The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 215 A bottle of wine for a piece of land

Hearing this, Tang Hao's heart moved, it seems that he still underestimated the Xiaochen Immortal Venerable's love for wine. He didn't expect that a few bottles of wine could be exchanged for a piece of land in Beihai?

You must know that in the seventh sea, only the emperor has this qualification. If this Xiaochen Xianzun does this, he will definitely pay a great price.

However, it is a fool to keep the cheap and not take advantage of it. Anyway, this wine is also given by the system. If he can get a piece of land for no reason, Tang Hao will naturally not give up this opportunity.

"Master Xianzun is so flattered." Without rushing to agree, Tang Hao first expressed his gratitude.

Immortal Venerable Xiaochen waved his hand: "Brother, you are too polite, don't worry, I Xiaochen always say the same thing, not to mention that you are not rewarded for nothing, whether it is to defend against the enemy from the Northeast or these few bottles of immortal wine, it is enough. Replaced with a large piece - territorial."

Seeing what the other party said, Tang Hao nodded slowly: "If that's the case, then the junior is welcome."

"It doesn't matter, tell me, as long as the deity can do it, I promise you everything." Xiaochen opened the chalcedony liquid and took a deep breath, revealing a fluttering look, if he didn't know this The guy is a monk, Tang Hao almost thought he was an addict who sneaked out of that drug rehab center.

After pondering for a moment, Tang Hao clasped his fists: "Lord Xianzun, I have already thought about it.

"Oh? Let's hear it." Immortal Venerable Xiaochen was a little surprised that Tang Hao chose the site so quickly. You must know that most Immortal Monarchs will be cautious when choosing their own territory. The long-term place to live, naturally has to be considered again and again, whether it is the density of aura or the distance from Zhong Hai, it must be selected according to one's own strength.

Tang Hao smiled slightly: "Beihai Battlefield, this junior wants to choose the territory closest to the Beihai Battlefield.

Immortal Venerable Xiaochen looked at Tang Hao in surprise: "The nearest territory to the Beihai battlefield is called Huihaijing. Although this realm is called Huihai, many cultivators mistake it for the meaning of the sea and all rivers, but it is actually a barren. In this land, not only monks, but even desolate beasts are very few.

Looking at Tang Hao's contemplative appearance, Immortal Venerable Xiaochen continued: "If my brother has no other choice, I would recommend you to choose a patio area closer to Zhonghai, where the spiritual energy is dense and there are countless supplies and jades. There are even more ancient relics, and I almost chose the Tianjing Realm as the foundation of the sect back then, but it was only later that the emperor gave me another territorial land that was similar to it, and it was temporarily put on hold."

Xianzun Xiaochen's tone was very sincere, and it seemed that he was really thinking about Tang Hao, but he didn't understand what Tang Hao's real purpose was.

"Lord Xianzun, you don't know, I also have a territory in the Great Wilderness Realm of the South China Sea, called the Great Wilderness Secret Realm, I originally intended to place the sect there, and the reason why I want this Sea Convergence Realm as the foundation of the North Sea is because in the future, in case If there is any accident, it is also convenient to transfer, so, choosing the patio is a waste, it is better to leave it to the Immortal Venerable.""

Tang Hao didn't hide his thoughts. After all, he had already built the sect in the secret realm. The reason why he wanted a piece of land here was just in case.

Immortal Venerable Xiaochen suddenly realized that he nodded, stood up and clasped his fists slightly towards Tang Hao: "In this case, thank you for your kindness, then according to what my brother said, this Huihai Realm belongs to you.

As he spoke, he threw a token with the word "Shanghai Huihai" very conspicuous.

"Huihaijing is more than 8,000 miles away from this, from which you can reach the palace all the way to the northwest. After my brother arrives, go straight to Jingfu, which is specially prepared for Xianjun. With this token, you are Huihaijing. Lord."

Seeing that this matter was done, Xianzun Xiaochen sat down with satisfaction and concentrated on tasting these bottles of peerless wine.

Tang Hao raised his hand and took the token: "Thank you, Lord Xianzun, I have something to ask for, please enlighten me.

"Oh, I don't dare to teach you, brother, just tell me." Having witnessed the battle between Tang Hao and the broken horn immortal, Xiaochen now regards him as a monk of the same rank, plus these bottles of wine , Xiaochen Xianzun spoke even more politely.

Tang Hao nodded slightly and clasped his fists with both hands: "I have been away from the South China Sea for a while, and before taking office in Huihai, I want to go back to the South China Sea, although I heard from Lieshan that there is a teleportation formation here, but I still want to go back to the South China Sea. I don't know the exact location, but I hope Lord Xianzun will let him know.

··0 Seeking flowers.....

"This is easy to handle, go out from here, go five hundred miles south, that teleportation formation to the East China Sea, with your strength, you will be able to reach the East China Sea in less than two days, then you will go from the East China Sea to the East China Sea under my name. Zhong Hai, when you arrive at Zhong Hai, it will be easy to deal with. It is not as barren as the four seas. You can find a teleportation array at will and you will be able to take you home.

Xianzun Xiaochen seemed to be afraid that Tang Hao would get into trouble. After speaking, he took out a letter from the storage space.

After Tang Hao took it, he looked at it carefully and saw that there were two pictures of the sun and the moon on the letter, and the whole body was brown and red.

"You take this, I'm sure there will be no problems.

At this moment, the great emperor who was serving him beside Xianzun Xiaochen whispered: "Lord Xianzun, the emperor didn't just order it a while ago. After the invasion of the outer seas, in order to ensure the smooth operation of the four seas, any teleportation formations cannot be used.


Xianzun Xiaochen patted his forehead and looked at Tang Hao apologetically: "Look, I've been patronizing these bottles of fine wine, and I forgot about it, or brother, you can rest here with me for a few days until the war is over, I'll send someone to take you back!

Tang Hao smiled and shook his head: "Thank you for your kindness, sir, but it's okay if the teleportation array can't be used, and it's the same when you go back under the Imperial Sky."

"Ah? It's thousands of miles away from the South China Sea, and there are many difficulties and obstacles on the way. Brother, you won't wait any longer?" Xiaochen looked at Tang Hao in surprise. He never expected the other party to make such a decision. .

I wasted enough time in Beihai, and Tang Hao now has a sense of separation: "It's okay, thank you for your concern, I won't bother you if the time is tight.""

Hearing Tang Hao's words, Xiaochen immediately stood up: "Okay, come to Japan, Fang Chang, if my brother has a chance, I will go to the South China Sea to see you.

"If there is such a day, I have to prepare enough wine for my brother." Tang Hao folded his fists, turned and walked outside the palace.

Looking at Tang Hao's back, Immortal Venerable Xiaochen said to the Great Emperor beside him: "Pass on my Immortal Venerable Order, within the North Sea, any cultivator shall not obstruct Immortal Lord Haotian, whoever violates it will be beheaded!

"As ordered, my lord."" The emperor nodded respectfully, then disappeared into the shadows.

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