The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 222: Exotic Treasures?

Huang Xianjun was stunned for a moment: "Fellow Daoist, don't hesitate to speak.

"Apart from the secret realm of the Great Wilderness where this monarch is located, are there any other ruins in this great wasteland?" Tang Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, pretending to be indifferent.

"There is no such thing in the Great Wilderness, but there is a place in the Sunken Stone Realm 3,000 miles away. It has not been opened for a hundred years. Why did fellow Daoists suddenly ask about this?" Toss? Or is there another plan?

Tang Hao smiled "Haha": "Fellow Daoists don't know, I have only one hobby in my life, I want to visit all the ruins in this universe, I want to see what the scene was like before the ancient times, and I look forward to it. Friends, don't make fun of it.

Huang Xianjun also looked like he was smiling but not smiling: "Fellow Daoist Haotian has such a great ambition, and I admire him very much. If there is a chance, don't forget to follow me."

Although he had the upper hand, Huang Xianjun absolutely did not believe what Tang Hao said. Just kidding, visiting all the ruins 20? Even the emperor above the nine seas would not dare to say that.

"Since this is the case, I won't bother you any more, and I hope that fellow Daoist will take office in the Xianjun Mansion as soon as possible." After the Huang Xianjun clasped his fists, he turned and left.

Tang Hao stood in front of the secret realm for a long time with his hands behind his back, until only Lieshan and Aoki were by his side, and then he slowly said: "You two, go to Changhe and Jiutian's caves respectively, and don't waste anything. 55

Lie Shan was the first to clasped his fists and replied, "Please rest assured, Xianjun, your subordinates will not disgrace their mission."

Aoki on the side also bent over and said, "Old man obeys.

After the two left, Tang Hao trembled for a while, and then burst out laughing: "The Great Desolation Sutra is mine.

It turned out that Tang Hao accidentally got a piece of news from his soul when he killed Jiutian, that was the origin of the Great Desolate Realm.

It is rumored that the cultivation method of an ancient supreme fell to this point for some reason, so that the original rich and great wasteland has been transformed into this way, and this cultivation method is the Great Desolation Sutra, and Jiutian did not know where to find the Great Desolation Sutra. The clues, I just asked Desolate Immortal Monarch, just to be on the safe side, although I am not afraid of the Immortal Monarch from the South China Sea coming here to intervene, but if Immortal Venerable Immortal knows about it, it will be a little troublesome.

Turning around and returning to the secret realm, Gu Yang sat cross-legged in the square under the Daozong Building, his eyes slightly closed.

A strange wave gradually surrounded the entire secret realm, and after a while, strange runes appeared in the air and lined up together.

Form a circle in the air and slowly sit down, surrounding Tang Hao in the center.

At the moment when the rune landed on Guangzhong, Tang Hao's eyes suddenly opened, blue light flashed in his eyes, and a supernatural purple light flashed in the middle of his forehead.

"Teleportation formation, stand!"

As Tang Hao shouted loudly, an azure light burst out from the square and shot into the sky.

After this ray of light emerged from the Ten Dragons Changing the Sky, there was still no downturn, and it reached the top of the Seven Seas in the blink of an eye.

Emperor Longsi in the Emperor's Palace of Xianhai Bridge stood up in shock from the king's chair, his hand holding the wine glass trembled slightly: "Impossible, how can there be a monk other than the emperor who can describe the teleportation formation! 99

It seems that the sensation caused is not big enough. This blue light goes all the way up, six seas, five seas, four seas, three seas... until the top of the nine seas, in front of the Emperor Zun Palace.

Jiuhai Emperor Zun showed a hint of surprise in his eyes, raised his hand and touched the blue light that erupted after the completion of the teleportation formation: "Interesting, this outsider has such a skill."

As the emperor touched the blue light, another roar sounded through the nine seas.

Tang Hao took a deep breath, looked at the teleportation formation that was still bubbling with smoke, and chuckled lightly: "Finally, the teleportation formation is much easier than I thought. In this way, father and Ru After Yu and the others have soared to this point, they can go and see everywhere.

It's just that the Emperor of the Nine Seas did not expect that the teleportation formation under Tang Hao's brand was dozens of times more than that seen in Beihai before, and it could even teleport about a hundred people at the same time. The transmission array can be compared.

"This light? It came from the Great Wilderness! There must be a strange treasure in the world!"

"No wonder this Desolate Immortal Lord didn't even attend the once-in-a-hundred-year pilgrimage meeting, and even lied about the situation in the South China Sea battlefield, so he couldn't come here in person, so he wanted to guard this strange treasure!

"It's really interesting to have such a large-scale treasure in a big wasteland, a remote area.

Many monks saw the vision caused by the completion of the teleportation formation, and mistakenly thought that some kind of treasure was born.

At this moment, in the center of the South China Sea, in a forest.

"Reporting to Lord Xianzun, my subordinates have found out that there are indeed treasures born in the Great Desolate Realm." A monk wearing a mask was kneeling on the ground. If it weren't for the fluctuation of Xianjun from his body, the surrounding void would tremble. , Others will think he is just an ordinary servant.

Sitting on the bamboo chair in front of him was a long-bearded old man in a gray robe. It seemed that he was about to die at any time, but the power of life contained in his body was unbelievable.

"The Emperor has just issued an order, in order to maintain the Great Array of the Four Seas, all Immortal Venerables must stay in the mansion and cannot enter, you can go there for me to see what is rare.

The old man's voice was very loud, but he didn't even see him open his mouth when he spoke, and he was able to condense a voice in the air with just his spiritual sense.

"Follow 850! 99

After the masked monk kowtowed, the whole person gradually twisted and disappeared into the forest after a while.

The old man opened his eyes, and the eyeballs were already cloudy.

Suddenly! A sharp knife pierced his chest.

"Old man, are you still alive?"

The old man's hand waved randomly behind him, and after a few breaths, he stopped breathing.

Standing behind him, turned out to be a young man who looked like him.

And Tang Hao, who was in the secret realm of the Great Wilderness, didn't know that he had made such a big move, and he was immersed in the exploration of the Great Wilderness Scripture.

Although Jiutian provided a lot of clues, none of them could provide a detailed location, so Tang Hao could only deduce a little bit based on his own understanding of the Great Wasteland.

At this moment, the Desolate Immortal Monarch in the Great Desolate Realm Immortal Monarch Mansion also received a secret report.

"In accordance with the order of the Immortal Venerable, I ordered Desolate Xianjun to be the leader of the fourteen realms in the eastern part of the South China Sea, and lead all his subordinates to the place where the treasures are located. The Great Desolate Territory must be blocked before the envoy of the Immortal Venerable arrives, and no monks from the sea are allowed to enter!"5

Huang Xianjun looked at the cyan scroll floating in front of him, and slowly raised his head to look in the direction of the Great Wilderness Secret Realm: "No wonder this person wants to ask me if there are other ruins in my territory, and really shot himself in the foot.

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