The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 40 Another Decision (Part 1)

To the doubts raised by the old man in front of him, Tang Hao didn't intend to answer at all, or he knew what the answer would be and what the result would be.

All he needs to do now is to fully show his own way, and through such a way, he can well shock everyone present.

Suddenly, the aura of Tang Hao's whole body changed drastically, and his eyes looked around everyone present, and his eyes were full of anger.

The people around, they didn't know what was going on behind the scenes to suddenly make Tang Hao change his mind and become so angry, but they all had the same action, that is, they went backwards several times. They took a step forward, because in their hearts they felt that once Tang Hao suddenly attacked them, they would not be able to make any effective counterattacks at such a close distance.

"I helped you keep the whole town, you don't ask so much, I tell you, I can destroy your whole town anytime, anywhere! 39

Now Tang Hao and his domineering say all this in front of him, and for him, his own strength has really reached that level.

Once a person's strength is high and he has reached a lot of realms, that is that the other party can't make up for it in the performance. Facing such a huge gap, there is no way for all the people in the mysterious town to escape. passed.

Then the possible result behind it has become quite clear, that is, for Tang Hao, there will be no big surprises.

"Tang Hao, don't be so angry, we were just joking, and I will strictly follow what you just said! 35

In the face of Tang Hao who suddenly became very angry, the old man could only make concessions. That is indeed what Tang Hao said, that is, Tang Hao had already helped them a lot before landing on the ship, then Nor can they make more unreasonable demands.

This is completely beyond Tang Hao's bottom line, and it is what he would not want to see at all. Hearing the old man's words of apology, Tang Hao did not intend to make any response. He walked in the direction he was in.

Because now Tang Hao has a new direction, that is, he is also quite curious, what kind of existence the Daxia Dynasty is, it can make those people of the Holy Light Sect so afraid.

And according to what the elders of the Saint 007 Light Sect said, there must be all kinds of powerful characters in the Great Xia Dynasty.

Soon Tang Hao had returned to his room, and after finishing everything, he walked towards the old man's room.

But he never thought that he was actually blocked by other people at the door.

"Our leader is now discussing some very important matters with other people. You, as the ten thousand people in our city, can't go in at all!"

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