The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 213th chapter can not lose

Tang Hao's question satisfied Xianzun Xiaochen's vanity, he said with a smile: "This sea and sun brew is the first sea thing, I am not boasting, the whole Jiuhai can drink him, no more than Twenty, even Lord Emperor, occasionally come to me to taste it.

Hearing the conversation of Xianzun Xiaochen, Tang Hao was slightly surprised. He was willing to take out such a rare thing for himself to drink?

"This wine is made from the first waves rolled up by the first sea every ten thousand years, combined with the emptiness of tears at the top of the nine seas, and boiled for ten thousand years. Daoist friends should cherish it." When Xianzun Xiaochen said, His face was extremely proud, and he felt unspeakable love for the wine in the glass.

Tang Hao frowned, since he was reborn, no one has ever pretended to be so coercive in front of him. Although this Xiaochen Immortal Venerable is also well-intentioned, Tang Hao doesn't like this way, he doesn't like it very much!

"Ding, I detect that the host is depressed, and immediately generate better pretending items for you.

"Jiuhai Fairy Dew + 100 Bottles"

"Immortal Chalcedony Liquid + 100 Bottles"

"Void blood and tears + 100 bottles"

Although he didn't know what these were, Tang Hao understood that what the system gave him was definitely thousands of times better than this Hairi Chujiu.

Pretending to be intoxicated, Tang Hao drank the wine in his cup, and said loudly: "Good wine! Senior Xiaochen is worthy of being the master of the North Sea. I have never drank such a good wine in the fairyland. 35

Xianzun Xiaochen looked at Tang Hao in shock, as if he couldn't believe that he drank all the wine in the glass in one gulp.

You must know that even if the emperor is in person, he would never dare to waste such a waste. Most of them are sipped and sipped, and he saves himself even more. He was reluctant to take out a cup, knowing that even himself only had a hundred altars.

He put down the glass with no end in sight, Tang Hao nodded slightly: "The first time we met, Lord Xianzun treated me with such precious things, which flattered the younger generation, you are an expert in wine tasting, I got a few bottles of wine by chance. , I just suffer from no one who understands wine to share. Today, Lord Xianzun is here. How about you and I taste it together.


Xianzun Xiaochen glanced at Tang Hao, although he did not believe that Xianjun could have any good things, but since the other party has said so, he is not good at fighting his face.

"Okay, since fellow Daoists are so elegant, then this deity will dabble with you to see what kind of fine wine it is. 35

Tang Hao smiled slightly and took out a bottle of colorful streamer wine from the storage space.

As soon as this wine came out, the spiritual power in the palace was more than several times richer, and even had a hint of sweetness. After the Emperor Zhun who was serving him smelled the smell, there was a faint sign of a breakthrough.

Immortal Venerable Xiaochen suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Tang Hao in shock and said, "Fellow Daoist! What is this?!

Tang Hao grinned: "This thing is called Jiuhai Xianlinglu, I don't know if Lord Xianzun has heard of it."

"Nine, Jiuhai Immortal Spirit Dew! Only the Lord Emperor can drink the essence of Jiuhai. Only one hundred liters of essence can produce a drop of Jiuhai Immortal Spirit Dew!? trembling slightly.

"Well, it should be that one. I wonder if Lord Xianzun is interested in the next rank?"

Tang Hao said, opened the bottle, and a colorful light shot up into the sky. After a few breaths, it slowly dissipated. The mouth of the bottle was surrounded by a strong fairy spirit.

Immortal Venerable Xiaochen, who was suspicious of Tang Hao at first, saw such a vision and immediately determined that it must be Jiuhai Xianlinglu.

After all, someone like him who loves wine, even if he has not seen it with his own eyes, must have heard about it, and the scene at the moment is exactly the same as what he heard.

"Yes, there is so much!" Xianzun Xiaochen said, he stood up from the main seat excitedly, and ran to Tang Hao with the wine glass.

Tang Hao almost laughed out loud in his heart, this Xiaochen Immortal Venerable is really interesting, it is also in the realm of Immortal Venerable, why is he so addicted to alcohol.

He filled a whole glass for him in a big way. Tang Hao was never stingy when it came to pretending to force.

Xianzun Xiaochen widened his eyes and looked at the colorful liquid that was almost overflowing in his hand, swallowed and tasted it carefully.

Tang Hao is also drinking a glass of wine at the moment, but after all, he has never experienced the power of this kind of wine before. Immediately after drinking the fairy dew, it spreads out in the body, slowly filling the gap between the world and the world.

The whole body lightened, and Tang Hao's body's spiritual power burst out instantly. He even advanced unknowingly?

The middle stage of Xianjun came so easily? Just had a glass of wine?

At this time, Xianzun Xiaochen didn't even care about Tang Hao's affairs, so he squatted on the ground and tasted the fine wine in his hand, closing his eyes from time to time to savor the taste.

""'Lord Xianzun doesn't have to do this, if you like it, this bottle of wine will be given to you. With a big wave of Tang Hao's hand, the wine bottle slowly flew to Immortal Venerable Xiaochen.

Hearing this, Xianzun Xiaochen shook his hand and almost spilled the fairy dew, and looked back at Tang Hao in surprise: "Is this true?

Tang Hao nodded his head: "Bringing wine to heroes, following Lord Xianzun can be regarded as not humiliating its reputation.

Immortal Venerable Xiaochen immediately took the wine in his arms and looked at Tang Hao gratefully: "Daoist friend is so generous, I don't know how to repay, so, I will take you to my treasure house in a while, except for a few things that are my destiny. Other than things, you can choose whatever you want!

The corner of Tang Hao's mouth raised a smile, this is only one kind, you must know that the system gave him three kinds.

"Hey, Lord Xianzun, don't worry, I didn't say a few bottles of wine just now, this is one of them.

Xianzun Xiaochen shuddered and looked at Tang Hao in disbelief: "Is it possible, fellow Daoists have better wine? 95'

Without answering, Tang (Qian Li's) Hao reached out and took out a blood-red wine bottle from the storage space.

As soon as this wine came out, a whirlpool was set off in the world, and even the void around the wine bottle showed signs of being broken.

"This, this is the blood and tears of nothingness that has long been extinct!" Immortal Venerable Xiaochen was extremely shocked, the blood and tears of nothingness was different from the fairy dew, it was derived from nothingness, and only existed for a period of time when the fairyland opened up.

At that time, there were a lot of great powers between heaven and earth, and it was a common thing to shatter the void, and even some people could refine the nothingness, and this nothingness, blood and tears, was the mother of nothingness, and the tears left after losing the body were loose.

Tang Hao made an effort towards Xiaochen Xianzun: "Since Xianzun likes wine so much, this bottle of bloodless blood and tears will also be given to you as a thank you gift.

Hearing Tang Hao's words, Xianzun Xiaochen seemed to stiffen up, his eyes full of disbelief: "You, do you really want to give this to me too?"

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