The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 194 I seem to have caught 1

You must know that in the Immortal Realm, Immortal Monarch is not a position, but a real cultivator realm. Now Tang Hao has obtained the title of Immortal Monarch in the realm of Great Emperor, which shows how much Emperor Monarch valued him.

As for the latter words, Daozong is directly under the emperor, which means that in the entire Seven Seas, any sect that is not under the jurisdiction of the emperor cannot compete with it, because to oppose the Daozong is to oppose the emperor.

The emperor's messenger was stunned when he heard the reward. He thought that Tang Hao should be punished for making such a big noise in the South China Sea battlefield, but he didn't expect to give him such great power.

Tang Hao raised his right eyebrow: "Tang Hao, thank you so much."

Then he looked at the messenger and said playfully: "You also heard the emperor's words, in this South China Sea battlefield, I have the power to kill, you, kneel down for me!"

The messenger's face was flushed with anger. Tang Hao actually returned what he had just said as it was, and even specifically said the emperor's reward to him. The implication was that if he didn't kneel, he would die.

"Emperor Haotian! How dare you be so arrogant! The messenger is the person beside the emperor!" The Thunder Emperor was extremely shocked, Tang Hao received such a heavy last time, not only did he not show the slightest respect, but he was even more imposing.

Tang Hao turned his head and stared at the Thunder Emperor: "When I speak, when will you have the chance to talk! 35

The Great Thunder Emperor blushed, his heart was heaving rapidly, and when he reached his mouth, he swallowed it back into his stomach.

The messenger looked at Tang Hao with humiliation, and said viciously: "You wait for me."

When he knelt down, he had already made up his mind that when he returned, he would speak ill of Tang Hao in front of the emperor.

"Hmph, I'm too lazy to argue with you. When I came, I heard that you had already captured the Ice Wing Old Demon, and I admit that you captured the Ice Flame King! But the other two Heavenly Kings are even more difficult to deal with. This time, you should think about what to do! If you misunderstand the emperor's will, you and I will have nothing to eat! The thunderbolt emperor was very angry, and he turned his head to look elsewhere.

Tang Hao's face changed: "The other two kings? Why haven't I seen them?"

The emperor's messenger raised his head and looked at Tang Hao resentfully: "The other two are the fog ghost king and the bone inflammation emperor, both of whom have the power of immortal kings. 99

Seemingly feeling that what the messenger said was a bit flawed, the Great Thunder Emperor frowned and added: "The fog ghost king, known as the first person below the Nanhai Xianzun with divine sense, the ordinary emperor will get lost in the environment if he can't even make a move in front of him. Once there were two great emperors of the Immortal Realm teaming up to fight against him, who knew that the mist ghost king just exuded spiritual thoughts, and these two went crazy, killing each other to death.

"Emperor Gu Yan is the most terrifying of the Four Heavenly Kings. His body is the Ice Immortal Bone. He cultivated for tens of thousands of years before becoming a human. Weak and defeated, the ordinary emperor did not even have the courage to see him. The emperor asked you and me to fight against him, which is simply asking us to die.

Although the Thunder Emperor was extremely dissatisfied with the emperor's will, he really had nothing to do.

"Mist Ghost King? Coincidentally, I seem to have met such a person in the dead soil, but I don't know if it's the one you mentioned." Tang Hao looked at the Thunder Emperor with a strange expression.

The emperor's messenger sneered: "I'm afraid you haven't even seen what the fog ghost king looks like, it is rumored that this fog ghost king is just like his name, that is, as strange as a ghost and as unpredictable as fog, have you seen it? It's ridiculous.

Bai Qi also echoed: "Yes, my lord, I accompany you all the way, and I haven't seen the fog ghost king. I have been in this South China Sea battlefield for more than a hundred years, and the fog ghost king has only seen one time, it was he who killed him. When the two great emperors in the South China Sea battlefield.

Tang Hao couldn't help but wonder if he was thinking wrong. Maybe the person trapped by his formation was not the person they described, because the other party was really weak and outrageous.

"Let's see if this person is really that person." After Tang Hao rolled his left hand, a black mist entangled in golden light was thrown out (cabe).

The figure was covered in mist, lying on the ground twitching, constantly muttering: "Impossible, impossible...39

The Thunder Emperor quickly stepped forward to check, the next second his eyes were wide open, and he looked at the figure on the ground in astonishment: "How, how is it possible, how can the fog ghost king be in your hands!""

Tang Hao was also a little surprised: "It's really him? Before I fought Gu Yan'er in the dead soil, he happened to stun Bai Qi, and I caught him back.

"The one who drained my spiritual power, it turned out to be him?" The corner of Bai Qi's mouth twitched slightly, and his eyes were extremely frightened.

The fog ghost king didn't kill him directly, obviously to threaten Tang Hao, but he didn't expect to lose so fast, and he didn't even see Tang Hao's true strength.

After hearing Bai Qi's confirmation, the shock in Emperor Baolei's eyes became even more intense. He knew that the reason why the emperor asked him to help Tang Hao to fight against the fog ghost king and Gu Yan'er was because his exercises had the effect of restraining the fog ghost king. .

When the emperor's messenger saw the mist ghost queen, he exclaimed loudly: "Impossible! This mist ghost king is the number one Ice Immortal in the entire southern battlefield, how could he be easily caught by a great emperor like you!"

"What! How could this Emperor Haotian be able to capture the mist ghost king alive? How did he do it?

"I once saw the mist ghost king from a distance. This person is already at the peak of the emperor. He stepped into the realm of the immortal king with half a foot, and was actually captured alive?"

The deputy of the Imperial Guard looked at the fog ghost king who was no different from dementia in the distance, and couldn't believe it.

The soldiers on the battlefield were also stunned. Those who were at the forefront when the war broke out, naturally knew how terrifying this dementia was lying at the feet of Tang Hao.

Tang Hao looked at the foggy ghost king who was babbling on the ground and shook his head slightly: "This guy, even if cured, is a waste.

"Where is the emperor's messenger? I want to meet the emperor!"

In the distant skyline, a cultivator covered in blood appeared. His right arm had been broken, and he was swaying in the air, causing people to worry that he would fall from the sky at any time.

"The Great Emperor Lieshan? My God, how could he be so seriously injured!" The Great Thunder Emperor looked at the bloody man in the air in shock.

With a wave of Tang Hao's right hand, a breeze full of spiritual power slanted toward the Great Emperor Lieshan, and in a blink of an eye, half of his injuries were healed for him.

After staggering to the ground, the Great Emperor Lieshan nodded slightly to Tang Hao. The breeze just now let him know that this young man, like himself, is a great emperor.

"The emperor's messenger? Why are you kneeling here!?" The Great Emperor Lieshan looked at the messenger in astonishment, which was completely inconsistent with his usual scenery and image.

Tang Hao chuckled lightly: "The messenger was very moved after seeing the soldiers fighting in blood on the battlefield, and he specially thanked them for kneeling down.

The messenger's cheeks twitched slightly: "Why did you see the emperor?"

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