The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 48 The special medicine pill is useless (2)

It can be said that now Tang Hao is very clear about what he needs to accomplish, he thought in his heart.

But the old man was still immersed in the attack that Tang Hao launched on him just now. Now he has understood that he must make a good resistance. He can only choose a quick shot, a fist that hits forward, and intends to tighten it. Then release all the spiritual energy hidden in the body, only in this way can you protect yourself well.

But the enemy he is facing now is Tang Hao. Although he was the first to punch out, Tang Hao's own attack power is also quite fast. kicked out.

"That guy, it's very likely that you will. My whole plan has been destroyed, but if he even wants to find out those strange men, it's not an easy task!"

After the old man had personally experienced all this, he no longer dared to underestimate Tang Hao. His eyes no longer looked down on him, but instead were filled with awe, because of the one he was facing now. It is life-threatening. Once something bad happens, what will be the result, but he has no way to predict it.

In the following period of time, Tang Hao did not make some continuous attacks because the old man was injured. On the contrary, he went straight to the room where the old man came out just now. He felt the past and could see it immediately. There are many men in front of him.

And because of some problems with the time, those men have already woken up now.

"Don't kill me, we are all people who were caught here! You can also hear your conversation outside, you have to save us!"

One of the men, he had clearly woken up (cabf), and shouted for help, and now for him, Tang Hao's sudden appearance was like a life-saving straw, otherwise they would have been I have lost hope in life.

Since there are all kinds of complicated steps in the alchemy of living people that the old man wants to carry out, it means that it is necessary to ensure that those strange men are in the purest state, and the elixirs refined in this way are the most pure. successful.

Precisely because of such a situation, although the old man had already gathered enough men, he did not act immediately.

"You all can rest assured. You each have a look at whether the number is correct, and whether some men have been killed by that strange man. If there is, he will pay the price of his life!"

Tang Hao looked at them and said actively, for Tang Hao, he really needs a good answer now, because it will depend on how he will treat the old man who is still outside the room.

But it was at this time that the old man had already reacted, he had already entered the room, and stared at Tang Hao seriously, and the aura of his whole body had changed unexpectedly.

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