The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 55 The Only Way To Get A Breakthrough (Part 2)

Yao Xiu said loudly, and there are all kinds of arrogance and arrogance. It turns out that now in his heart, he can know that some of Tang Hao's basic moves are not available through the party with Tang Hao just now. any fixed form.

It just confirms what Liu Deman said before, that Tang Hao is nothing but self-study, just like my current strength, but there may be some flaws in it.

If you can really find out all those broken accounts, then the demon cultivator will be able to deal with the other party without hesitation, which is obviously quite good news.

20 After hearing what Yao Xiu said, Tang Hao and Tang Hao didn't plan to pay any attention, because he can clearly know that he must show all his strength now, this is the safest solution.

Between the lightning and flint, Tang Hao took a deep breath. The accumulated spiritual energy in his whole body has changed a lot, and the amount is extremely terrifying.

"Come on, let me end it all! You will not be my opponent at all, because according to my judgment, it is impossible for you to gain any further improvement in strength!"

Tang Hao walked towards the location of the demon cultivator while he was talking. All he needs to do now is to kill the enemy with one hit. Only through such a method can he be very good. What exactly are some of the underlying situations that are hidden.

For Tang Hao, he is a person who keeps his word, so there are not too many accidents at this moment. Soon Tang Hao has succeeded before coming down through the sudden outbreak of fighting power. hit the demon repair.

And the power of the fist hit is huge, and it knocked the demon cultivator out of the sky at once.

"How is this possible? Could it be that Tang Hao was deliberately hiding his strength just now, otherwise how could his strength suddenly gain such a big improvement?"

For Liu Deman, he now has a series of questions in his heart. He always feels that there are always all kinds of mysteries in Tang Hao, but unfortunately he can't solve them all well. Pretty sad thing.

But at the same time, in Yao Xiu's heart, he felt that Tang Hao was not an ordinary person at all. He might be this one, the guy that Yao Xiu had to avoid. Tang Hao's strength is really quite powerful, even if the demon cultivator possesses some of the darkest 040 cultivation methods, he can only avoid it from a distance.

"Don't come here, you bastard, or I will kill Liu Deman directly!"

Soon, Yao Xiu Jiujin directly grabbed Liu Deman. Because Yao Xiu had made a series of actions to Liu Deman before that, he had already locked some special positions on his body.

Under such circumstances, even though Liu Deman had a certain consciousness, he could not make any act of resistance at all, and could only be at the mercy of others.

Now he looked at Tang Hao's eyes, but instead he was begging.

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