The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 198: Cooking Snake Soup

After spitting out the blue mist, the poisonous Xianjun did not perform any action, and stood quietly observing Tang Hao, who was surrounded by poisons.

"Fellow Daoist Haotian! Be careful! This fog can corrode the soul!" Lie Shan on the side had obviously suffered from the poison of the Immortal Monarch, and as soon as the other party made a move, he loudly reminded him.

Poison Immortal snorted coldly: "It's too late.

"Master Poison's fog, even the body of an immortal can't bear it, let alone a small emperor." The Ice Immortal clansman behind the poisonous snake said contemptuously, as if standing behind the poisonous fairy, he forgot that he was only an acquaintance emperor.

Lie Shan was shocked and had to use his little remaining spiritual energy to launch a fireball at Tang Hao, trying to evaporate the poisonous mist.

But he forgot that even when he was in the best condition, he was not the opponent of the poisonous fairy. With his current physical condition, even if he had put in all his strength, it was still a drop in the bucket. Smoke scattered in the air.

"I like to see the people from the fairy world turned into bones in this fog, especially the miserable voice, it's really wonderful to hear. 39 The poisonous snake transformed by the poisonous fairy opened its mouth, and an arm stretched out from its mouth. Come out, followed by a body with scales.

This poison Immortal Monarch can not only turn into a poisonous snake, but even in human form, he wears purple armor that makes people sweat.

"Are all of you Ice Immortals so unhygienic?" Just when everyone thought Tang Hao had turned into bones, he walked out of the inside with a normal expression, except for the clothes on his body showing signs of corrosion, Nothing out of the ordinary.

Poison Immortal Jun squinted his eyes: "Interesting, I didn't expect that Your Excellency is also a person who uses poison."

Hearing the poisonous words, Lie Shan also looked at Tang Hao in shock, what did he do, since he could come out of the blue mist unharmed?

Tang Hao shrugged: "You're wrong, I'm different from you, I don't care about this kind of poisonous subterfuge, it's your poison is too rubbish.~.

"What nonsense are you talking about! Lord Poison was in a fit of rage and released toxins in his body. No grass can grow within a thousand miles, and no creature can be avoided. How dare you insult the Lord like this!" , Hearing Tang Hao's words at this moment, he stepped forward and pointed at him and shouted.

With a sigh, Tang Hao looked at Poison Immortal and said, "You Frozen Immortals are all people who don't understand the rules. When will it be a quasi-emperor's turn to point fingers here!"

The voice fell, and Qing Wu, who had surrounded Tang Hao before, instantly moved to the side of the quasi emperor, swallowing him in the blink of an eye.


Only in time to let out a deformed scream, the quasi emperor turned into a pool of black blood and fell to the ground, and even the immortal land, which had become rigid soil, was corroded by the poisonous blood into a pit several feet deep. .

Lie Shan's eyes narrowed, and he looked at Tang Hao in shock. The poisonous mist that could instantly kill Emperor Zhun in an instant didn't have any effect on him.

"The servant is not obedient, it should be educated, but he is still a member of the Ice Immortal clan, when will it be your turn to do it!" Although Tang Hao just dismissed his attack lightly, but in the eyes of the poisonous fairy, he is Powerful, but only the emperor.

Just as Tang Hao was about to speak, there was a sudden tingling in his chest, and when he looked down, a transparent bone needle was inserted into his heart at some point.

"Poison Tianya!" Lie Shan was terrified in his eyes, and he took a few steps back.

Frowning and pulling out the fangs, Tang Hao threw it aside: "What is this?

"I was injured by this poisonous tooth. Once bitten, my whole body will be corroded by the toxin, and even my soul cannot be avoided. This toxin is very difficult for even Immortal Venerable to unravel. , The most terrifying thing is that after being poisoned, as long as you use your spiritual power, it will speed up the time for the poison to take effect." Lie Shan looked at Tang Hao worriedly, thinking in his heart what the two of them would do to make the best possible To hold this poison Xianjun for more time.

Poison Xianjun saw Tang Hao being poisoned, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Generally, the emperor can be poisoned with fifteen breaths. If you say that, is one minute enough?"

"Can't use spiritual power? That means the physical body can?" Except for the tingling he felt when he was bitten in the chest at first, Tang Hao didn't feel any discomfort. On the contrary, the spiritual power in his body flowed more smoothly.

Hearing Tang Hao's words, Lie Shan hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed his arm: "Fellow Daoist Haotian, this is absolutely impossible, this poisonous immortal is in the shape of a poisonous snake, and his body is extremely hard. You and I should each use the strongest spells, and try to buy as much time as possible.

Shaking his head slightly, Tang Hao said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Lieshan, you should save those spiritual energy and use it when you see the soldiers."

"" `Chang Worm, your body is very strong? Let's try. "As he spoke, Tang Hao flashed a golden glow all over his body.

Hearing Tang Hao humiliating himself like this, the poisonous fairy was about to get angry when he suddenly shivered. The golden light emitting from Tang Hao's body actually had a faint sense of suppression to him. This is not based on cultivation, but blood?

Before he could think about it, Tang Hao instantly appeared in front of him and punched him in the face.

This punch made the Venomous Immortal Monarch feel like he was hit by a huge mountain, and the whole person flew for hundreds of miles before gritted his teeth to stop his figure.

"You bastard!!!"

The severe pain on his cheeks made the poisonous Xianjun furious, and the scales all over his body began to seep out a viscous transparent liquid.

Tang Hao didn't give him too long to react, and even before the transparent liquid covered his body, he appeared in front of the poison again.

When I saw Tang Hao's poison Xianjun, I was extremely shocked. I thought it was just Tang Hao's sudden attack, and I was caught off guard, but now, I (Qian Haozhao) is staring at Tang Hao intently. Hao, but couldn't even see his figure clearly.

"Your body is hard!?"

Tang Hao looked at him and grinned, followed by another punch.


The poisonous mist Xianjun who was hit slammed into the ground like a cannonball, and then Tang Hao choked with both hands in the air: "Dragon-patterned cauldron!

The poisonous Immortal Monarch who was beaten by this punch had not figured out the situation when he felt the rock beside him shake violently, and then he was lifted into the sky by something unknown.

Lie Shan stared at the scene in front of him with wide eyes. When did Tang Hao bury the emperor soldier in the shape of a mountain peak?

Tang Hao's eyes flashed coldly: "Brother Lieshan, today I invite you to drink snake soup seedlings!

A group of flaming flames suddenly appeared below the dragon-patterned cauldron, and the entire cauldron was burned red, and even the rocks were melted.

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