hao's voice fell, a bad premonition arose, Jiu Tian said quickly: "Don't be confused! As long as you can let Changhe go, everything can be discussed! 35

It's a pity that it was still a step late, and Tang Hao's eyes flickered with two rays of light, black and white, and the entire Great Wilderness Secret Realm began to tremble.

Although he had a good relationship with Chang He, it was not worth taking the risk on his own.

Seemingly sensing something, Chang He under Tang Hao's feet began to struggle hard, but it was to no avail, as if he was carrying ten thousand mountains behind him, he couldn't move.

"Tang Hao! Take it easy! 35

"Changhe is one of the four guardians of the Great Wilderness. If you kill him, you will be severely punished by the Immortal Monarch!"

Although several great emperors in the distance stopped Tang Hao, none of them took action.

Tang Hao sneered: "You old people, all of you are as timid as mice and learn to meddle in other people's business!"

Several people were flushed with Tang Hao's anger, and they had been humiliated like this after living for thousands of years.

Before they could make a move, Chang He suddenly let out a scream.

I saw that the surrounding ground seemed to have life, and a large piece of soil was attached to his body, making a sound like a barbecue.

Chang He's expression was very painful, and he was swallowed by the earth in just a few breaths.

Seeing this scene, all the great emperors were shocked.

What kind of monster is this Tang Hao, who can actually use such spells and corrupt emperors of the same level?

Seeing the fear in the eyes of several people, Tang Hao clapped his hands and gradually floated into the air: "I was too far away just now, I didn't hear what you said, can you repeat it again?

I saw a long-bearded old man in a green cloak who took the lead: "We all agree with Your Excellency's approach, which usually relies on the relationship with Xianjun to make a fortune, this time he deserves it. 39

As soon as these words came out, the two great emperors except Jiu Tian also nodded in agreement, they didn't think they were much stronger than Chang He, let alone Tang Hao who could kill him lightly.

From the appearance, he is much older than the other great emperors. The so-called old man has become a fine person. While he agrees with himself, he also takes the opportunity to imply the relationship between Changhe and Xianjun.

Nodding with satisfaction, Tang Hao raised his hand and patted the old man on the shoulder: "Old man, I am relieved to hear you say that, and Chang He can also rest his eyes."

"Old Aoki, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!" Di Changhe's resentful voice came out.

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