The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 53 The Rhythm of Spiritual Qi

Tang Hao is just expressing his own way now, because he did not want to get Liu Deman's approval at all, and soon Tang Hao squatted directly on the ground, he attached all the aura that he had accumulated on the ground to the ground, Soon some small marks were left on it.

This is actually the rhythm of aura. He can always pay attention to whether there are other connections around him, which means that once the guy really returns here, the aura released by him will produce some specific In this way, it may be possible to know that he is back.

But for Liu Deman, all this is full of all kinds of mysteries, and he was stunned when he witnessed Tang Hao complete all 20 in a short period of time.

"Tang Hao, what kind of tactics did you just use? My head never told me all this!"

He really couldn't hold back his inner curiosity, or Liu Deman also has a very strong heart for the pursuit of progress, so that's why he took the initiative to ask Tang Hao at the first time.

Hearing the question raised by Liu Deman, Tang Hao didn't intend to answer it at all. It wasn't that he deliberately wanted to hide some of the most powerful moves. Strength, even if he understands the method, he is still unable to implement the opposite, which will have a certain impact on his future cultivation path.

Because everyone's cultivation path is a long one, and whoever can persevere and carry out all these things down-to-earth, then the cultivation realm and strength that he can achieve will be even more powerful.

"Liu Deman, now you haven't reached that level at all. If you want to know, you can go back and ask your head, but I believe his answer will be the same as mine!"

Obviously, this is already a meaningful speech for Tang Hao, and he hopes that Liu Deman can understand everything.

But Liu Deman didn't understand what was going on at the beginning, and then he quickly thought about it in his mind, but found that it was very likely that Tang Hao was deliberately deceiving him, because he followed the palm of his hand. The door has been around for such a long time, and I have never seen the leader use such a teaching method.

"Tang Hao, you clearly know that I can't return to the Zhongmen faction so quickly now, and you even deliberately humiliated me with such rhetoric, do you think you are really powerful?

Obviously, the current Liu Deman, he simply could not endure what happened in front of him. You must know that in the Zhongmen 023 faction, he is a real fellow who every disciple must go to. Now in front of Tang Hao, he must show a respectful face to others. This is something he has never encountered before. passed.

It is precisely because of this that some unbalanced states appear in his heart, which have been accumulated for a long time. The current problem is just a fuse, which has completely ignited some of the problems behind it.

Now Tang Hao can see all of Liu Deman's facial expressions, he can know that the other party is simply angry, and this has accumulated for a long time.

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