The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 181: Ice Wing Old Demon

Early in the morning, Tang Hao walked out of the secret realm of the Great Wilderness with one hundred thousand guards.

The ten dragons and sky formations behind them were running at full force. Anyone who entered the formation without Tang Hao's instruction would be attacked violently.

Following behind the Guards, he looked at Bai Qi with a sad face: "That's how you came to me?

Bai Qi nodded blankly, as if he felt that there was nothing wrong with flying in the air.

With a slap on the forehead, Tang Hao sighed bitterly: "Where have I ever suffered this kind of grievance in the Dongchen world, I have to fly by myself when I go out! It's such a long way, I'm afraid it will take a few days to fly!"

"It is detected that the host's mood changes, do you need to take a vehicle?"

Tang Hao was overjoyed, this system is really easy to use, and it will automatically appear every time this happens.

But then he got up in despair and said helplessly: "System, I have 100,000 people here, what kind of vehicle can hold 100,000 people?

"In order to give the host a better (pretending) experience, please quickly land on the ground, the vehicle is about to start."

Some wonder what the system would do, Tang Hao raised his hand to signal Bai Qi and the others to stop: "The whole army is on the ground, wait for my order.

Although he was puzzled, Bai Qi did as he did.

One hundred thousand people lined up neatly on the barren ground and looked at Tang Hao, wondering what he was going to do.

After all, Tang Hao's actions when he was in Taoism made many guards warm. The Changhe Emperor they served before treated the guards with a different attitude, not to mention improving their equipment and relaxing their minds.

"Please instill the spiritual power in the body into the feet, the vehicle is configured and ready to start."

Tang Hao's face moved, and the vast spiritual power in his body penetrated into the ground.

After a few breaths, the whole earth began to tremble violently, and a smile appeared on the corner of Tang Hao's mouth. This system is too awesome.


A violent cracking sound came, and most of the 100,000 imperial guards on the ground were unable to stand firm. When he was nervous about why this happened, Bai Qi suddenly found that the ground under his feet was slowly floating, and it was already within a few breaths. to mid-air.

"My God, what is that!"

"How can there be such a floating city in the sky! How much spiritual power is needed to activate it!""

"Is that? The Imperial Guard? This is Emperor Haotian's subordinates!?

Under Tang Hao's control, the ground with dozens of square kilometers slowly accelerated forward. What he didn't expect was that the ground under his feet did not know what was done by the system, and the amount of spiritual energy was almost negligible.

The speed is even faster than that of ordinary Zhundi, and I have never experienced such an experience of sitting on the ground for 80,000 miles a day, let alone carrying so many people.

Looking at the scenery passing by, Bai Qi looked at Tang Hao in shock: "Your Excellency has such a technique! It's really unheard of."

Waving his hand, Tang Hao pretended to be indifferent: "Basic operation, don't be surprised, there will be more of this kind of thing in the future, didn't you say that there are too many people to be equipped with flying mounts, now there are. 99

Bai Qi looked at Tang Hao in awe. This young emperor seemed to never finish what he had in his hands. Whenever he thought that this was the case with the Haotian Emperor, he would always shock himself again.

"This! Emperor Haotian's great handwriting!" Thousands of miles away, Aoki stood in the air with a dignified expression. Tang Hao's approach was something he never imagined. How much spiritual power would it take to control a piece of land as a flying mount? As the great emperor, he is very clear.

Ask yourself, it's not impossible for you, but you have to control the earth to fly while maintaining its cohesion. This can't be done without a deep spiritual foundation, not to mention flying so fast like Tang Hao.

Although what Bai Qi said in his mouth

Seeing the battlefield in front of him, Tang Hao was stunned for a moment.

With the blood all over the mountains and plains, the corpses of the monks were randomly thrown on the battlefield like livestock, and the monks who survived by chance were also covered with scars.

"Emperor Haotian is here! Everyone kneels and worships!

Bai Qi stood on the edge of the floating city and shouted! Only then did the cultivator below who had just fought bloody bloodily see the huge monster in the sky that covered the clouds and the sun.

"Meet Emperor Haotian."

This is not the first time that this has happened. Although many cultivators said with their mouths, their expressions were very numb, and they only said a symbolic sentence.

But this way of appearing still shocked them. 0

Tang Hao frowned and looked at the tragic situation below, and at the same time controlled the floating city to slowly descend, the situation here was worse than he imagined.

The five fingers of the right hand flicked, and a light green light flashed on the ground.

"Nine rank, Huanchun supports the willow formation.

Although the radiation range is not large, it still covers many monks.

The wounds on the body slowly healed, and the exhausted energy gradually became abundant. Many monks who were dying actually had a trace of vitality.

This is the strength of the Dipin Array Master, Tang Hao glanced around: "Everyone has worked hard, starting from today, the floating city behind me is your safe place, and I will engrave more arrays for you on it. Fa, as long as there is still one person alive behind the 100,000 Janissaries behind me, I will not let you step on the front line."

The voice fell, and the 100,000 Praetorian Guards dispersed instantly, standing in their respective positions and performing their duties.

Strange to say, when the white flag stood on the podium, a soaring evil aura emanated from the guards, and the icy cold of the outer sea was isolated from the outside, and could no longer invade.

Although it is called the outer sea in name, when Tang Hao stood here in person, he knew that the outer sea was also a part of the fairyland.

It's just that there is no spiritual energy in it, and there is a vast blue mist everywhere, and it is difficult for spiritual sense to penetrate.

No wonder for so many years, Immortal Realm can only defend against foreign enemies 1.4 and cannot take the initiative to attack. In this situation, sneaking in alone is equivalent to courting death.

"Jie Jie Jie" A gloomy smile came from the fog.

Tang Hao's eyes narrowed, and he stepped out the next moment and appeared at the junction of the inner and outer seas. The blue mist was less than half a meter away from him.

"The little doll from there, dare to make such mad words before the hair has grown?"

In the fog, a big hand that had always been dark blue stretched out.

This big hand was covered with scales and felt extremely, and the sharp nails made bursts of piercing sounds, and went straight to Tang Hao.

"Pretend to be a ghost, come out for me!"

Tang Hao shouted, and a golden light burst out from his body, even dispelling all the fog in front of him, and the owner of the gloomy laughter was also revealed.

The white flag behind him turned pale when he saw this: "Old Ice Wing Demon!

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