The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 32 Knowing the truth (2)

That is to be able to know how the secrets about this town can be said. This is also a fair game between him and the old man. Now, the result is that Tang Hao incarnates.

"They've all gone now, come on, let me listen, and hopefully don't let me down!"

Now Tang Hao has sat down again, his expression is calm, even if what is about to happen in front of him, what he has been longing for, can't make him have any emotional fluctuations.

In fact, it is possible to have such a performance, because Tang Hao's inner psychological quality is extremely powerful, because he has also made special training on this level.

Because of the duel between the masters, any detail 20 is likely to determine the outcome, so all it can do is to maintain the corresponding patience, and it must also have sufficient confidence in itself, then it can All the power that was originally very powerful was revealed.

Before that, there was a competition in Jushi Town. Unfortunately, there are many players who can feel obvious nervousness as soon as they enter the ring, so can they still show their inner strength? That is obviously Yes and can't come.

"Actually, our purpose in doing this is precisely to protect the safety of this town!"

The old man took the initiative to say, when he said this, he sighed, as if the secret that he had been holding in his heart could finally be revealed. On the contrary, this did not make her feel any burden, but that one Worry can finally be completely put down.

"Tang Hao, you also know that there are such points everywhere now, and they are fighting all kinds of battles in various sects! I just hope that we can live here in peace, and those battles outside are all ours. This town life is something that everyone is not interested in!"

The old man went on to say, suddenly Tang Hao could clearly realize that there seemed to be some tears on the other's face.

Tang Hao immediately thought deeply, and already understood the reason. It was actually quite simple. Even if it came true, he would not want to provoke others, but unfortunately others would take the initiative to provoke them. town.

Then they want to continue to protect peace from it, that is simply impossible, and in this way, they can only hold relevant weapons in the hands of every commoner!

"Old man, you don't need to say more, I already know it now! You are really well-intentioned, can you tell me which Zhongmen faction is attacking this town the most, since they are Dare to take the initiative!

Now that 993 is in Tang Hao, this is not a joke, because his heart is extremely firm, since he came to this town and spied the secrets of the whole town, then he has to make some efforts for this. .

That is, what to do for this town, and how to give a good lesson to those who deliberately attacked the town. This is the most consistent thing.

Hearing Tang Hao's words suddenly, the old man was stunned, and his eyes were filled with disbelief.

As everyone knows, Tang Hao nodded lightly, and already gave the most affirmative answer.

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