The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 36 Full of Deterrence (Part 1)

Hearing Lin Rucheng's words, Tang Hao sighed softly. Obviously, Lin Rucheng's own strength is quite powerful, but unfortunately, he has already completely lost his mind because of his inner desire, precisely because of this. For one reason, he used all his strength from the very beginning.

This is tantamount to letting the enemy know where his bottom line is, so he can make a corresponding judgment. If it is some shrewd enemies, they will directly choose to avoid Lin Rucheng's attack.

Because in the short time after that, Lin Rucheng could no longer accumulate spiritual energy, which was full of bad news for their entire Shengguang faction.

"Your name should be Lin Rucheng, then you know what a serious mistake you just let go of. I hope your elders can make it up for you!"5

As he spoke, Tang Hao took a deep breath, and now the aura in his whole body has changed dramatically, and in that instant, a lot of spiritual energy appeared in Tang Hao's hands. .

In the face of the Shuanglong attack that came directly from the opponent, Tang Hao exerted force on his wrist, driving the cabe to wave his arms directly forward, and he even changed the direction of Lin Rucheng's attack out of thin air. If you want to hit Tang Hao again, it is impossible.

But the formidable power it possesses is also quite powerful, because it has already hit a remote area in the distance, and it has directly shattered a huge stone.

The other Holy Light Sect disciples who didn't understand what had happened were all stunned.

Compared with them, the first elder among them can know.

"This is not good, we have to go out immediately and send Lin Rucheng back, or she will definitely be defeated by that stinky guy, he is one of our most talented disciples!"

One of the elders immediately realized the seriousness of the situation, he didn't dare to hesitate, and after he finished speaking, he rushed in the other direction.

The other elders didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and they rushed over to where Lin Rucheng was now. During this process, they were so worried that Tang Hao would attack suddenly, because it was extremely dangerous. It may mean that it is simply too late in time.

Fortunately, Tang Hao had no such plans at all, because he really wanted to know what kind of strength the five Holy Light Sect elders would show when they joined forces.

"Since you have all come here, then show your strengths, because my heart is quite curious!"

His eyes were completely locked on them, and Tang Hao said loudly.

For him, his own strength has already reached the peak state, so to face the attack of five elders with one person's strength, as long as the strength of those elders is not too powerful, then it will not appear. What an accident.

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