The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 46 The True Ability (Part 1)

Those security personnel quickly surrounded Tang Hao and Liu Deman's location, and each of them had various serious expressions on their faces.

In fact, the meaning of doing this is to show all the momentum on the body. Through such a method, they can well convince the other party.

Sure enough, they have already found one of the quite hidden locations, where there are buy, or other security personnel, as long as it is Tang Hao and Liu Deman, they are now suddenly attacking those security personnel, then wait until they can gain an advantage. Under such circumstances, the team in the burial was like a sudden attack and caught them off guard.

But all this is just the fantasy 007 in the hearts of those security personnel. Whether it can really happen is still unknown.

"Have you really caught up with us this time? The reason why you are so serious now just shows that there are really weird things in this compound!"

Now Tang Hao will not back down on this matter, because he and Liu Deman have worked so hard to come here.

Then the first thing to be done now is actually very simple, that is (cabf) find one of the opportunities to rush in and sit in the courtyard directly, maybe the hidden situation in it, you can get a complete past. The Tang Hao type fund made corresponding plans, but he didn't understand what Liu Deman was thinking now, so he gently patted the opponent's shoulder with his hand before starting.

After realizing Tang Hao's actions, Liu Deman gave a positive answer. They also encountered quite a few things along the way. Now they have a certain tacit understanding.

"Since that's the case, then let's have a good fight! And we must go before, because those strange men in the compound are likely to face an extreme danger now! 35

Now what Tang Hao is saying is not a lie, because there is a strange old man in the courtyard. He will perform alchemy on those men, and sacrifice the lives of countless men for a single medicinal pill. This is really true It's too hurtful.

It is precisely because of this that Tang Hao and Liu Deman will continue to face the obstruction of these security personnel, and they will also be rude to complete it.

In the next period of time, Tang Hao will soon be fighting with those security guards. If they have used it themselves, they must be able to cultivate and have strength. If they are facing ordinary people, they may still have There are a few advantages, but now in front of them is precisely Tang Hao Tang Hao's own strength, which is something they can't imagine in any way.

Just got in touch, Tang Hao has already returned a fist in the force through this application, a security guard directly in front of him, and the security guard, along with his companions, are in the process of going backwards. repelled.

"Who is this guy? How can he have such a powerful power? We must notify the old man as soon as possible, and there must be no episodes!"

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