The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 23 First Place (Part 2)

"Tang Hao, don't be angry. After all, this is not what we want to happen. After this, I will continue to urge the disciples below to train them a hundred times more!"

The head of the Yaoguang faction, he once said seriously that for him, this is exactly what he came from his heart, and he was not joking at all.

Hearing the words of the headmaster, Tang Hao didn't plan to say anything more, because he understood that now the boat was done, and he couldn't change it. What's more important is that according to the relevant regulations of the competition, a student who won the first place in 977 has the opportunity to challenge all the powerhouses present, including Tang Hao.

Now for Tang Hao, she is looking forward to that student who can really choose Tang Hao, because in this way, he can show his business strength in the ring very well. A single action can make those students understand the idea that there are people outside the world.

"Bang bang bang!"

The sound of attacking on the ring continued. For those two players, it was very important who could take the first place now, and they would definitely put a lot of effort into this.

As time went by, the final winner was from the Fuyao faction, and Tang Hao always felt that the stranger was extremely familiar, as if he had met him somewhere.

After thinking about this, Tang Hao didn't hesitate at all, he directly expressed all the doubts in his heart.

"First of all, congratulations on winning the first place, then I want to ask what your name is?"

After finishing the words, Tang Hao locked his eyes on the other party. The reason for doing this was to be able to perceive the subtle changes in her heart.

This also has a very strong basis for him to judge a person's psychological quality (cabe), because once that disciple hears the greeting from the strong man and feels any tension, then his psychological endurance The ability is also quite poor.

And this is very likely to mean that a young man, what stage will his strength develop to, because even if his strength is powerful, once there is a problem with the psychological defense line, then he can't continue in the ring at all. Stand still.

As expected by Tang Hao, he noticed the seriousness of Tang Hao's whole body, and the player who won the first place immediately panicked.

Seeing such a scene with his own eyes, Tang Hao was a little helpless, and he sighed softly.

It's a pity that the player made a move that surprised Tang Hao in the following process, that is, he didn't say his name at all, but called him to challenge Tang Hao.

"Oh, since this is the case, then I will definitely stay with you to the end, come on, let me see your strength!"

Tang Hao stood up straight away, with light force between his feet, his whole body was like a swallow, and he stepped onto the ring.

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