The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 29 The Secret of the Whole Town (Part 2)

Now you just need to follow the plan to complete it, and the fear in front of you is not worth mentioning.

In the face of the attack from the other party's joint force, Tang Hao always avoided it in a hurry, and during the whole process, he also seized the weakness displayed by the other party, and used his fists and kung fu to kill all the security team leaders. Overturned on the ground.

"What's the matter? Now, how many leaders of the "Nine Nine Three" clan have seen your home, are they qualified to ask him about the town's secrets?"

Since they all fell to the ground now, Tang Hao could look at them from above, and his eyes were full of determination, because he would not make any concessions at all.

For Tang Hao, it was quite bad, he had to work hard to reverse the current situation, so now Tang Hao said these domineering words to achieve this goal.

As expected by Tang Hao, after the security team leaders heard similar words, they couldn't help but take a deep breath, because now they have already understood in their hearts that Tang Hao's own strength is stronger than theirs. Even if they all add up, they can't cause any damage to Tang Hao, otherwise they wouldn't all be knocked to the ground by Tang Hao.

At this time, an old man slowly walked out from the deepest part of the family yard. His hair was already pale, but despite this, his face was full of energy, and he couldn't see any trace of the years at all.

Soon he had come to the place in front of those strange men, and had seen with his own eyes that Tang Hao was now arrogant.

"What are you all doing? You really lost the face of our big family! Since you can't beat that kid, then you don't have to stay here!"

The old man said loudly, and it was full of seriousness, and there seemed to be sullenness in his eyes.

After hearing the voice of the other party, Tang Hao turned around and immediately discovered the existence of the old man, and he could basically judge his cultivation from the little details displayed on his body. , has reached a rather high height..0

Perhaps looking at the entire town, no one will be his opponent, no wonder he can become the leader of the big family, this is probably the most important reason.

Unfortunately, for those security team leaders, this is today's news, and they hurriedly bowed their heads to admit their mistakes.

"The chief is our fault, but we don't want to let a stranger know the secrets of this town. After all, it's very important. Without your permission, we wouldn't dare to talk nonsense! 99

One of the security team leaders, he said slowly, and after speaking, he lowered his head directly, because he didn't want to collide with the angry eyes of the old man.

1.4 The old man saw a similar action, and the old man's anger faded a little, but he soon noticed that among the people present, there was someone who dared to look at him, and this person was none other than Tang Hao.

And just by looking at it, there is still a smile on the corner of his mouth now, and a sense of doubt quickly rises in his heart.

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