The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 4 Breaking Through the Gate of Yaoguang School (Part 2)

Seeing such a picture, Ji Jicun couldn't help but take a deep breath, because in his eyes, it seems that it is impossible to defeat Tang Hao now. , But his strength is obviously a lot worse than Tang Hao.

But he can understand that now as long as Tang Hao is willing to kill him anytime and anywhere, once such a thing happens "Nine Four Seven", it will be very bad for him, and he must use all his strength now. to escape.

"You stinky bastard, do you know who is behind me? Once you kill me, my master will kill you directly! 39

At this time, Ji Jicun took the initiative to say that the meaning in his words was trembling. Obviously, this did not have much confidence, because he did not have the matching strength at all.

Seeing this picture, Tang Hao's face remained as quiet as he should have, and there was no change, because he knew in his heart that in the eyes of the other party, it seemed like a life-saving straw. In the face of danger, Ji Jicun He will definitely grasp it tightly, but unfortunately, he has never liked others, and threatened him with some more powerful beings.

And even if something bad happens, Tang Hao has already made a relative plan in his heart. He just needs to follow the plan in his heart and complete it. .

"Then call your master over to me too, I want to see what kind of realm its strength can reach, I hope it doesn't disappoint me!

Only at this time can he take the initiative to say that the meaning in his words is very serious and serious, and his eyes are also very firm, not like a joke.

The disciples of the Yaoguang Sect, realizing the meaning behind them, couldn't help exhaling heavily, as if a huge boulder hanging in the west could finally be put down, and then they left without any hesitation. They were at the forefront, and the direction they were walking was exactly where the Yaoguang Sect was.

Soon Tang Hao came to the Yaoguang School under their leadership. Although there was a long distance, the towering house number could still be clearly seen. . .

"Ah, what exactly happened? How could you disciples be so embarrassed?"

At this time, one of the disciples at the gate of Yaoguang Sect, he took the initiative to say the meaning of the words, it was a lot of puzzles, because he was completely unaware of the series of things that might happen behind it.

After Ji Jicun realized the meaning behind him, he didn't dare to hesitate, and directly told Tang Hao how to defeat it, and what kind of, forcing him to bring Tang Hao to this place completely. Having said that, since Tang Hao is behind him now, he doesn't dare to add anything to 1.4.

Those disciples realized the meaning behind them, and everyone's faces were quite surprised, because this would also allow Tang Hao to defeat all their Yaoguang Sect's eldest disciples, then its strength might have reached the same level. a high height.

Thinking of this, they immediately turned around and ran towards the inside of the Yaoguang Sect.

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