The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 207 Broken Corner Immortal Venerable is really polite

"This is? Lord Pojiao's innate secret technique, able to survive unscathed in nothingness, this immortal cultivator will surely die!

The Ice Immortal Clan Great Emperor, who had reminded his clan before, had a glimmer of light in his eyes. You must know that an ordinary cultivator, even if he had a body refining technique, could not stay in nothingness.

Immortal Venerable Pojiao raised his head and dug the mountain into two parts from halfway up the mountain. Before he was happy, the power contained in the water waves absorbed by the formation quickly repaired the mountain.

The method of the five elements is that metal overcomes wood, wood overcomes earth, soil overcomes water, water overcomes fire, and fire overcomes metal.

Among them is the dual meaning of yin and yang, which complement each other and restrain all the five elements of magic.

Tang Hao's eyes are black and white at the moment, reflected in the two spiritual formations in the air, like two sons of yin and yang.

"Who told you that I only know fire attribute formations!

The moment the mountain peak appeared, Immortal Venerable Pojiao already knew that he had said the wrong thing, and at the same time was secretly annoyed that he should not talk too much.

As an Emperor Rank Formation Mage, how could there be only one single formation method, the only possibility is that the other party thinks it is unnecessary!

Right now, my words have completely angered Tang Hao. Every Immortal Venerable can at least master the power of change from two sources. A person who has the source of innate talent, such as the Immortal Venerable Broken Horn, can skillfully use the three sources. There are as many as 20 kinds of origin.

"I don't believe it, you can still use other things!" At this point, Immortal Venerable Pojiao no longer intends to hide, Immortal Venerable Xiaochen of Beihai will arrive at some point, and the spectacular scene of the two battles, It can be clearly seen from thousands of miles away, if he comes, the situation will be even more unfavorable for him.

Tang Hao himself has already advanced to become an Immortal Monarch, and his combat power is even closer to Immortal Venerable.

As soon as Immortal Venerable Xiaochen arrives, he is equivalent to facing two Immortal Venerables at the same time. In this way, he will definitely lose! It is even possible to be beheaded.

Thinking of this, Immortal Venerable Pojiao shuddered all over. You must know that since the general attack was launched, the Ice Immortal Clan has not yet fallen from the people above Immortal Monarch, and he does not want to be the first.


With the roar of Immortal Venerable Broken Horn, the transformed rhino was actually divided into three parts, water, gold, and earth, the three attributes, accompanied by the sky-high spiritual power, surrounded the air.

"Master Pojiao is a descendant of the ancient ice rhinoceros, and he has the power of atavism, now this immortal cultivator should die!

"I heard that the power of the bloodline of Lord Pojiao is second only to Lord Bone Emperor, and it is even passed down from the ancient Beast Emperor.

"Last time, the Beihai Xianjun fell under this move, and Lord Pojiao has won!

In the distance, the Ice Immortals, who had been dispersed by the formation, saw the three rhinos in the air, and they were all excited. They looked at Tang Hao as if they were dead people. You must know that resisting the Immortal Venerable with the power of the Immortal Monarch is a fool's errand. , not to mention that Tang Hao is dealing with the Broken Horned Immortal.

The formation made of a single attribute did not hold up for too long under the joint attack of the three rhinos, and broke apart within a few breaths, leaking out the dignified Tang Hao behind him.

At this moment, four soles of feet appeared in the air, all of them huge, making a harsh sound when they stepped on the formation.

At this moment, the spiritual sea in Tang Hao's body was running rapidly, and endless spiritual power spewed out from the palm of his hand, and was continuously instilled into the formation.


The three horns slammed into Tang Hao's chest together before the voice could fall.

Tang Hao only felt that a mountain peak hit his chest, he vomited a mouthful of blood and flew into the ground, crossed the surface and fell into the magma.

The severe pain in the chest made Tang Hao unable to think for a while. The spiritual power of the three attributes of water, metal, and earth penetrated into the body along the wound and destroyed it. In the blink of an eye, most of the meridians in his body were destroyed.

"Ding, it detects that the host's body is damaged, it will automatically activate the recovery function for you, and strengthen the power of blood."

As the sound of the system fell, a streamer surrounded Tang Hao from bottom to top.

Host: Tang Hao

Cultivation: Emperor Realm (late stage)

practice exercises-

God-level exercises: Daoxuan sword art (upgradeable)

God-level Cultivation Technique: Du Tian Yu Lei Jue (Evolved Edition of Running Thunder Curse)

Heaven Rank Exercise: Qiankun Baji Collapse (Upgradable)

Talent Skills:

God-level alchemy!

God-level spirit formation inscription method!

Physique: Eternal Immortality (Emperor Realm Holy Body!!) (Extreme Spiritual Body, immune to all toxins from Emperor Zun.)

Magic weapon: high-grade magic weapon - dragon sword (upgradeable)

[Bloodline]——The bloodline of the emperor! (plus the bloodline of the ancient dragon of the universe)

Immortal Spiritual Power: Mind Level. (upgradeable)

Just as Immortal Venerable Pojiao was panting as he looked at the bottomless pothole on the ground, a dragon roar came from the ground, and just hearing it made him go soft.

"What is this! 9

Before he finished speaking, a figure broke through the magma and rushed out of the surface.

I saw Tang Hao's body was full of blood, and the surrounding spiritual energy would automatically penetrate into the pores without even having to absorb it deliberately.

After a period of darkness, Tang Hao's body shook, and he roared in the sky.


This is not a sound that humans can make at all, it is more like an ancient beast.

With Tang Hao as the center, the thousand-zhang void instantly collapsed, leaking out a large piece of nothingness.

And standing in the center of Tang Hao, no loss!

Everyone present, their eyes widened at this moment, not knowing how to describe the scene in front of them.

At the same time, Immortal Venerable Broken Horn in the air was also extremely shocked, and a pair of rhino eyes stared at the boss.

"Impossible, the ancient ice rhino bloodline in my body is shaking?

Immortal Venerable Pojiao's face was extremely gloomy. He didn't know what Tang Hao had experienced in these few short breaths. The power of blood in his body showed signs of coming out of his body, and even 837's always proud head had a hint of wanting to lower it. the trend of.

Even, he had an absurd idea of ​​going forward and surrendering to Tang Hao.


No, absolutely impossible, he is the Immortal Venerable of the dignified Ice Immortal Clan, the heir of the ancient Ice Rhino bloodline.

If you submit to him in front of the clan, you don't have to live anymore!

As Tang Hao got closer and closer, the dragon roar in his body became clearer, and Immortal Venerable Broken Horn felt that his head was getting heavier and heavier.

Just when Tang Hao was standing in front of him, he was about to hit him with a corner when he suddenly went soft.

With his head hanging down, he actually bowed in front of Tang Hao?

The sudden change not only made Tang Hao stunned, but even the people of the Ice Immortal clan in the distance were stunned, their mouths wide open, not knowing what to say.

How could this Immortal Pojiao, who had the upper hand just now, bow his head!

Just now, he aggressively asked others to join the Frozen Immortal clan, and then he wanted to behead him, so when he came out, he was subdued?

Could it be that this Broken Horn Immortal Venerable is the meticulous work of the Immortal Realm planted in the Frozen Clan!

"Big, my lord!" The great emperor who knew very well about Pojiao Immortal Venerable didn't know how to open his mouth. How could he make himself round and bow to someone in front of him? How do you say that Pojiao-sama is polite and when fighting Still not forgetting to apologize to the enemy?.

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