The Fully Automatic System in Fantasy

Chapter 58 Breaking into the Holy Land? (Part 1)

Now that some of the special cases have been discovered, we just need to be direct, and all the problems of relativity hidden behind them can be solved. That's fine.

The reason why Tang Hao suddenly accumulated the corresponding aura is precisely to discuss the secrets buried under the ground.

But before Tang Hao made a corresponding action, he was immediately rejected by a large group of people, and each of them was extremely angry.

"Who are you, you guy? Why did you suddenly appear in our holy place?

"Just leave when you're 20, or we'll kill you if we start!"

Those of them said one after another, and everyone's life is almost the same, that is, Tang Hao must leave here quickly, no matter what the hidden situation is.

But Tang Hao could realize through the series of words they just said that there must be some special circumstances.

Because if it is really according to what they say, this is a holy place, then there will be no surrounding, there are no protection measures like now, so it is very likely to explain that one of the places is the one that appeared in front of them. Strangers are just fakes.

"Just tell me what the name of this holy place is. If you can't tell it, there is something tricky about it!"

Tang Hao doesn't plan to make any concessions on this matter, so in a short time, he has already raised a question of distance.

And after finishing this related series, Tang Hao has directly focused on it, sitting on the front of the person, and he found some special situations.

That is, they couldn't make an extremely pure answer in a short period of time, which probably meant that they were just lying, just as Tang Hao had expected.

Maybe some of them can also realize the embarrassment, but they didn't choose to step back at all. On the contrary, they were directly angry.

"You don't care what the name of our holy place is. We are proposing an order now, and you have to execute it. If you don't execute it, we will directly take action against Da Da. You already know what the consequences will be!"

One of the tall men, he said resolutely, he said that because of this confidence, it is precisely because he has an advantage over his own number of 040.

But in fact, what he didn't want to see at all was that Tang Hao's strength had already far surpassed everyone in the room, which meant that even if he had a certain advantage in the number of people, it was impossible to surpass him. Such a huge gap.

The surrounding men followed suit, because they all knew that this was a good solution. It turned out that they, like Tang Hao, had already discovered some special situations hidden under this piece of land. Their experience is likely to have a spiritual stone full of various auras underneath.

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