The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

The 240 chapters are extremely stalemate

Powerful coercion came upon his face, and even Tang Hao, who already had both Gulong and Emperor Ba bloodlines, felt a little pressure.

But this pressure was not enough to make Tang Hao back off.

I saw his right hand raised to his waist, his eyes fixed on the blood palm that was no weaker than Immortal Venerable.

"Eight poles collapse!"

The right fist was shot instantly, and the thousand miles of void suddenly shattered.

The palms and fists collided together, making a loud noise, producing a shock wave that was stronger than before, almost all the trees in the dense forest were blown down, and fell radially to the outside of the dense forest.

Tang Hao only felt a sharp pain in his right arm, and then a warm current rose inside the spirit sea to dissipate the sharp pain.

But the blood man in front of him didn't seem to feel it. After a palm was blocked by Tang Hao, he launched an attack here. His left hand suddenly turned into a bright red liquid.


Tang Hao scolded secretly, and the protective spiritual energy instantly emerged, and at the same time, the thunderclouds in the air roared and pressed down to the ground, just like the end of the world.

Similar to what he expected, the protective aura only prevented the red blade from breaking down like a piece of paper in less than three breaths.

At the same time, the thunder in the air was already less than a hundred feet from the ground.

At the critical moment, Tang Hao clasped his hands together and shouted at the bloody man, "Wuzhou Tianlei!"

This move is the most powerful attack in the Dutian Lightning Jue.

It is rumored that under one blow, it can destroy the land of five continents, and its power is evident.

The lightning in the air fell with Tang Hao's voice, and quickly condensed into a purple lightning with a size of several tens of meters. After roaring at the blood man, it fell vertically.

The power was so great that even Tang Hao didn't dare to touch it easily, and the only remaining speed force in his body came in handy at this moment.

The bloody man only felt that Tang Hao in front of him appeared dozens of miles away after being twisted for a while.


The sound of thunder almost resounded through the Great Desolate Realm, and on the ground beside the dense forest lake, a huge pit with the size of a hundred miles appeared, bottomless, occupying almost one-fifth of the area of ​​the dense forest.

There was an unpleasant burnt smell in the air, Tang Hao looked coldly at the bottom of the pit, he knew that this bloody man would not be defeated so easily by himself.

Sure enough, there was a burst of red in the deep pit, and then clumps of blood floated up and re-condensed into a human form in front of Tang Hao.

"With such a powerful power, what trouble has this Immortal Haotian encountered!" Immortal Huang looked at the front in shock, and there was a dense forest thousands of miles away.

As the commander appointed by the Immortal Venerable Immortal, he is naturally exceptional, but the huge power caused by the thunderstorms in the five continents just now obviously made him not expect that if he hadn't known that Tang Hao was in charge of the dense forest area, he would almost have thought It is Immortal Venerable.

You must know that under that kind of thunder calamity, even in the middle stage of Immortal Monarch, there is absolutely no way to survive.

This is still the case with Desolate Immortal Monarch, and the other Immortal Monarchs on the road are even more shocked.

"What, what is this? Is it possible that even Lord Xianzun can't conquer the strange treasure!?"

"Hmph, that Immortal Lord Haotian was so arrogant before, I think he has already died under this thunder calamity."

"I felt such a powerful pressure before I arrived at the scene. With my cultivation in the early stage of Immortal Sovereign... I would die if I went there.

The immortals who went to the jungle all had their own thoughts, but none of them thought that such a huge movement came from the hands of Tang Hao.

At this moment, Tang Hao looked at the bloody man who was moving his body in front of him with an ugly face. He thought that after his blow, even if the bloody man didn't die, at least his vitality would be greatly injured, but now he could almost be able to do it based on the opponent's breath. It was concluded that the moment I just made had no effect other than knocking him away.

What made Tang Hao even more unacceptable was that the bloody man even hooked his fingers towards him, as if he was provocative.

"I want to see, what exactly are you." Tang Hao grinned, and the murderous intent in his eyes was not concealed at all.

He has never forgiven those who pretended to be coercive with him.

The Dragon Slaying Sword slowly emerged in front of him, and before the void in the dense forest was healed, it was split again by the power brought by the Dragon Slaying Sword.

Fengchen Xianjun, who was watching the battle from a distance, squinted his eyes after seeing the Dragon Slaying Sword, and there was a hint of covetousness in the depths of his pupils.

Although he just swore not long ago that he would not use the hidden sword technique in the Dragon Slaying Sword unless he had to, he did not expect to use it again so soon.

The spiritual power contained in the body kept pouring into the Dragon Slaying Sword. The golden sword edge shone with dazzling light under the urging of spiritual power.

"Dao Xuan Sword Sutra!

This was the first time that Tang Hao had used all of his spells and magical powers in a battle, but it was also the only time that there was no end to the battle.

The ripples appeared behind him, and the infinite monarchy was opened again.

He held the sword in his right hand and pointed it straight at the bloody man, and countless imperial soldiers behind him charged towards the bloody man with a mighty sky.

The demon-eyed immortal who turned into a bloody man is no longer in a hurry as before, and his whole body actually stretched out countless tentacle-like claws, constantly resisting the might of the imperial soldiers.

For a while, Tang Hao was secretly anxious when he saw this scene.

Right now, it's not that he doesn't make a move, it's really that the spiritual power in the Dragon Slaying Sword is not enough to use the swordsmanship.

But the bloody man didn't give Tang Hao too many chances. Instead, after stepping out, he smashed the void in front of him, and appeared in front of Tang Hao in front of his eyes, smashing out like a beast.

Seeing that the other party actually wanted to fight with his own physical strength, Tang Hao also grinned and roared, and an iron mountain collided with him.


The shoulders of the two collided, making a muffled sound.

At this moment, within a thousand miles outside the dense forest, all the creatures under the Great Emperor had their eardrums shattered, and could no longer hear any sound from Ren (Wang Wang Zhao).

In addition to the two, Feng Chen Xianjun, who was the first to bear the brunt, had a dignified expression. After waving his hands in front of him, two half-foot-long dragons, one blue and one red, appeared slowly hovering, isolating the sound.

Feeling the pain in his shoulders, Tang Hao couldn't wait any longer, and shoved up the toilet with his sword in his right hand.

The sharpness of the Dragon Slaying Sword was like chopping melons and vegetables to look down the blood man's half body, but he was still punched in the chest by the opponent and flew out a hundred miles away.

"Hmph, this kid, lost." Feng Chen Xianjun saw this scene, a smile raised on the corner of his mouth, but his eyes always stared at the Dragon Slaying Sword.

Then, right at this moment, the mutation protruded!

After the ground suddenly shook violently, the bones of the Nuwa clan at the bottom of the lake slapped the ground with their palms, propped up their upper body, and raised their heads out of the water, revealing their skeleton-like bodies.

"Qingtian!!! You lied to me!!!"

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