The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 3 The Great Disciple of Yaoguang Sect

If it weren't for this, Tang Hao wouldn't be able to say similar words on the face of five strange men, after all, they also possess a certain strength.

After he finished speaking, Tang Hao didn't pay attention to their reactions at all. He quickly picked up a chopstick on the table, and with a slight movement of his wrist, the chopstick was like a wild horse that had taken off its rein, and quickly moved towards it. Than a strange man rushed over.

There was no accident, the chopsticks hit the man's chest accurately, and the force of the attack was quite huge, actually knocking him back several steps.

"You actually dare to attack us, you are really courting death! Brothers, we can definitely kill it together!"

At this time, one of the men took the initiative and said that his tone of speech was still full of disdain, because in his eyes, the reason why Tang Hao was able to kill his companion just now was only because he suddenly Just launched a sneak attack.

Now they have already made the corresponding preparations. More importantly, they have a great advantage in research. As long as they are united, they can definitely defeat Tang Hao alone.

It's a pity that this is just a fantasy in their own hearts. In the face of the huge gap in strength, it is simply not enough that the number of 947 people can make up for it.

"Since you have chosen to go your own way, don't blame me, I will let you know what true strength is!

Tang Hao took the initiative to speak, and the tone of his speech was very serious, this was not a joke.

It was at this time that the attacks of those strange men also rushed towards Tang Hao one after another. Even so, Tang Hao still avoided their attacks in an orderly manner, and in the process, Tang Hao directly attacked them. Break them one by one.

Soon, the five men fell to the ground in pain, and looked at Tang Hao again without the previous disdain, but full of fear instead.

It can be said that Tang Hao has completely broken their psychological defense line through those domineering attacks just now, otherwise they would not show such a fearful attitude now.

"Let me all go! Don't let me see you again, and don't disturb my good mood for dinner!"

Seeing all their cowardly behaviors, Tang Hao said disdainfully, and now there is an awe-inspiring aura around Tang Hao, which is quite frightening.

After hearing those words, those strange men couldn't help exhaling heavily, because in their eyes, this was obviously a life-saving straw, and then they struggled to get up from the ground without any hesitation. , and walked in the direction away from Tang Hao.

Since things have developed to such a point, it means that the problems that should be solved have been completely solved, and Tang Hao has already returned to his seat.

The second shopkeeper, who was still in awe, walked out at this time, and looked at Tang Hao with a clear admiration, but they didn't expect the consequences that they might encounter, so they couldn't help sighing softly.

"This guest officer, your strength is indeed very powerful, but their group belongs to the Yaoguang faction!

The second shopkeeper took the initiative and said that his tone was very sincere, because this was not a joke at all, and there was still a sense of anxiety in his words, which was precisely worrying about Tang Hao.

But he didn't even think that a faint smile appeared on Tang Hao's face. It turned out that in his eyes, this time, he happened to enter this world by chance, and he happened to have a fight with these powerful characters. And those nights just now were not enough for Tang Hao to even warm up.

"I know you are worried about me, but such a thing is absolutely impossible, don't underestimate my strength! Hurry up and present all those dishes!""

Tang Hao took the initiative and said that in his eyes, even if the worst situation happened in front of him, he could solve it.

Soon, he had a full meal, and without listening to the second persuasion of the shop assistant, Tang Hao left the inn and walked on the avenue.

At this time, in front of him, a group of people came across, directly blocking Tang Hao's way, and it was no accident that they were looking for Tang Hao.

"Are you the disciples of the Yaoguang Sect in the legend? Call me your head, you will not be my opponents together!"

Tang Hao took the initiative to say that his tone of speech was full of calm, and he actually still had a refined and easy-going personality.

Even in the face of so many people's attacks, Tang Hao understands that he can definitely solve them all easily, and it can be said that it is simply effortless.

But when those unfamiliar men heard such words, their faces were already blue and purple, and they were obviously very angry.

It turned out that the strange men who met Tang Hao in the inn before, they didn't want these shameful things to be known to the head, and they didn't tell the head, but just asked their senior brother for help.

"Senior brother, you see that he is still so arrogant now, we must give him a severe punishment, otherwise the Yaoguang faction's face doesn't know where to put it!

One of them, the man, took the initiative and said that after doing all this, a treacherous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The reason for such a situation is precisely because he exaggerated his experience in the inn, and deliberately described their fault as Tang Hao's fault.

The senior brothers who fought for justice together also fell into their tricks, and came to Tang Hao aggressively to ask for a result.

The elder brother's name is Ji Jicun. When he was very young, he was sent by the Ji family to the Yaoguang Sect to cultivate. His current cultivation is one of the best in the whole town.

If there is no accident, he will also inherit the position of the head of Yaoguang Sect.

"You stinky brat dare to be so arrogant! If I don't teach you a good lesson today, I will be ashamed of being the big disciple of the Yaoguang faction!

When Ji Jicun spoke, he rushed towards Tang Hao.

Witnessing all this, Tang Hao shook his head helplessly, why would someone want to fight for nothing?

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