The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 234 He is my subordinate

The place left by the Great Emperor Jiutian showed that it was located in the northwest of the Great Desolate Realm. There were few dense forests in the Great Desolation Realm, and many of them lived here.

Those great emperors with their own sects often let their subordinate disciples come to practice here, but at this moment, the originally dense forest, for some unknown reason, has appeared a hint of yellow in this hot summer, and many of the original dense trees have begun to have fallen leaves. fall.

What makes people feel even more strange is that the leaves are still extremely green when they are separated from the trunk, and they become extremely dry after falling from the air to the ground in just a few breaths.

But right now, the cultivators in the dense forest who were cultivating again were all shocked. It turned out that not long ago, a sword energy soaring to the sky came from somewhere, and the dense forest was divided into two, and the coercion contained in it was Even a quasi-emperor-level desolate beast can't bear it, and just a little closer is turned into a puddle of flesh by countless invisible sword qi.

Tang Hao felt strange as he flew more and more, that his shocking sword should have accidentally split into two halves in the dense forest where the Great Desolation Sutra was located.

Standing at the entrance of the dense forest, Tang Hao was keenly aware that although the forest appeared to be full of vitality on the surface, it was actually exhausted, and it was maintained by the nutrients absorbed over the years.

It seems that it will not take long for the forest to change into a barren land.

But why there was no such sign before, which made Tang Hao a little strange.

However, since he has already come here, he is really sorry for the "legacy" of the Great Emperor Jiutian without taking the Great Desolation Sutra back with him.

God-level exercises like the Great Desolation Classic cannot generally be perceived with divine sense, and can only be relied on by chance.

This is also the genius of the Desolate Immortal Monarch. He divides the Great Desolate Realm into thirteen parts according to the strength of each immortal monarch. Everyone depends on their ability. Whoever finds it first, even if they cannot take the exotic treasure as their own, will definitely be punished. Immortal's reward.

Tang Hao walked into the forest on foot, and his cultivation reached his realm. For him, the forest, which was considered extremely dangerous by the low-level monks, was much safer than the back garden.

"Help, help!"

Deep in the jungle, there was a sudden cry for help.

Tang Hao, who was in a hurry, ignored it and walked in the opposite direction.

Just then, a woman ran out from the source of the sound.

This woman is wearing a long purple dress. Although her face is not very charming, she is quite charming, especially the snow-white mountain on her chest, which makes people want to look at it, and a pair of snow-white long skirts under the dress. Although the original beauty of the leg was damaged by two deep visible bone wounds at the moment, it is not difficult to imagine what kind of beauty it would be like if this woman was on a normal day.

The woman's spiritual energy was disordered, and blood was flowing from the corners of her mouth. She staggered in the air and slowly flew towards Tang Hao, as if she would fall down at any time.

Seeing this scene, Tang Hao couldn't help but be curious, what happened to make this woman suffer such serious injuries.

Before Tang Hao could ask a question, several figures rushed out from behind the woman.

They were dressed differently from the woman, wearing brown Taoist uniforms, and looking at the woman, their eyes were full of lewdness.

"Little beauty, don't run away, your brothers and sisters are all dead, why don't we protect you."

Anyone who hears these words is not a good word. This kind of beauty falls into the hands of a few villains in this barren mountain. Everyone knows what will happen. For a female cultivator, life is better than death.

The woman gave Tang Hao a bleak look. With her quasi-emperor cultivation base, she didn't see the slightest fluctuation of spiritual power in Tang Hao, which made her despair. With her own secret technique, she noticed this. There was someone there, so he used his last strength to come here, but he didn't expect this result.

The pursuers behind him were stunned when they saw Tang Hao, but then they realized that he was just an ordinary immortal person without any cabe.

"You guys are so despicable! Tricked my senior brothers to go to the place of Jianguang, and said that there are some rare treasures in the world, otherwise how could you be so arrogant as you are now." The woman cried out in despair, then fell from the air and rolled in front of Tang Hao After a few laps, struggled to sit up.

The other cultivators laughed wickedly when they saw this scene, and surrounded the two of them calmly.

Their main target is this woman. As for Tang Hao, she is nothing but an ant. Even if they kill him in this dense forest, no one will know.

"You, hurry up, I'm the one who got you involved." Even at this time, the woman asked Tang Hao to find a way to escape.

Tang Hao heard the woman's words the whole time.

He never imagined that his sword would actually affect the dense forest thousands of miles away, and he couldn't help but feel a little sorry for the woman in his heart.

"Du Junyu, what time is it, you still think about others, don't worry, as long as you take care of us well, this kid, I will consider leaving him a whole body, so that he can reincarnate." There were five people in total, and the leader was a bald man who had a scar on his right eye that ran through the entire right cheek from top to bottom.

Du Junyu looked at the bald man angrily, and spat out a mouthful of blood at him: "Bah! Zhang Gou, the beauty you think, even if I die, I will never let you succeed!"

Zhang Gou grinned: "Death? You are committing suicide now! Even if it is a corpse, I will enjoy it later, and then I will send your corpse to your master Aoki the Great, naked and let him see what he loves the most. My disciple, how unbearable it is, hahahaha.""

Hearing Zhang Gou's words, Du Junyu shuddered, she turned to look at Tang Hao, her eyes were full of despair: "I'm sorry, I hurt you."

After finishing speaking, Tang Hao was acutely aware that the spiritual energy in Du Junyu's body condensed together in an instant, as if he was about to explode himself.

He sighed, although he didn't want to cause trouble at this critical juncture, but since Du Junyu became like this because of himself, and he was a disciple of the subordinate Emperor Aoki, he could only rescue her.

Just when Du Junyu had closed her eyes and was about to explode herself, a sigh sounded in her ear: "Don't think about it, you still have a long way to go. 99

Zhang Gou and the others looked at Tang Hao in shock, unable to believe what was happening in front of them.

It turned out that when the aura in Du Junyu's body was about to explode, Tang Hao raised his left hand and shook it lightly to stabilize the already violent and restless aura.

"You, who are you?"

Zhang Gou looked at Tang Hao tremblingly. In his memory, it seemed that he had never seen this person in the Great Wilderness.

Ignoring Zhang Gou, Tang Hao looked at Du Junyu and said softly, "Are you Aoki's disciple?

Du Junyu was also stunned, and nodded slowly: "Who are you?

"He is my subordinate. 39

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