The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 43 Going to the Great Xia Dynasty (2)

He will definitely rely on his own strength to do whatever he wants. This is something that Tang Hao will not accept at all, and it is also one of the reasons why he chooses to wait patiently now.

"Tang Hao is indeed the case, but now I also realize what my problem is, which is exactly what you just said happened on a psychological level!

Liu Deman didn't dare to choose to hide anything, because the possible results of all this would be quite bad.

Because the distance is very close, Tang Hao can probably judge that everything the other party said just now is basically saying these words, which means that he has passed the first test.

It's a pity that Tang Hao only allowed the other party to follow him. Whether he really taught him some more important cultivation methods, he would have to pass other tests before making a judgment.

"If this is the case, then you can follow me directly now, but the guarantee of your life must be determined by yourself, I will not help you, and you also know what you will encounter on the way, not Dangerous to know!

Now what Tang Hao mentioned is not a lie, because going to the Great Xia Dynasty is a place full of unknowns, so what kind of danger will appear in the process, they must face it now.

Hearing what Tang Hao said just now, Liu Deman's heart was full of excitement, because he could hear the meaning behind the words clearly, which means that Tang Hao was already willing to take him.

In the next process, the two continued to walk forward, time passed quickly, and they soon came in to the resting place.

The most important thing now is to find one of the teahouses to fill your stomach.

"Tang Hao, aren't you hungry? Why do you still have the strength to keep walking? I can't walk anymore!"

Since Liu Deman has lived in a greenhouse since he was a child, as long as he needs, he can directly ask others to get it, but now his environment is directly in the suburbs, and there are no people he can get help. (cabf)

And what he needs to fulfill is precisely his talent. As long as he has his own strength and the breakthrough he can achieve, the people around him will continue to listen to his words. Unfortunately, this has already affected Liu Deman's psychological quality. There is a big deviation.

Then Liu Deman wants to achieve a higher strength breakthrough, it is a matter that needs to be considered, because every time he reaches the limit, he faces extremely difficult difficulties.

"If you're hungry, you can just find something to eat, but now you have to continue on your way, because there are no inns around!"

Tang Hao also just cut it off and expressed his inner thoughts, which is exactly what he said, that is, even if they want to fill their stomachs, it is impossible to accomplish.

Suddenly, in the various environments around, there were some ticking sounds, it was obvious that some people were carrying out some special exchanges.

But even so, only Tang Hao found out, because Liu Deman completely put his mind on how to find food.

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