The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 241 Slashing the Giant Sword

"Impossible!" Immortal Demon Eyes widened his eyes and looked at the emperor who flew towards him like raindrops. Although he had smashed imperial soldiers before, it was only one, and it was far less than Immortal Giant Sword. Easy as said.

The giant sword Xianjun was also stunned to see this scene. The giant sword in his hand was originally one of the seven emperors of the East China Sea. Even if there was only a little wreckage left, he could still recover himself according to the ghost in the master's hand.

But right now, among the imperial soldiers flying all over the sky, there are more than ten weapons that are much better than his own giant sword, which makes him unbelievable.

What makes him even more desperate is that these weapons are not the projections or fakes that he originally thought, and every time they attack the magic eye fairy, they can send out the power of the emperor's full-strength blow, although for the fairy, a single blow is not the same. It can't cause much trouble, but the number is too many, and the "eight six seven" is endless, and the magic eye fairy has already exhausted all his strength just to resist, not to mention attacking Tang Hao.

Seeing this scene, Tang Hao knew that this demon-eyed fairy would be unable to open his body to deal with him for a while.

Turning to fly to the two giant sword Xianjun: "I said, the three of you go together, otherwise, there is no chance at all."

Jujian Xianjun took a step forward, stood in front of Fengchen Xianjun, and pointed at Tang Hao with his sword: "The child is so arrogant, there is no one who can deceive me in the East China Sea!

After speaking, the giant sword Xianjun pointed his sword in the air.

"Sword Realm, open!"

A chilling meaning gradually spread, the smell of blood from nowhere spread in the air, the surrounding scenery changed instantly, the original dense forest and lake also disappeared, and even the figures of the demon eye fairy and the wind and dust fairy. All have disappeared, only Tang Hao and Giant Sword Xianjun are left.

"This place is the sword world that I spent my whole life cultivating, in which I killed a total of 8,888 sword masters, and only one person is missing to become the spirit when I step into the realm of Immortal Venerable. The world, today, is you!

Jujian Xianjun's eyes were condensed, and the ground suddenly rushed out of the sky and the rain of swords, slowly spinning around him.

Tang Hao looked at the giant sword Xianjun flatly: "You really can't take this sword of mine."

Immediately sticking the Dragon Slaying Sword on the ground, Tang Hao raised his hands and slowly stepped back.

"No matter how powerful your imperial soldier is, it will definitely be difficult to stop my sword world composed of more than 8,000 weapons. Die! 35 The giant sword Xianjun swung his sword towards Tang Hao, and the sword rain behind him followed like a shadow. Alongside the great sword, they stabbed Tang Hao together.

Then at this moment, a dragon howl came from the Dragon Slaying Sword.

Seemingly feeling that someone was provoking him, the Dragon Slaying Sword inserted on the ground suddenly began to shake violently, followed by a burst of yellow light.

Tang Hao grinned: "It's just you, you can use a sword?"

Then the right hand moved forward and shouted: "Sword come!"


The ground of the sword world shattered, and the golden scales raised their claws to break out of the ground, followed by a 100-foot-long body, a majestic and sharp golden-scaled giant dragon standing between the two, with blood-red eyes staring at the giant sword immortal.

Seeing this scene, Jujian Xianjun was shocked and hurriedly stopped his figure, but the sword rain behind him was not so lucky, and stabbed on the golden scales on the giant dragon.

These weapons pierced countless fires on the dragon's scales, but none of them could penetrate the scales and cause any substantial damage to the golden dragon.

"Impossible, with your cultivation, how can you control such a powerful sword spirit!

Jujian Xianjun was extremely frightened. As a master swordsman, he naturally knew that only extremely powerful swordsmen could possess a sword spirit, and the master's strength naturally determined the strength of the sword spirit.

At the moment, this giant dragon, just looking at it, has already made him have no fighting spirit at all.

Even if it is in his own sword world.

Tang Hao looked at the giant sword immortal with cold eyes: "Those who were born in this country are destroyed in this country. Today, I will show you what Kendo is! 39

Jinlong seemed to have heard Tang Hao's words, and after circling in the air for several weeks, he plunged into the Dragon Slaying Sword.

With the combination of the sword spirit and the weapon, the Dragon Slaying Sword has undergone tremendous changes in an instant.

The originally silver-white blade turned into gold gradually when it came out of the sword. Tang Hao could cut the void with just a slight wave, and it couldn't be recovered for a long time.

Jujian Xianjun looked at this scene in amazement, and the hands holding the sword began to tremble slightly.

"Cut the dragon, break it. 99

Tang Hao said softly, then stepped forward and slashed towards the giant sword Xianjun.

Just when the Demon Eye Immortal Monarch was tired of dealing with the flying emperor soldiers, a scream came from the side, followed by a strong sense of crisis.

Finally, the immortal Feng Chen, who has been holding still, made his move. 0

As if moving, he instantly appeared beside the Demon Eye Immortal Monarch, raising his hand and shaking it upwards.

A golden light fell from the void, accompanied by the giant sword and the corpse of the giant sword Xianjun that had been broken into two pieces.

This sword actually split the entire sword world in two.

Tang Hao walked out of the sword world slowly with the Dragon Slaying Sword in his hand, and looked at the two of them indifferently.

"Da, Daoist Feng Chen, what should I do now?"

Facing the emperor who constantly exudes majesty in the air, as well as Tang Hao who is like a god, the Demon Eye Immortal Monarch was afraid for the first time.

I didn't go to check the storage space of the giant sword fairy, in Tang Hao's view, the real battle has not yet begun.


Fengchen Xianjun looked at Tang Hao with a dignified expression, and the right hand that had just blocked the sword light turned out to be just an invisible scar.

The magic eye fairy nodded, and then the whole person walked out of the distortion.

At this time, Tang Hao really saw the body of the magic eye fairy.

It turned out that he was a lame man with only one leg.

Thinking of this, Tang Hao laughed: "What kind of magic eye, hurry up, I never bully disabled people."

Hearing this, the devil-eyed fairy's face flushed with anger: "Children die!"

Countless eyes suddenly appeared in the air, and the dark eyes all looked at Tang Hao.

In the dark, a sense of death wrapped Tang Hao.

Unprecedented purple light 1.4 also appeared on the front of the forehead, dispelling this death intent for Tang Hao.

The Demon Eye Immortal looked at Tang Hao resentfully, and then pointed at him: "Xianjun Haotian, die!


"Die! 39

"Die! 35

This dead word suddenly turned into a brand, and kept repeating in Tang Hao's mind, instantly disturbing his mind.

"Ding! It detects that the host's mind is disturbed and will automatically disperse it for you.

"Spirit +500"

"Spirit +500"

"Spirit +500"

With the help of the system, Tang Hao was able to relax and wipe the sweat from his forehead, Tang Hao smiled: "It's dangerous. 35

The Demon Eye Immortal looked at Tang Hao in disbelief: "No, it's impossible! Only Immortal Venerable can break my death spell!"

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